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Everything posted by lovejoy

  1. lovejoy


    nee bother. ask your mates how deco's medical is going
  2. 'believe' interesting. he cant be comfortable, especially as they didnt install him as manager in the first place.
  3. lovejoy


    p.s its lovejoy, not love joy. just so you know mate
  4. lovejoy


    the same bloke who told .com that deco is nailed on...and rivaldo. some source eh
  5. lovejoy


    to be fair i havnt read the full match report, i dont realy visit the site anymore
  6. lovejoy


    i can find things in past waffle. like that bramble bollocks they came out with. but then again, we all make mistakes
  7. lovejoy


    exactly. niall and biffa must get on the phone to their .com bum boys 'they are calling us names again....'
  8. lovejoy


    niall, is that you?
  9. lovejoy


    i made my feelings about them known a while ago, so i wont harp on again. to cut a long story short, they've been after him since the start
  10. Because BBC local radio and television is a primary media source for NUFC supporters. If he has a personal grievance against something the BBC said before he came to Newcastle then he should sort it independently through legal channels and not through a petty boycott of interviews, thereby denying information to those who pay his fat salary. Is it heck! You get just as much info from .co.uk and the frggin Ronny Gill as anywhere. Anyone who is bothered can buy a paper or log on to see what is being said. If some organisation had attempted to bring personal ruin to my career I think I wouldn't talk to them either. this
  11. i couldnt give a toss if he talks to them or not to be honest. although i do fucking hate pearsons interviews.
  12. could not agree more, cracking post. as i said in another thread, people seem to have forgotten how bad we were last year, since the takeover
  13. fuck me. and people wonder why we get laughed at. who would you bring in exactly? mourinho no doubt. along with puyol, ronaldinho and rooney.
  14. Hughes and Moyes immediately took their teams forward. Moyes had a couple yoyo years but he showed where he could take them. Hughes took a team of relegation battlers to a team fighting for europe. The team immediately looked better than what Souness had been offering for 16 odd months. We have decent enough players to play with a degree of competence. No shots on target ffs... looking like we could get beat 6 or 7 nil isn't acceptable at any period. you could argue that we have been taken forward, as we are further on than last year, and he hasnt exactly spent much money has he? £25m. how much has he brought in?? at least £12m so thats £13m. like i say, hardly megabucks
  15. Hughes and Moyes immediately took their teams forward. Moyes had a couple yoyo years but he showed where he could take them. Hughes took a team of relegation battlers to a team fighting for europe. The team immediately looked better than what Souness had been offering for 16 odd months. We have decent enough players to play with a degree of competence. No shots on target ffs... looking like we could get beat 6 or 7 nil isn't acceptable at any period. you could argue that we have been taken forward, as we are further on than last year, and he hasnt exactly spent much money has he? i think the takeover has deluded some people, and its all of a sudden as if we were great last year. if we hadnt have got that flukey win at sheff utd we would have been dragged into a relegation battle, we were fucking awful last season, lets not forget that. im not syaing we are a good side now, but its not as if we have dropped under allardyce now is it.
  16. http://www.nufc.premiumtv.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10278~1175120,00.html
  17. I agree with you, but, he's not helping himself. He lost the game yesterday with his s*** tactics and subs, and very nearly lost us the Sunderland game for the same reasons. He has to show something. i totally agree, and i think he will, but its going to be a lot harder if people are screaming abuse at him. i remeber liverpool fans didnt like rafa at all when he first came, they were all well pissed off with 'zonal marking'. a few cups later they seem to be ok. the bloke needs time, we've been ripped up from top to bottom and we are starting again, its almost like a new club. a win at blackburn next week will see this all calm down
  18. i reckon this time next year we will be saying 'remember hen we wanted rid of allardyce' he'll be a success here, it will just take time. if he goes, the blokes who will be tipped to get his job are those who are proving a success after a couple of years, hughes, moyes, jewell.
  19. i reckon the brum chairman makes more pr gaffe's than fat fred
  20. im pleased the jocks went out. they absoloutely hate us!
  21. your mental if you would rather play Ameobi up front than Smith i dont think he's that crazy......
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