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Everything posted by lovejoy

  1. lovejoy

    Players in public

    wayne rooney and his other half in the lowry hotel, manchester last night. he looked nervous and uncomfortable as usual.
  2. .com are not happy! Old boy sighted: Peru must be joking! While Newcastle continue to be frustrated in their transfer efforts, a new face has been spotted around the United training ground in recent days -with his trumpet... At the age of 35, free agent Nolberto Solano has returned to Tyneside while he searches for a new club, having ended a trial spell with League One Colchester. There's no confirmation from United whether they have any interest in signing the Peruvian for what would be a third stint in a Newcastle shirt, but it would be just the sort of cheap stunt that would appeal to the clowns currently controlling our destiny.
  3. lovejoy

    Kevin Kuranyi

    .com reckon he isnt coming because of excessive wage demands aye, i'm sure thats the reason! http://www.nufc.com/2009-10html/2010-01robrum.html
  4. lovejoy

    John Carver

    going to burnley with brian laws apparently.
  5. always find it amazing when chairman go away during the window. they could theoretically pick any other fucking time in the year to go.
  6. been waiting for him to do it since he arrived, and he hasnt yet, it wont change now imo.
  7. oh right..... your nostradamus now. they're both f***ing opinions man, and they're both yours.
  8. but you also say beckfrod would get 10 between now and may. make your mind up man.
  9. as long as he scpores a few though, thats ok isnt it? harewood got anihilated, but scored a few, and you want us to buy him? As opposed to Beckford, yeah I do. Missed the point again. Harewood got anihilated for being a generally poor player on the ball and not seeming to put the effort in, Beckford is exactly the same. you're missing the point. you describe becnford to be the same as harewood, yet harewood is a 31 year old on his way down and beckford is a 26 year old on his way up. why on earth would you rather sign harewood?
  10. as long as he scpores a few though, thats ok isnt it? harewood got anihilated, but scored a few, and you want us to buy him?
  11. you base 99% of your debates on what may be man. preiciting who would or wouldnt succeed in this leage/the prem, and how many they would get. 'beckford is a 10 goal a season man in prem' for example. That's an opinion, without evidence we defer to them. In this case we have solid evidence that one player will give us what need, and no evidence whatsoever for the other. i'd rather pay the rumoured £2m up front for the 26 year old michael chopra than £1.5m for the 31 year old harewood. or pay out for beckford. harewood was f***ing crap man.
  12. you base 99% of your debates on what may be man. preiciting who would or wouldnt succeed in this leage/the prem, and how many they would get. 'beckford is a 10 goal a season man in prem' for example.
  13. pointless also. fryatt > boyd boyd > fryatt who cares?
  14. beckford hasn't proved that though, chopra has. he is on a hurrendous drought however.
  15. call me crazy, but i reckon i'd take chopra for £2m over beckford.
  16. That was 9 years ago ffs.Lethal finisher in his day with electric pace..but now he's s****,too many injuries have f***ed him...it was always going to be the case once his turn of pace went,he'd be s****,as unlike Shearer, his general play was always substandard. yes now i agree,but the facts are he is one of the best england have ever produced doesnt mean he should go to this world cup though does it?
  17. 100% As for this thread, hopefully the horror of relegation has wiped all twattery from our squad(excluding Barton & Caroolll) and we start doing things right agreed. whatever people say about shearer as manager, i do believe he was hell bent on correcting the deep issues that we have behind the scenes/
  18. The plain and simple fact though is that he wasn't good enough when he was here. How he's doing now is irrelevant. If it was just our fans who thought he was s****, why was he on the dole for 18 months? he was only on the rock and roll for about 6 months, not that it matters like
  19. listening to talksport this morning, they were lsiting stephen carr as the best right back in the league at the minute. whilst i dont agree, at all, it still shows the leap in form he has taken since leaving us, we, as fans, hated the b******. (they are actually talking about him now on soccer saturday as I type this). so, what goes on at our club that makes these players play so badly? then, when they leave, they have a lnew ease of life? you could say the same about: bramble bowyer duff parker to name a few. what the f*** is it about our club?
  20. lovejoy

    Players in public

    Vieira and mancini in Manc today at the lowry hotel.
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