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Everything posted by lovejoy

  1. lovejoy

    Players in public

    must be a good ride your sister like.
  2. no reason whatsoever for this bump. as i say, no reason to bump it at all, no idea why i did, boredom i guess.
  3. lovejoy

    Sports Direct

    means fuck all to me. couldnt give a shite tbh. we, the fans will be calling it SJP, couldnt care less about anyone else tbh
  4. deal could be back on for skjalbred (spelling) and leon cort according to the chron.
  5. lovejoy

    Tamas Kadar

    Didn't notice him much tonight. Which is a good thing.
  6. lovejoy

    Jonas Gutierrez

    Offers nowt. I'd take roma's hand off for £6m. Problem is, he wouldn't be replaced, and as some have said, I'd rather have him in our team than anyone else in that position.
  7. lovejoy

    Players in public

    is his texting and drink stirring etiquette the reason you thought he came across as a dick?
  8. lovejoy

    Players in public

    what? Did they also say that he texts with a fork in his mouth and stirs his drink with his chopsticks? Must be a real habit if he's been doing it since school.
  9. In all seriousness, Campbell wouldn't come here to take a seat on the bench, and he isn't good enough to replace Coloccini or Taylor in the first Xl. i agree to an extent, but we have to look at injuries and the fact that collo may well fuck off in jan.
  10. would take him in a heartbeat. get him in
  11. hats off to wigan like. might have been a different story from them if he wasnt total shite though.
  12. Erm no thanks. Weve just sat back and said that too often whilst being screwed. Rather than a boycott though, I would rather see people causing f*** on inside the ground and not accepting the situation. good luck with that, lets see where it gets you/us. nowhere is the answer. remind me again what use the protests and chants have been so far? no use at all. get behind the f***ing team man, we have no choice. its a waste of breath chanting ashley out, he isnt f***ing going man. Erm no thanks. More important things now. are you foreign? whats with the 'erm's'? are you julio geordio? well good luck with your endeavours anyway. but i think your a fool. 'more important things' than getting behind the team? what a mug. I think you're the mug mate. Happy to be f***ed over. Fuckin idiot. I am far from happy, but i'm savvy enough to realise that causing 'f*** on' in the stadium will achive nothing but mid table mediocrity and our only hopes of promotion leaving in january. sadly, people like you are not. For me, theres more important things than promotion. Selling our soul for a faint hope of promotion. I would rather be a Forest or a Leeds with a soul than a Premier League Wigan or Bolton selling rights to everything and being nothing more than a product. f*** that. then that is where we disagree. i would take a couple of years naming rights over a leeds, any day of the week. each to their own though, you're more than entitled to your opinion.
  13. again skirge, total, and utter, waste of time. will be massively counter productive. put the energies behind the team man. the same mongs who kick off every week, and ultimately cause us to not go up, will kick off AGAIN because we didnt go up. its fucking madness man.
  14. Erm no thanks. Weve just sat back and said that too often whilst being screwed. Rather than a boycott though, I would rather see people causing f*** on inside the ground and not accepting the situation. good luck with that, lets see where it gets you/us. nowhere is the answer. remind me again what use the protests and chants have been so far? no use at all. get behind the f***ing team man, we have no choice. its a waste of breath chanting ashley out, he isnt f***ing going man. Erm no thanks. More important things now. are you foreign? whats with the 'erm's'? are you julio geordio? well good luck with your endeavours anyway. but i think your a fool. 'more important things' than getting behind the team? what a mug. I think you're the mug mate. Happy to be f***ed over. Fuckin idiot. I am far from happy, but i'm savvy enough to realise that causing 'fuck on' in the stadium will achive nothing but mid table mediocrity and our only hopes of promotion leaving in january. sadly, people like you are not.
  15. absoloutely spot on. thats all we can do. beware of JJ7 though, he wants to 'erm, cause fuck on in the stadium and erm, all that, because erm, theres erm, better things to do than support the erm, team'.
  16. Erm no thanks. Weve just sat back and said that too often whilst being screwed. Rather than a boycott though, I would rather see people causing f*** on inside the ground and not accepting the situation. good luck with that, lets see where it gets you/us. nowhere is the answer. remind me again what use the protests and chants have been so far? no use at all. get behind the f***ing team man, we have no choice. its a waste of breath chanting ashley out, he isnt f***ing going man. Erm no thanks. More important things now. are you foreign? whats with the 'erm's'? are you julio geordio? well good luck with your endeavours anyway. but i think your a fool. 'more important things' than getting behind the team? what a mug.
  17. The thing is, he's allegedly taken the club off the market because of £20 million that he was going to get at a later date then he's coughed up £20 million now, it doesn't add up. we may well find that moat didnt have the money to run the dam thing anyway. ashley will know he can make money via the naming rights, kit deal and sponsorship in the next 12 months, and if we go up, we will be a much, much more attarctive propostion. theres no more to it than that imo.
  18. Erm no thanks. Weve just sat back and said that too often whilst being screwed. Rather than a boycott though, I would rather see people causing f*** on inside the ground and not accepting the situation. good luck with that, lets see where it gets you/us. nowhere is the answer. remind me again what use the protests and chants have been so far? no use at all. get behind the fucking team man, we have no choice. its a waste of breath chanting ashley out, he isnt fucking going man.
  19. I would rather keep our history and dignity thanks. dignity? we lost it fucking years ago. and history? why does the history change over a temporary stadium name change? arsenal have seemed to do ok, and they arn't at highbury anymore. it means nowt what pundits and the media call it, we know it as sjp, and always will, thats all that matters to me.
  20. total and utter waste of time, will only catapult us into the media again, and for no reason, he isnt going anywhere. we'll be better served putting our energy into getting behind hughton and the team.
  21. we need to get behind this fella. he isnt at fault in any of this, and has us sat at the top of the league. lets get behind him in a big way, we're totaly fucked otherwise.
  22. the naming rights, coupled with the new kit deal and sponsorship deal, should put some serious cash into the club. where it gets spent is another matter obviously.
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