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Everything posted by lovejoy

  1. lovejoy

    Who is better?

    wenger. to (net) spend so little and do what he has done edge's out fergie imo
  2. souness was sacked before shearer's testimonial
  3. i remember after the opening day of the season, on the sunday supplement show, the wankers who slate us now cimed we were the only one's who were capable of breaking the top 4.
  4. carrol 'outstanding' thorughout apparently? confirmation? he could be in for a start on sat i reckon
  5. which category does that come under? funny? weird? dangerous or brilliant? you wild child you!
  6. lovejoy

    Today's other games

    Nothing alike. i'm not so much talking about style of play, more the way they are going on, havnt signed any superstars, just good steady players, with a good mixture of youth and experience, pace and a bit of flair, and are rattling up the league, shocking a few people, and sweeping good sides around them aside not too different if you ask me. i'll await your view though
  7. whats shearer got to do with it? it's neil lennon whoosh for me
  8. whats shearer got to do with it?
  9. thats more like it! i want more rumours like this!
  10. lovejoy

    Today's other games

    Aye, don't you just hate those c**ts. Bernie Slaven harping on every night, on the "legends" phone-in about us going down. He want's to have another look at the table because if we're in the relegation battle, they certainly are. 3 of their next 4 games are v Villa, Arsenal and Chelsea away. Hope to god they go down. They've got Spurs at the Lane and I think Man Utd after that too, and they've still got cup games to play. They're in just as much trouble as we are. aye, they've got some naughty fixtures coming up like. as have bolton
  11. lovejoy

    Today's other games

    everton are a very very good team now. remind me of us under bobby
  12. lovejoy

    Today's other games

    great strike. 7 more
  13. lovejoy

    Today's other games

    just another 8 needed from liverpool, and bolrtons G.D is as bad as ours. i reckon they'll dee it
  14. “I think he’s a good player – I know he’s a good player – and I like him,” said the United boss (below). “His training’s really good, his attitude is good. You can see he’s determined. “But the Premiership is a tough place to come and straight away make an impact in a side at 22 years of age. He’s still getting settled. “There’s so much to manage – the moving, the size of the club, the understanding of the area, family, weather . . . “At some clubs, these players are fetched in and you don’t see them for six months. At Newcastle they have to play. “I like him a lot. I think he’s got a lot going for him.” positive quotes from KK. www.icnetwork.co.uk
  15. i say sell him. i now he is young and is a 'prospect' and he loves the toon, gives his all etc etc. but he isn't cuting out his mistakes. mistakes which he makes week in week out. having said that, maybe a settled, experienced partner would bring him on very nicely, but im not convinced. reminds me of dawson at spuds, poor.
  16. anyone read the NOTW today? beye's comment is 'about time he settled in toon'. despite the fact he's settled very well since signing. enrique's comment 'spanish defenders have a habit of floppng here'
  17. im going to put a ton on, a la pearson. we're dead certs to stay up
  18. You got off lightly, it could have been wankstain. I would have gone with chumpstain, but I like wankstain... yes, it'll be wankstain from now on. deal
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