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Exiled in Texas

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Everything posted by Exiled in Texas

  1. How often does that situation happen though? How often were goals actually ruled out for that in the past? Before the "interfering with play" qualifier was added, it was quite common for a play between the CM and LW be ruled out because the RW was offside, even though the ball was 50 yards away and not played anywhere near them. I didn't see the Belamy play, but I don;t see the problem with the offside rule(s) as they are.
  2. http://danger-wpxy.itmblog.com/files/2009/02/stripper-pole.JPG
  3. http://www.pleasingwebs.com/Portals/PleasingWebs/blog/decline-chart.jpg
  4. Black and White in Football in Texas means only one thing http://stljfl.org/images/Football_Referee.jpg Happy &^*%&^$ Christmas to you all.
  5. Exactly.....as soon a player has mouthed off about a foul and given up another 10 yards or 20 the team discipline becomes much stronger. Funnily enough, the team captain starts behaving like a captain should and takes responsibility for his teams actions.
  6. There is also a very handy tool in the referee's bag that let him move a Free Kick 10 yards up field for disent. Amazing how quickly your team mates shut you up if the mouth starts runnning and you start giving up yards. It's a great tool because it's not drastic like sending a player off (or to sin bin) but still penalises the offender.
  7. I like the Steven Taylor look - "Ooh, is that a camera - let me show them how much I care about the Toon"
  8. The Leeds vid. The Leeds video is ripping Man Utd - and their bandwaggon fans....this was a line from them about how they failed to sign Shearer but got Sheringham.
  9. I don't think Adidas is a good fit for Newcastle because they need the cram their "three stripes" onto our stripes and it clashes. A nice clean look with the Puma logo on our stripes would be great (as long as they can make a clean looking shirt)
  10. LOL... Choose your new center forward who name begins SH, and then say you wanted Sheringham and not Shearer...
  11. Should be on BBC Sport shouldn't they? Can't watch it there if you live outside UK Really...why? Can anyone provide me a link to the goal on BBC sport? I'm assuming that is legal since it is on BBC BBC has geographic restrictions in place and if the IP address is not in UK, then you can't watch the clips.
  12. Luckily Phil Brown was back in the area for a few days and was able to talk him off the bridge
  13. Could be a problem for Citeh is this happens.....or might scupper our deal if Emirates pick up Citeh with Arsenal
  14. After working through the scenario.......no. No real problem
  15. Absolutely. When the ball is not in play, it's a misconduct but not a foul. Defender punches a forward in the Penalty area as a corner kick is inswinging and it's a Penalty kick and a Red Card. Defender punches a forward in the Penalty area while waiting for a corner to be taken and it's only a Red Card - restart with the original Corner Kick. That might be a possibility to deal with this type of infraction. If a misconduct happens during a period of time that is retro-actively not part of the game, then treat it as if the ball were not in play. So in the instance that a foul/misconduct occurs in play during the "review period"......if the goal scores. Then goal stands and player is Carded for Misconduct (time of misconduct is time when clock would have been stopped). If no goal, then foul awarded and player Carded for Misconduct.
  16. OK - another possibility. Ball cleared from defender in the goal (but will soon be shown to be a goal). Ref waives play on, meanwhile there is an immediate foul worthy of Yellow Card. Can you still card a player for a foul that cannot have taken place in the game because that part of the game will be replayed?. The game is retroactively put back to the time of the goal.....so can the foul actually have taken place? What if more serious.... as ball is cleared Keeper takes a swing and punches attacker in the mouth. Red Card. Meanwhile 4th official says goal. And game resets to time of goal. What do you do with the Carded Keeper. I would say that the game should be stopped for replay, and then restarted with either GK or IFK to Defending team, but that might impact a teams ability to take a second shot or make a new play.
  17. Video review is easy when play has stopped (i.e if a goal has been scored), but what if it's the reverse situation where a goal is NOT given and play continues. Then how do you review the goal. If play continues (while the 4th official turns on SkySports) and something happens in the game, what do you do if the missed goal is really a goal. Suppose, ball is hooked off the line by the defender and Ref says play on. (4th official starts reviewing video) meanwhile play goes end to end and the other team scores. During celebration Ref hears from 4th official that the other play was really a goal. Therefore play should have stopped and anything that happened afterwards should be disregarded. You'd have a riot if a team thought they had saved a goal and then scored themselves only to have their goal taken away and the other goal awarded. Another issue - Even if goals like Henri's were reviewed.....how long before a goal should you consider the play reviewable. Henri's handball was 2-3 seconds before the goal....what if it was 5 sec or 10 or 30sec. At what point does the Statute of Limitations run out. In game Video replay is perfect for NFL due to it's stop/start nature, or even MLS Baseball. I don't think it's workable in a game that does not have regular breaks in play when a review can be performed without impacting the game that is in progress.
  18. NFL and NHL (I think) players who are suspended have their wages garnished. Would quickly eliminate dissent if it penalised the team. Maybe the team captain would then take some responsibility for their teammates.
  19. My change would be applying the "Away Goals" only to the original 90 minutes - and excluding them from any extra-time. The purpose of the Away-Goal rule is now redundant, and it hands the away team an unfair advantage during the Extra-Time period. Home team must win on agregate, away team can win or tie on agregate.
  20. Youth Soccer in the US has this. You get 6 pts for a win, 3 for a tie and zero for a loss. You also get bonus points for each goal scored to a max of 3. So a 3-1 win is 9 points for the winner and 1 for the looser and a 1-1 tie is 4 points each. Tournaments offer a 10th point for a shutout. Sounds utterly, utterly s***. I think it's designed to separate teams in standings for short youth seasons of 8 or 10 games. It also rewards the scoring of goals, as winning 3-2 gains a team more points that winning 1-0.
  21. I heard a similar suggestion - Have the Ref ask the player [henri] if they did something illegal [handled the ball], if they say no then award the goal, if yes then deny the goal. BUT If video replay shows that the player lied, then they are suspended/fined etc. I can see a million holes in that concept though. I would be in favor of Post-Game review and action taken against offenders by a league panel.
  22. Youth Soccer in the US has this. You get 6 pts for a win, 3 for a tie and zero for a loss. You also get bonus points for each goal scored to a max of 3. So a 3-1 win is 9 points for the winner and 1 for the looser and a 1-1 tie is 4 points each. Tournaments offer a 10th point for a shutout.
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