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Everything posted by lovejoy

  1. got quite emotional in his interview with sky. i havnt liked a manager this much since bobby, in fact, he's only the third manager in my lifetime (28 years) who I have liked. what a top bloke, who has done a top job. long may it (and he) continue.
  2. far, far to easy for him this league. never breaks sweat. played some great balls through tonight.
  3. proud. the fact we were written off before the season started means we should all be proud.
  4. back him. he's spent well so far IMO. he simply has to back his manager.
  5. lovejoy

    Nicky Butt

    hope he fucks off.
  6. sure he didnt used to be a twat? maybe im thinking of someone else? wasnt he the one who did the look north towel shot with clem?
  7. lovejoy

    Players in public

    there should be a smiley for 'bothered'.
  8. news broke that Shearer was coming in as manager. seems like longer than that to me.
  9. lovejoy

    Martin O'Neill

    sure he had spent about £35m. with a net of about £30m. agreed though, it was different then. £130m is a shit load of wedge however.
  10. lovejoy

    Martin O'Neill

    what did bobby spend when he propelled us to 4th?
  11. lovejoy

    Martin O'Neill

    2nd highest net spend over the time hes been there only man city beats him fuck me. puts it into perspective really.
  12. bobby robson confirms in his book he was going for van bommell but kieron dyer convonced him to sign nicky butt.
  13. lovejoy

    Martin O'Neill

    has he really spent £130m?? didnt realise he had spent that much.
  14. £10m-£15m would be my guess.
  15. you can clearly see he loves the job. his celebrations are great to see. doing a cracking job to boot, the team has a very good balance about it for the first time in a good while. top man.
  16. does rooney already have a caution for assault and is he up soon for glassing someone ? so are we basing this punishemnt on what has gone on previously, both incidents which took place outside of the club? or on this alone? we are basing it on the way we would if he were anyone else. if it were jimmy down the street and he's found to be the aggressorof this latest incident you'd be screaming for him to be put away for at least a year. its not anybody else though is it? i fail to see why anybody tries to relate this to normal work. it isn't. im not saying that is right by any means, but thats the way it is.
  17. does rooney already have a caution for assault and is he up soon for glassing someone ? so are we basing this punishemnt on what has gone on previously, both incidents which took place outside of the club? or on this alone?
  18. so................wayne rooney twats jonny evans and breaks his jaw. what does Fergie do?
  19. lovejoy

    Martin O'Neill

    Brummie has been quite crtical of him in the past iirc. reckons the fans have been ready to pounce for a while, he seemed to think MON would go earlier in the season. bizarre positioning of players etc seems ot be the main reason, and also a lack of a plan b.
  20. my mind will change on this if Taylor is forced to leave because of it. I was quite happy to ignore it if it had been sorted out in house, but Taylor having to leave will be nothing short of disgracefull. I'm not for banning/selling players for incidents like this if they can be sorted out in house and it be the end of the matter, football itself has no morals and it would simply mean another team benefiited from our stance a la bellamy, we have been in decline since we sold him and he has gone on to bigger and better things, and to be a better player. I see no benefit in that for nufc, at all. this doesn't mean it's correct, it's just the way the game is. Taylor being forced to leave though (if true) puts a very different spin on things.
  21. fantastic. my uncle went down with them. he'll be delighted. they'll turn them over at hillheads.
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