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Exiled in Texas

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Everything posted by Exiled in Texas

  1. well its not like they've had a good one yet this season have they? If its all the same to you I'll take Ashley over any of their pack of morons . Yep - Bet Pompey fans would trade places with NUFC Lock, stock and league placement right now, and there is now way I'd trade places with them.
  2. Yep - it's a poor league despite the fact that it's being lead by two teams that played premiership football last season. It's just convienient for it to be poor for the sake of this article.....if they were writing about Forrest it would be a tough league because of a club the size of Newcastle etc
  3. So despite the spectre of free-spending Portsmouth crashing out of existence, and both Man U and Liverpool teetering financial ruin, this journo thinks it's business as usual in the premiership and it's all spend/spend/spend. Ignore Arsenal, ignore Fulham, ignore Villa - ignore all the clubs that have a reasonable grasp on their finances. The world of football is starting to change, but this journalist probably skipped Economics at school and thinks that it must be spend/spend/spend. It's not how much you spend, but what you buy.
  4. a salary and transfer cap wont come out of the premier league thats for sure it works against their main philosophy: spend spend spend f*** the long term consequences. I feel for the portsmouth fans but somebody has to be made an example of if it will get it into the heads of some thick owners that spending way beyond your means is a bad thing. Besides even if they survive today it will only put off their doom for a while, they're f***ed and we all know it the NHL had a simialr problem, players wages to high and not many fans coming through the door. All the teams owners and the players unions agreed to salary caps. Its worked wonders. Salary caps work when the league being capped is still the best paying league after the cap is in place. Players accept the cap because they can't earn more elsewhere, but in world football if you capped the Premier League, then all the top stars would move to Spain, Italy if they could earn more there.
  5. just relegate two I'd imagine, and whoever should have been playing Pompey that week would get the weekend off, and presumably some points. Still don't think they'll go under like. Chris Cooper, Real's mackem commentator, reckons there was one top flight club a few years ago very close to going into liquidation, but didn't. i think whatever points and gd pompey affected other teams with would be gone too If Pompey go under and cannot complete the season, then you would have to void all their games. You couldn't give "forfeit 3-points" to some teams for games that were not played and make played games stand. It would have to be a level field and all pompey games cancelled.
  6. Do they mean a formal players committee or the team lead Kangaroo Court which is quite common in sucessfull teams. Usually made up of the senior and most charismatic personalities of the team, they hold the team to certain standards and deal with minor infracations like being late for the bus, or incorrectly dressed or screwing up in training in fun and jovial ways, yet the team sets standards that must be met by all members, and management can stay out of minor issues unless they become big issues. I think it's great that the team itself deals with minor issues and holds itself accountable. It's like being late to the pub to meet your mates, and they make you buy an extra round as penalty. Next time you're not late. Maybe this is different to a formal players committee that acts as a go-between for players/management but if that is needed on a regular basis then the team is screwed.
  7. How's that working with the Scots?
  8. Disagree with the "or Touches one of his team" statement. An unintentional deflection caused by a bad pass by the defenders does not make a player in an offside position offside. edit - of course.. ITOOTR applies.
  9. No problem with that at all. The offside decision resets each time the offensive team plays the ball. Once Bowyer, who is onside, plays the ball, as long as it backward towards Kluivert - Kluivert cannot be offside.
  10. Doubt the FA would allow them to move a team's home games to Glasgow, and if they can't play in Glasgow what's the point of taking over a club? Funny OP though!!
  11. Probably - and when your playing away you can tear into French Underware Models without worry.
  12. There are other choices such as Ferdinand or Rooney or even Beckham. So take the Captain's armband away and make a statement.
  13. Not sure really, seeing that he has never played a game for Portsmouth.......
  14. URRRRRRRRRRR! You lose. Isn't this thread about Ambrose?? [scratches head]
  15. Would Ambrose want to come back.....vaguely recall the feeling that he was run out of town (and not necessarily about his football skills)?
  16. My first thought was this was gambling debts, but seems like it's just extortion. Steal stuff, and then ransom it back.
  17. I thought Collina was forced to step down due to his age 45, which is the mandatory ceiling for FIFA referees, even though everyone around the game seemed to be wanting him to be allowed to stay.
  18. I also like the Fox Soccer (US) commentator Roger Valdivieso who does the Agentine League games on FSC because he is clearly a Boca Juniors fan and I tune in to watch the Boca games so I don't really mind. But he is knowledgable about Argentine soccer so he is good for the broadcast.
  19. I liked him too. Him and Tommy Smyth and his onion bag. They were really enthusiastic and made the game feel a bit more epic than it was. Was bummed when they switched from ESPN to FSC, because we only get some crappy solo commentary on Euro games. There's nothing worse than solo commentary. Derek Rae - Yes - knowledgable and handles games really well Tommy Smyth's Onion Bag - Terrible - no understanding of the actual LOTG just uses Laws of Tommy Smyth
  20. I sort of feel this whenever I see the call for a "Salary Cap". Those only work when there is no competition from other leagues and the "capped" league is still the best payer. Works in NFL and NBA etc but would never work in football where you would have an immediate exodus to Spain or Italy etc
  21. http://therelativeabsolute.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/janus-dimon.jpg
  22. We don't want to know what Avram has injected or to who
  23. I prefer the Black patch to the white one. Juve used both too, and the black definately looks better. http://cache.daylife.com/imageserve/00nbbsn3zY8OC/x250.jpg http://italy.theoffside.com/files/2008/10/0k93szhl-346x212.jpg
  24. Don't think so. UEFA Champions League has the requirement for a patch..... Juve have a different shirts for Serie A . http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/12/29/article-1102629-02DE726D000005DC-316_468x313.jpg and Champions League http://italy.theoffside.com/files/2008/10/0k93szhl-346x212.jpg
  25. Puma, if you're reading this, just use this shirt The back of the Jersey is the trouble part - as numbers and names are hard to read without a patch of some shape or form. I felt the white patch on the back of the current jersey was too big (and would have been better black insted of white). So I wondered what the back of the jersey might look like if we used one of the mooted Puma designs. Did them both with/without names/numbers as it changes how they look. I know they will be slated :-[ so fire away http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v207/pmrye/Stuff/PumaConcepts.jpg
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