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Everything posted by lovejoy

  1. lovejoy


    Talksport reckon it's bob Bradley
  2. came across ok i thought, however, my nephew did a coaching session with him last week in liverpool, was a nike thing, and it was surprise that he was there, only about 12 kids. they wernt allowed to ask for autographs or pictures. shit crack.
  3. he's always had massive problems with injuries, he's desperately trying to get private attention on saturdays problem.
  4. add that to the fact that they have fucked up my direct debit 3 months on the spin, ive sent them 2 new mandates for my new account, they keep taking it from the old one. I was told before I went on holiday 'pay this month on a card and then new dd will be set up'. I did, I then cancelled the dd from old account as i'd sent them new info for new one and was told it would be sorted. got an email saying because ive cancelled dd theyve cancelled my ST. Fucking total morons. the wench in the box office was a total idiot as well, so rude. so, fuck them. I was a mug to take it back up anyway.
  5. lasted 3 months. cancelled ST already.
  6. lovejoy

    Emmanuel Rivière

    Not in terms of goals he won't. He's got no strikers instinct whatsoever. I think because he's been out for a while people forget how bad he is. in terms of general play he will, cisse has downed tools imo.
  7. lovejoy


    they're bound to change manager just before playing us, would that be 4th season on the spin if they did?
  8. lovejoy

    Emmanuel Rivière

    he'll offer more than cisse does, im pretty sure of that.
  9. lovejoy

    Steve McClaren

    Got it right today. Great performance.
  10. lovejoy

    Papiss Cissé

    Waste of a shirt. Fuck him off.
  11. they've blocked my ST for both home games this season so far because of their direct debit issue. so yes, theyre known to be shite.
  12. lovejoy

    Lee Charnley

    Talk is cheap, let's see what the next 18 months or so brings. They're talking though, which is a nice change. Happy with how things are going tbh, but still cautious, because with this lot, you simply have to be.
  13. Yeah! revolving door that place.
  14. rojo up for grabs tomorrow according to the telegraph.
  15. i cannot understand once he made it clear he wasnt interested in signing a new contract why they didnt just do the deal then. they cant expect to haggle over this as Real have all the bargaining power. They either pay what they deem suitable or they say sit tight we will come get you in 12 months for nowt It's all cock measuring, always is with them. 'you can't mess with us'. Well, real Madrid can, and this proves it, they'll take who they want. Rooney contract the same, given him a massive deal to prove Chelsea csnt take players they don't want to sell. That'll end well for them too.
  16. De gea situation a total farce for man utd. Tried to prove Madrid can't mess with them, when, in fact, they can. They can't compete with real Madrid and their stance on this has been ridiculous. Should have sold him 3 months ago and been done.
  17. Based on what though? Apologies if you've seen him. I've seen him a few games, but didn't stand out then. Just because the market is how it is, he seems sought after, is the French u19 captain, and we don't really need to get rid. I guess he wants away, but that fee is nothing. Should include some heavy clauses if he goes for that. I'd presume we have mind. Never seen him myself, so no idea if he's good or not.
  18. He's bang average. Wouldn't have wanted him here tbh.
  19. Doesn't seem to have done anything at all for our second string. Has anyone here seen him play?
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