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Everything posted by Elma

  1. Elma

    Jamaal Lascelles

    I lived in Istanbul for 3.5 years and Beşiktaş are my team there. I think he'd do quite well personally.
  2. Used to follow them in the early days when I was on Twitter. Someone replied to them mildly disagreeing with something they had written and they launched an attack on them. Unfollowed them at that point. Told them what I thought and they justified it with something like, "the account was being managed by someone in the US at that point and they didn't agree with the response so had removed it". Bizarre. I dropped off Twitter for good when Musk took it over and don't miss interacting with accounts like that.
  3. Elma

    Lewis Hall

    Had a feeling Venison was a Mackem initially as he went there first, but you could tell in the way he played and celebrated that he was very much black and white in the shirt.
  4. Elma

    Lewis Hall

    The night we beat Oldham 3-1 away in late 1993 (think that was the game where we first got tagged 'The Entertainers'), we had an entire English team, with four definite Newcastle fans (Robbie Elliott, Steve Watson, Lee Clark and Peter Beardsley), and another two from the area (uncertain allegiance) in Barry Venison and Kevin Scott. I always considered Venison (Consett) and Scott (Easington) as Newcastle fans but not sure if it was ever declared? Someone on here will know. If it's classed as six then I think that's the closest we ever got to Sir John Hall's "Team full of Geordies" in the Premier League era.
  5. Just showing my age. Obscure UK cultural reference from 1971. ?
  6. When I lived there I couldn't access any without a VPN. Wikipedia was blocked too, although I think that's open now.
  7. Elma

    Lewis Hall

    I've been 49 for around 48 hours now. Feels no different to 48 if I'm being honest. If you were born in Princess Mary's, apologies for the state in which I left the cot.
  8. Elma

    Alexander Isak

    I did the Barracks for Fulham last year. Booked around October no problem. Last week I looked to do it again for a match in the new year but there were only singles left for four games, Bournemouth, Wolves, Everton and Sheff Utd. After that you're looking at the next level up, The Park Grill, which is £310. I think they add VAT to that too.
  9. Not directly answering your question here but just to say Tony Green is a great bloke. My brother reached out to him to sign a card for my dad's birthday last month (the card was an old photo of my dad and Tony from back in the 70s), and Tony insisted on calling him on the day too to wish him a happy birthday. Made my dad's day.
  10. Elma

    Alexander Isak

    Was thinking at the weekend that if we sold Bruno now I probably wouldn't bat an eyelid (like the Cole sale at the time). Not that he was poor at the weekend (he wasn't) but he's not quite at the level he was when he first came, or at the beginning of last season. Maybe it's just that the midfield is so strong now he doesn't stand out so much? If the club couldn't come to an agreement on his extension, or if he decided he wanted to move, then I have utter confidence that we'd take the huge sum that would come with his sale and buy someone as good for no more than about two thirds of the fee received. I'm not sure we'd sell Isak or Joe at the moment though, and Tonali has just arrived. Whatever happens though I trust those running the club to turn it into a positive.
  11. Elma

    Tino Livramento

    They still don't have a profile photo for Gordon on the 1st team squad page - he's only been here six months.
  12. Sure I read that where technically possible, that the clock will continue to tick past 90 minutes at grounds this season as part of the new directive. I wasn't there at the weekend - anyone notice whether that was implemented yet?
  13. They said on commentary three games so out of the tournament, which would be the expected punishment for violent conduct.
  14. You say that and we have been shit, but we've also had the best chances second half. Lascelles, Parkinson x2 and Anderson aside from his two goals. Wilson off the bar with a half chance too.
  15. Elma

    Lewis Miley

    He's got form for that.
  16. Elma

    Yankuba Minteh

    Where's that from? They are the team I follow in Scotland so would love that.
  17. Which, if true, would say a lot about him. Maybe perhaps it's because he was (possibly along with Wilson) the main man under Bruce. Nowt else was happening anywhere on the pitch and he was given licence to get on the ball and attack. Now it's an organised team game under Howe, with absolutely no passengers, and he's not the star man anymore.
  18. Is that yellow top in the dressing room in the Tonali reveal photos the new home keeper top? Haven't been on here for a while so apologies if this has been commented on already.
  19. That's always been my preference anyway. Reminds me a bit of this classic:
  20. I went Schar. Best season for us by a mile. Botman wasn't far behind mind bearing in mind his age and first season in a new league. Could just as easily have picked Joelinton, Trippier, Longstaff, Almiron or Wilson.
  21. You can never rule out Liverpool going to Southampton and scoring five or six if needed, so if we lose on Saturday there's a fair chance it's going to final day and the stress that brings. A point means we can still finish it at home before then. A win means we're nearly there as I'd fancy us for a win and a point from the two home games, and although I don't want to go to the final day we'd also have that for insurance. Still hoping that Villa can do us a favour at Anfield and reduce the points required.
  22. Maybe not hate but I'd had a dislike of him for some years before he was appointed manager for the way he'd treated Palace amongst others - and he then did the same to Sheff Weds when he came here. I know he supports Man U more than us - that and the fact and he was at Sunderland doesn't bother me at all. If he would just stop going on about how he's such a big fan of his hometown club, keep his head down, and get results I'd tolerate him. However, after spending around £100 million more than Rafa ever had without taking us forward (points wise) and actually taking us backwards in terms of tactics and organisation, he's not managed to sway me. All fans are fickle and I'd probably have put up with him if performances had been decent, but no… In the context of the Premier League (not Ashley) it was a bizarre appointment. We were the only top flight club who would have considered letting Rafa walk away and thought it was reasonable to replace him with Steve Bruce. With seven wins in thirty-four league games, two of which were against already relegated sides, he's done himself no favours at all.
  23. I wanted us to go for Rodgers when it was obvious Rafa wasn't going to stay, but by the time he'd gone Rodgers was at Leicester. I'm not sure he'll jump ship but I'd be very happy if we got him. I'd be OK with Martinez as well - we've maybe got a better chance with him as I've a feeling he'd want to return to club football and the Premier League specifically.
  24. Not been on here for a while. Just came back on to see the reaction to the takeover. With the Graeme Jones connection I could see them having a word with the Belgian FA about bringing Martinez in. Knows the league and plays an attractive style of football. Nice to be realistically speculating about Bruce replacements anyway. Thought we were stuck with him and Ashley for years to come.
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