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Everything posted by lovejoy

  1. lovejoy

    Alan Pardew

    Oh the irony tron.
  2. lovejoy

    Alan Pardew

    So what point is it we are arguing? Is that the Andy Gorgam 'we'? You're currently arguing against yourself mate.
  3. lovejoy

    Alan Pardew

    Nobodies arguing that point man!
  4. lovejoy

    Alan Pardew

    That wasn't the point though was it? The point was re the manager and his stature in the game. Can't you see that? You may want to save your response for a post along the lines of: 'surely we'll be taken over soon, I want a Geordie saviour god damn it!' Then your response is golden mate. Abosloutely golden.
  5. lovejoy

    Alan Pardew

    Everything will calm down once the window closes I reckon, unless we don't get a LB in. And the centre forward?
  6. lovejoy

    Alan Pardew

    Not sure where my post went? Must have erased by accident. 'cheers for that tron, but what relevance does that have to ronaldos post?'
  7. Fuck Jose man. Right or wrong, it's nowt to do with you anymore.
  8. lovejoy

    Alan Pardew

    I've been fully behind pardew for the large part btw, but I was hitting my steering wheel with rage listening to his left back bollocks tonight.
  9. lovejoy

    Alan Pardew

    Exactly. Wouldn't happen mate. The next bloke who came in would hopefully have an ounce of sense and appoint someone deserving of the role. Oneill or hodgson would be a dream.
  10. lovejoy

    Alan Pardew

    And it'll probably be kinnear or some other washed up 1990's cockjuggler.
  11. lovejoy

    Alan Pardew

    Funny thing is, it's pointless wanting rid of him, because the next spineless, grateful cunt who comes in will be exactly the same. So we might as well stick with him and wait for Ashley to fuck off.
  12. lovejoy

    Alan Pardew

    Which puts him in the liar category. (midds)
  13. lovejoy

    Alan Pardew

    Either way, I don't want him at my club as he either: A) is willing to put up with it or B) is just a lying cunt. Sorry for 3 posts, on my phone and can't modify!
  14. lovejoy

    Alan Pardew

    I've thought quite a bit what I would do in his shoes, if I'd been sacked from my job running a smaller co, and was offered one running one of the bigger companies in the country months later, would I just sit and take my money, be grateful and be their puppet? I honestly don't think i could. Surely pride comes in somewhere? The bloke is wasting his time opening his mouth, he is either being lied to every window, or he just spouts total shite.
  15. lovejoy

    Alan Pardew

    Waste of time even listening to his interviews. I don't despise him, just think he's full of hot air due to being so thankful he's got this job that he can't possibly not toe the Ashley line Shows a lack of pride and backbone IMO, and he wants to hope to fuck this somehow pans out well, because if it doesn't he'll be known as a spineless yes man. Then again, that's probably a quality a few chairman in this country are looking for. Quite sickening really.
  16. May be giggs. But he confirms we've bid and he's met us. http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11661_7102519,00.html
  17. Seems like the burnley fans would be disappointed if he left. Can't see us paying £7m for him in a million years.
  18. lovejoy

    Alan Pardew

    The 'new style of play' needs to be given some time IMO. I certainly won't be judging him on the first game of the season against arsenal. Nor the derby for that matter.
  19. Robbie keane has signed for the galaxy.
  20. Not like you to be doom and gloom wullie! Not like we have a reputation for signing players that fail medicals elsewhere at all
  21. Collo has been outstanding. Game has passed cabaye by so far. Tiote hasn't imposed himself in the middle either.
  22. Not like you to be doom and gloom wullie!
  23. Don't give me that shite. It's the fact that's it's sports direct, not the fact that there's advertising at the ground. Check the emirates out, guess what that has everywhere? Emirates! I feel the same way about Ashley as most do, but the 'OMG new sign up' crack is just hysterical nonsense. Advertising happens at every ground, if the same advert said 'barclays' or 'british airways' nobody would give a shit.
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