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Everything posted by lovejoy

  1. nobody will progress under this management, we've shown that.
  2. His reputation has taken a beating, the top teams wouldn't touch him with a barge pole. If it's between us, Villa, West Ham, Norwich etc then I'd say there's a chance. Thats the size of it from what they were saying, they said that it was rumoured Tottenham were in for him but in reality they showed no interest. what else were they saying mate? has he been contacted etc?
  3. bruce for more likely iyam, i'd take either (bruce man, cant believe im saying that).
  4. please, please, please god.
  5. Yeah, I'd take Bruce too. Can't believe I'm saying that.
  6. Telegraph reckons he's sacked if we finish out of top ten, moyes and Bruce favourites to replace him.
  7. can't see anyone picking moyes.
  8. Beardsley will get it I think, if, of course, pardew ever gets binned.
  9. Colback on a pre contract doing the rounds.
  10. No, just no. why not?done well pretty much everywhere (bar fulham, admittedly). Other than Spurs he's proven to be a pretty uninspiring manager. Still an upgrade on what we have like. his win % at hamburg and ajax are pretty shit hot!
  11. No, just no. why not?done well pretty much everywhere (bar fulham, admittedly).
  12. there should be an option, 'yes, because any excuse to get rid of the cunt'.
  13. If Ashley seeks legal advice he's gone. And he will. Agreed btw.
  14. You've got to remember the local press have been desperate for this, or something like it, to happen. I think they now see him as very much aligned to the Ashley regime (no s***) and also apportion some of the blame for their banning down to him. The nationals are probably just jumping on the back of the local press. I think he'll go. Not because Ashley is incensed by what he's done, more because he's been waiting for an excuse since last season and will see the chance to bin him, with no compen, too good to turn down.
  15. You cant predict anything with our owner though. I reckon he'll go, personally.
  16. anyone think he'll get binned? few in the press seem to think he will.
  17. he should fuck off back to league one where is tactics and mentality belong. can't stand the fucker. I didn't give a shit when we scored the winner today, takes the pressure off this smarmy charlatan.
  18. "You and I have been physically given two hands and two legs and half-decent brains. Some people have not been born like that for a reason. The karma is working from another lifetime. I have nothing to hide about that. It is not only people with disabilities. What you sow, you have to reap." :lol: pretty definitive that like. fuck me.
  19. The blokes a spanner, anybody who thinks disabled people are paying for a past life can stay away from the club. Is that actually what was said though? Or did the media blow it out of proportion? I genuinely cant remember btw, I do know that he has done a lot of work with disabled charities ever since though.
  20. this would be the one time that criteria works in our favour. We're not that lucky man.
  21. would be absolutely superb. and, for that reason, will never happen.
  22. I honestly think he's a cooked goose, matter of time.
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