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Everything posted by lovejoy

  1. gone by end of sept is my prediction.
  2. fucking hell, whats going on here?
  3. could say that about every loan tbf. do take the point though, after remy.
  4. lovejoy

    Loïc Remy

    Few now saying fee agreed. Anything in this?
  5. lovejoy

    Loïc Remy

    Who gives a fuck what he costs?
  6. lovejoy

    Emmanuel Rivière

    really? pace is the main attribute i seem to have read about?
  7. Would still love to see Carroll back here.
  8. Talk heating up that they've got vidal. Would be an excellent signing.
  9. Go to sheffield and they wont be talking about you. same in colchester etc etc. You'd just be 'manchester' if it wasn't for man city's existence (dont know why that has sparked so much debate with my in-laws, who are man utd fans, but it has! It isnt even a valid point really, but they take such offence, I keep throwing it in). I'm not even sure you're a real 'united' as it happens.
  10. which one? leeds? sheffield? colechester?
  11. can anyone expand on the journal article? i cant read it, too small!
  12. lovejoy

    Remy Cabella

    not so weird when your ITK record is probably only second to mine, in terms of shitness. I got SDJ right tbf ;-) (and Alan Smith) didnt realise you called SDJ. Apologies if thats the case!
  13. lovejoy

    Remy Cabella

    not so weird when your ITK record is probably only second to mine, in terms of shitness.
  14. lovejoy

    Remy Cabella

    fee agreed according to reports in france.
  15. Isla on the target list according to journal.
  16. Santon sub to haidara next season? cant say i'd complain at that.
  17. lovejoy

    Remy Cabella

    journal tomorrow reckons we're 'closing in'.
  18. I agree, in terms of the Rooney of today. Hasn't always been the case though.
  19. £8m or £80m. Makes not a jot of difference. The result will be the same, we'll see £0.
  20. £8m? nah, cant see it.
  21. not surprised he's leaving, and not arsed either.
  22. De Jong didnt show anything to suggest he'd be worth £3, let alone £3m.
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