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Everything posted by STM

  1. STM

    How good were

    This might sound silly but i've lost my faith in foreign players like Gattuso. I know he's more of an english type player than italian but i just get the feeling alot of these players can't hack it in this league. I was convinced Ballack would be a success, as he is ready made for this league but hasn't worked out. I have to confess my admiration for the Pirlo,Gattuso combo that has worked wonders for Milan and Italy in the past. I think fergie is thinking similar with Carrick and Hargreaves.
  2. STM

    How good were

    What happens when they sign Hargreaves? With Carrick,Scholes and him they will have a nice problem.
  3. STM

    How good were

    Supremely disappointing when they came to SJP. I thought Ronaldo was average and Rooney barely had a shot on goal. On the other hand, Scholes was sensational. Ronaldo has been awesome in this campaign but sometimes the youth in their attack shines through as they just don't deliver (Arsenal, West Ham). Their defence still needs a little work to be as good as chelseas but hargreaves will help on that note.However, when they click they are devastating, as yesterday proved. One things for sure, if Man Utd do win the title this year then they wont stand a chance next year. Chelsea will be back and hungry i believe.
  4. Lennon is a good little player but something about Milner reminds me of old skool english wingers. I think its his knobbely knees. Out of the two Lennon gets the plaudits because he lives in cockney land, however Milner is more productive, the proofs in the pudding. As well as this Milner is ambidextorous and he can also use both feet. The only other english winger that deserves a mention is Bentley who is also having a fine campaign.
  5. Good luck to Woody. We have Gooch now.
  6. Given Phil Neville Lescott Dunne O'Neill Savage Nolan Arteta Taylor McBride Lita
  7. Morten Gamst Pedersen- Just starting to get the credit he deserves. Kevin Nolan- One of the most consistant prem midfielders and hes only 24. Brian McBride- Always gives alot to whatever team he plays for and a great header of the ball. Gary O'Neil and Matty Taylor- I know alot of people rate them but for left sided players they never get in the england team. Oh and whoever put Ronaldo in "Hero" catagory deserves a linching. The guy may be a fantastic footballer but he's also everything i hate about the game today. Diving cunthead.
  8. I think Krul is a prime example of one of our better scouted signings. If there was a blue print on how to do these things then that was it.
  9. I reckon we just scout players we are interested in, rather than be interested in players we have scouted. Which is the wrong way round in my opinion. We should have more emphasis on sending knowledgable people into french,spanish and italian second leagues with a view to pick up their rising stars such as Bale is to our league. i.e more N'Zogbias, less Luques.
  10. STM


    The irony is that colman is one of the few managers that likes bramble.
  11. STM


    Surely gooch should have known all about mcbrides aerial prowess? Hope he had a good performance. Just got back from work but i'm guessing taylor was left back and Carr right back? How anyone could leave Nobby out for Carr is beyond me.
  12. Probably deserves it but i'd have preffered it if they had waited until the summer to bring him back into the squad. If he doesn't get injured on england duty he may have turned a corner. Apparrently Woodgate,Barry and Barton are set to be selected too.
  13. Roeders transfer policy is perfect. His ability to go out and get the players he wants is suspect.
  14. Where do you think Upson will end up? Apparently he wasn't at Brums training today. I reckon it will be no suprise to see him end up at west ham for a stupid fee like 9m. Ludicrous!
  15. I'm glad he has an eye on a permanent deal because that indicated he is ready to try his bollock off for the team. Hopefully, this will give some of the other defenders a kick up the backside too. Glenn Roeder can no longer refer to Bramble as the big fella anymore.
  16. Like someone else mentioned, lets see him when the likes of Emre and Dyer are in the team. Hes a player who relies on space and movement, we dont have as much of that with sibers and co in. Duffs a good player, at worst he's just severely out of form but it will return.
  17. Sounds about right though. We have been waiting for a signing for so long i'd expect them to milk it for all that its worth.
  18. Press conferance tommorow? Hope so, it feels like ages since we've had our usual panto. Expect a lot of: "The fans are passionate around here" "This is a massive club" "I'm ready to try and help us win a trophy that we've been waiting for so long" "Alan Shearer was legend" "The chairman and the manager convinced me"
  19. Gooch is an awesome nickname! Apparently after every tackle he addresses his victim by saying..... "Sorry homey, but you just got GOOCHED" ^-^ Aye but you do realise that it's also the name for the part in between your ball sack and your arsehole? mackems.gif The yanks never did crak this language.
  20. Good to see we have waited this long to get a centre half in. Lets hope he is good and with a view to a permanent deal. 24 is a good age to sign a centre half as he should have decent experiance (world cup) and still the potential to improve. I feel embarrased that the lad has a nickname like "gooch". Don't want to hear any USA chants around the ground mind.
  21. Spurs, i reckon. Although, i'm a fan of lee young pyo, Bale has spurs written all over him.
  22. My team don't have to be winning for me to enjoy,support or love them. I thoroughly enjoyed the west ham game as sad as it sounds. Obviously, it would have been just as enjoyable to put six past them but i just like to watch a good game of football and every year Newcastle United don't disapoint. I will support this club unwavering up until the point in which we win a trophy worth shouting about, then i will relax.
  23. Doesn't mean to say that the experianced player needs to be at centre half. I think Solano should be given the captains role TBH. He just oozes confidence in tight situations and would have a great influence on the young lads. Both Taylor and Davies have leadership qualities so i doubt either player would need alot of motivation to perform.
  24. I believe it to be a matter of time before Davies joins the toon and i for one would be happy about it. It seems that the obvious problem is price but if we could get a lower deal by throwing Bramble in then i would be very happy. I doubt the deal would happen in january as it would hurt west broms promotion hopes. However, if they were to fail to get into this league then it would be an ideal time for them to cash in and may also be a big influence on Davies himself, as he would want to play at a higher level. I'd like to think we had other options too as Anton Ferdinand impressed me at the weekend.
  25. STM

    Jamie Redknapp

    Very good pundit, keeps it simple. The only critisism i have is that when it comes to Liverpool, Spurs and Chelsea (lampard connection) you can tell whos side he is on. However, in his defence he doesn't let it cloud his judgment.
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