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Everything posted by lovejoy

  1. lovejoy

    That c*** Oliver

    the oba comment is fucking ridiculous. he 'understood' yesterday that baines would jump at the chance to move here, yet today 'sources have climed' he is nailed on for an everton move? what a fool. it is perfectly clear that he has no link to nufc whatsoever no fat fred and mr rayner have left, and he is struggling like fuck.
  2. not sure mate, havnt read it just says that its £2.5m.
  3. http://www.pressdisplay.com/pressdisplay/viewer.aspx
  4. chron back page 'toon swoop for drago'
  5. lovejoy

    Kieron Dyer

    ashley sending out a message if you ask me. making an example of the deal. we're no one's mugs anymore, dont fuck with us!
  6. lovejoy

    That c*** Oliver

    point 1. oliver said yesterday himself that the dyer deal had gone through - wrong again. point 2. overloaded in goal? we've got 3 keepers for fucks sake and we have just loaned one out the thick cunt. point 3. fans should be wise to an oliver hate slant on ashley, the pug faced twat will be gutted that his daily meeting with freddy is over and his other pal, mr les rayner isnt feeding him info anymore. oliver hasnt got the contacts he once had and it will be boiling his piss. he is further away from the club than ever now imo.
  7. lovejoy

    Kieron Dyer

    what a load of fucking shite the gangster thing is. that was a scam that was pulled on him about 5 years ago. he's a shit gangster if he egss his house and stops looking for him when he moves to london. wouldnt exactly take columbo to work out he's going to be at west ham's training ground every day. absoloute bollocks that. wouldnt be surprised about the loyalty payment thing though
  8. http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=43502.msg945030#msg945030 nailed on i reckon
  9. call me crazy. but does anyone else think smith could get the armband? im sure sam said the other day he hadnt yet made his choice, and it could go to a new signing?
  10. the whole dyer thing makes us look like total and utter mongs, once again. yes its best he goes, and many will be glad to see the back of him, but to attack his hoose etc is just plain fucking idiocy
  11. im not so sure the owen wage is made up on the spot? anyway, this makes oliver look a total and utter tool (if true) for his article today. i think oliver will now be further away from the truth of what is going on at the club than ever before, cant see big sam having much time for him, nor mr mort.
  12. its been on the radio here all day that he is newcastle bound
  13. i'd be gutted if we sell, he's one of our brightest prospects in a long time.
  14. Could have saved this till Wednesday like aye, i do see your point, but like i said i think clubs will have known about the clause, and when it expires a while ago, and this wont be anything new to them. i think if anyone was going to make a move, they would have done it by now?
  15. http://home.skysports.com/list.aspx?hlid=479222&CPID=8&clid=4&lid=2&title=Deadline+for+Owen+clause&channel=football_home&
  16. no. i think every agent going will know about the clause, and when it expires etc, so it will be nothing new to them.
  17. this. he's f****** crap imo He's not as good as he used to be, but I wouldn't say he was crap. i think he has always been crap. would you rather he came than campbell?
  18. according to freddy on ssn. (thought it needed its own thread, delete if its in another)
  19. he would be great if you ask me, and would bring taylor on. i would love to sign him personally
  20. i thought about this in the car before, i would take malbranque no probs! would be a hell of a swap that!
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