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Everything posted by tmonkey

  1. 17 mins in and Cardiff genuinely look like a Championship side. They've been awful.
  2. Nasri being a petulant cunt. You're shit, you cunt.
  3. What's Lahm doing in central midfield?
  4. Needs a season in the Championship imo.
  5. tmonkey

    Alan Pardew

    Pardew's thinking will be along the lines of the first half was clearly down to Ben Arfa not tracking back and Williamson not starting.
  6. tmonkey

    Alan Pardew

    Too much cheap foreign tat, not enough British spirit. Absolutely no balance in that area. I'd argue the following: 1) If anything, we need a foreign (or foreign based) manager, as opposed to constantly appointing mediocre British managers. In 20 years or so in the Premiership, we've appointed only one manager from abroad, Sir Bobby, and he was an Englishman and boyhood fan of this club ffs, on top of being a recognised world class manager. The only foreign national - Gullitt - was an ex-Chelsea manager and therefore recruited from within these shores. Why are we so insular in looking for the right person to lead this club? Search the globe for the right man irrespective of nationality, not just these shores. It's the root cause of why we've never amounted to much despite our resources - we've had owners incapable of seeing beyond the ends of their noses when appointing managers. 2) We had expensive British talent when we were last relegated. Barton, Nolan (2 of the 3 mentioned by Dave), Butt, Smith, Owen, Duff (counts as domestic), Raylor, Saylor, Guthrie - some of the biggest contributors to our relegation at the time, players on massive salaries who let us down just as much, if not more, than other "foreign mercenaries". I'd like to see more British talent in the team, but the key isn't to bring in more British players for the sake of it - we need more quality players fullstop. Though I'd harbor a guess that this squad of players would look infinitely better under a good manager. 3) Confidence is 10x more important than "professional pride" imo. E.g. players under Allardyce in the months leading to his dismissal (horrible football, individuals unable to do basics like pass or control a ball, couldn't see where goals were coming from, etc) compared to exact same group under Keegan a few months later when he had instilled some confidence and got them playing decent football again.
  7. Here's what I expect to see based on form: - Everton play with lots of movement and some form of intricate passing, creating good quality chances using team moves. - NUFC to pass it around aimlessly with zero intention to create whilst the team as a whole is static, then every 15 seconds we're on the ball we put it into the "danger zone" aimed at Cisse/Remy without any hope of them getting to the ball. Everton take an early lead and we surrender the game meekly. Pardew makes some desperate, random substitutions that has defenders up front and/or strikers in midfield. Here's what I'm hoping to see based on the best we can do under Pardew: - Everton to outplay us for large periods of both halves but completely waste their chances. - NUFC 1st Half: Ben Arfa, Remy, whoever, to have a cracking game, carrying our team, the horrendous lack of quality passing and movement is plastered over by some decent counter-attacking play, we score a goal or two and completely silence the home crowd, the players boosted by the confidence of being in the lead forget Pardew's instructions of "just get it in 'da fackin danga zone lads", relax, and start to play some alright football, although Cabaye is losing a shitload of possession with his first-time balls sprayed sloppily everywhere. - 2nd Half: We come out absolutely s*** scared of the ball, everyone told to stick to position, hold on for our dear lives and hoof it for 15-20 minutes. Everton dominate but fail to score a goal, then eventually slip into playing as s*** as us. After that time the players settle, forget Pardew's half time speech and instructions, and the team starts playing alright again, possibly adding another goal.
  8. Should've smashed the ball into Turtle Skurtle's head alot harder.
  9. Tomas Brolin. Chubbiest player in Premiership history? All those Yorkshire puds. Was great for Sweden, and he must have had some thick skin to live with the abuse he was getting at the time, so deserves respect.
  10. Is this a bug or a benefit of the transfer mechanism? Had Remy in my starting lineup with RvP on the bench up until the Friday night before Gameweek 5, but then had a weak moment and put RvP back in the lineup with Remy on the bench (on the Friday), and changes were accepted fine. So Remy annoyingly gets 2 goals, zero points for me as he's on the bench, and RvP does sod all - typical. But then on Sunday I transferred Van Persie out of the team for Suarez for Gameweek 6, and somehow Remy was automatically in the first team for Gameweek 5 and his 13 points were added to my team's points haul (RvP now on the bench for Gameweek 5). Not complaining like, but don't think it's right or fair that you can effectively sub out an under performer in the first team for a good performer on the bench like this.
  11. tmonkey

    Papiss Cissé

    Played like he was as high as a kite.
  12. tmonkey

    Papiss Cissé

    It was hyperbole He just needs to concentrate more.
  13. tmonkey

    Papiss Cissé

    This pothead needs to put the pipe down and score a goal or two. Nothing against potheads, but if he's high all the time it'll dull his reactions and ability to think which isn't great for us, and being high would explain why he's playing like a complete fairy at the moment, tries ridiculous layoffs/passes, and is constantly 5 yards offside whenever a ball is kicked - the guy doesn't know what's going on around him. If we can get him scoring again we'll be laughing all the way to a top half finish if Pardew sticks with the attacking trio for as long as they're fit (and with Gouffran waiting on the bench). As bad as Cisse has been, as frustratingly weak and pathetic in general play as he's been, he's still someone with natural shooting ability/technique that could easily have him bagging a goal a game again if he just gets his s*** together. Even last year there were flashes of the 11/12 Cisse. Unfortunately for him he clearly doesn't have much time to turn things around (and rightly so).
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