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Exiled in Texas

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Everything posted by Exiled in Texas

  1. Brilliant. I wasn't good enough to draw that from scratch but over painted it for the effect. Liked how it came out though.
  2. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v207/pmrye/milanflarespaint.jpg
  3. Exiled in Texas

    Man City

    I can't wait to hear the Chewseee response to Citeh buying the Premier League to Champions League. Those fackin' cahnts just bought it. LOLOLOLOLOL
  4. from wiki "Ephedrine, as a component of over-the-counter cold medications, enjoyed a strong underground reputation as a stimulant among athletes in many sports. National Hockey League (NHL) and College players have been reputed to be among the most persistent ephedrine users, who consume the substance in the form of Sudafed, an over-the-counter cold medication. Hockey players are on the ice in shifts lasting no more than 60 seconds at a time, and the players have found that the ephedrine seems to provide an edge in their performance." I think that the gist of the hockey players was that by using the stimulant, the speeded up effect of the brain made the actual game seem slower and easier to make plays. Seems like this is a legal substance (with standard doses) but can be taken in larger doses which fall foul of doping rules.
  5. I agree that I doubt this is upheld...somehow I suspect that it's overturned or simply reduced. But the idea that Chelsea should just pay market value is lilke telling a shop lifter who got caught to just pay for the stuff, and they can go. Where's the incentive not to try again if the worst that happens is that you just have to pay the real price, but you might get away with a steal.
  6. My main reason for thinking Shearer is the best option (outside of "Mancini" fantasy land) is that I think he is the only guy who would be given time to get the necessary foundations in place to put this club on a solid footing. I think he would get much more time allowed than Strachan, Curbs, or any of the other mentioned managers. What we need is stability, and some time spent getting the foundation of the house right, and not rushing out to pick out curtains and carpet. I can see Shearer being allowed more time to do this by the fans/media than I can any other manager who hits a slump period.
  7. Funny. You might burn in hell for that but it was funny!!
  8. Exactly - when your not a PL team you don't get PL comforts
  9. This - the silver suit and his dignity at the moment of great failure. Although my real memory of this was not from the game itself but from the closing credits of the TV round up of Italia 90, with Pavarotti's Nessun Dorma reaching its crescendo. Dignity personified. Whenever I need a "pick-me-up" moment to say "you can do this".........Nessun Dorma and Sir Bobby.
  10. Or more likely Insh'earahhh
  11. University in Newcastle and then stayed on to work for a few years. Job took me down to London, and then Texas but still a Toon fan. Ahh, the Saturday nights in Sgt Peppers with Mickey Quinn getting the winner, and the DJ playing "the Mighty Quinn"
  12. Would be nice except the patch spoils it.
  13. Of course technology will be different at different levels of the game - it shouldn't be an issue. We all understand that at different levels of the game the technology will differ. At low level games you have one center ref, or maybe one referee and two club linesmen. Then you move up to a three man crew with center ref and two AR. But the ARs only have regular flags......when you get up to the big leagues they start to use electronic flags, and at the top level they add in 2-way communication. So why shouldn't the top leagues use new goal line technology just because pub teams don't. As log as it improves the game, then it should be used....and it will permeate down the leagues as far as it is cost effective.
  14. The funny thing about the players going to Citeh, is that they think that it will be great playing with all these World Beater players, and then suddenly they'll realise that they just lost their place to one of them and are on the bench or in the stands. A bit like some of the Chelsea cast offs who have bailed to find first team action.
  15. As opposed to kicking it back to your mate three times, and then kicking it forward to the other team. You sure you have the right game? Tackled, pass the ball back between your legs to your mate Tackled, pass the ball back between your legs to your mate Tackled, pass the ball back between your legs to your mate Kick the ball to the other team. repeat
  16. As opposed to kicking it back to your mate three times, and then kicking it forward to the other team.
  17. All teams in Champions League play with solid patches on their back.....Milan play with a red patch and Juve play with a black patch. http://footyfootball.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/01/ac-milan-kaka-ronaldo-and-seedorf.jpg http://cache.daylife.com/imageserve/0dGofxueEN78A/610x.jpg
  18. I like that a lot - would be great to wear in the US
  19. I doubt any of the proponents saying get rid of away goals were watching football before they brought the away goal rule in. Dour game where the away team stacked all 11 players behind the ball in their own half and prayed for just one quick break or failing that to take their chances at home in the second leg. The away goal rule is a good thing in my book, as it encourages the visiting team to "try" a bit harder than they otherwise would. The only unfair thing in "away goals" is that they continue to count in Extra-Time. Anyone remember the Waffa cup semi last yeat where Bayern played Gettafe. It was tied 3-3 on agregate after the seond leg, and in the two additional 15 mins it was tied 1-1. Bayern went through on away goals in the extra-time. Totally unfair at that point in the game when both teams are going for the win.
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