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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. Totally against. The last chance we will have in the next 5 years at least to appoint a world class manager. We will have to get lucky (ala Jol at Spurs) to move forward now
  2. I reckon he will go Harper Carr Moore Bramble Babayaro Butt Parker Solano Duff Ramage Sibs Subs Pav Taylor Milner (on for Solano 83) Pattison Bernard Huntington Luque (warm up for 3o mins then sit down)
  3. It goes through profit over the length of his contract. Say he's on a five year contract £1million goes through each year as player ammortisation - thats £83k a month. Peanuts really for the loss. If you take player trading out of the equation we made a loss of £6m this year and last. We just managed to make a big profit on players last year (mainly Jenas) and a a loss this year (no significant sales).
  4. The only impact the Duff signing will have is one months wages
  5. In as sick U-Turn it will be Macbeth who will reveal that he has become a fully paid up memeber of the Freddy Shepherd fan club.
  6. To be fair though Boum went on a free due to being out of contract and turned down Liverpool. £8m was steep, but to say he was always going to be a flop is unfair. He did have the credentials when we bought him (but £4m would have been more realsitic). As for Senor Albert he has been coveted by Barce and Real for years. His character appears to be wrong for the Premier League but based on his La Liga form £10m was about right again. They just go down on that long list of failures at SJP
  7. Its just the undercard for the heavyweight MacBeth vs NE5 battle to the death later
  8. Btw, take out player ammortisation, impairment and profit on sale of players (which have no bearing on cash profit realy) and we made a £6m loss for both years
  9. I'll probably get linked to an American website, and you know what Americans are like when it comes to accounts, balance sheets etc. Newcastle's accounts are prepared under IFRS - whcih are closer to traditional US GAAP than UK. Which words do you expect T27 to get - IFRS, GAAP or UK? Certainly not whcih!
  10. OK. Can I make it clear that I do Economics, not Financial accounting, and therefore there is no actual reason for me to know this stuff. I did Economics too, and I can't swear to it, but I'm sure I wouldn't have expected an employer to be currently liable for all future earnings of its employees. If that's the case, can I show all of my future profits from now til the end of time as an enormous asset? bluebigrazz.gif The difference I've perceived though, is that you can be sacked, made redundant etc with 4 weeks notice. The contracts players sign are a lot different, as they are for a fixed duration of time, and therefore, a club has to pay out the contract if they want to release the player. Not that you do any accounting at work (despite being an accountant) so you wouldn't know. Following that through then, a normal business would have to show a liability for 4 weeks (or whatever the notice period is) wages for its staff. They don't, similarly if you ar eon a six month contract the business doesn't show the 6 months wages
  11. I'll probably get linked to an American website, and you know what Americans are like when it comes to accounts, balance sheets etc. Newcastle's accounts are prepared under IFRS - whcih are closer to traditional US GAAP than UK.
  12. What if we sell him then? A players contract is no more difficult to cancel than yours or mine (Gemmil is an exception as it is acknowledged that he does no work and is unsackable). The only difference in contracts is that it is for a defined period of time, but then again there are plenty of fixed term contracts flying around the typical workforce
  13. Not quite, only wages relating to the year just gone which have not been paid go into the liabilities pot. There is no obligation to pay future wages until the relaive time period has passed
  14. So ITV give us 55 seconds of goals. SSN gave us 55 seconds of goals, Rossi's a second time and about 30 seconds of Dyer coming on for Butt twice. Hmm Btw how scary are that guy who was doing soccer special's teeth tonight. yikes!
  15. You want to replace one podgy ginger (Fred) with another? Are you mad!!??
  16. Nick a copy of your missus' Dirty Dancing. Fred is the long lost son of the manager of the hotel resort!
  17. Shepherd puts more cash up because it's the only way he knows how to solve a problem that he caused in the first place. The sad thing is though that it appeases the fans in the short term and gives Freddy more time to pick up his dividends. in most cases it is money the club has anyway, so the new owners are going to have access to those funds as well, except they might exercise better judgement when it comes to spending it. i think it was only the Owen signing that was funded by an overdraft. not sure though, macbeth is the man to ask. Hey, credit where credit's due. I believe I was the first on this board to claim that the £17m overdraft was the Owen fund gifted to us by Northern Rock. I also predicted that it will not have moved year on year or will have reduced by exactly one quarter (assuming Owen is on a four year deal)
  18. Would love to see Speedo back, more likely to happen as a coach/assistant though. BTW does he have the Pro-License? I would bet that the Premier League will not allow any more unqualified managers to manage after the starts Glenn and Gareth have had (if they will even allow Southgate to extend his 12 week stint)
  19. If Cardiff do come up I'd stick a tenner on them going straight back down beating Sunderlands record low points. I think they'd win a fair few games, but there would be crowd trouble at just about every game so points deductions all round! I was really hoping Swansea were going to go up last season just for the fun of the derbies.
  20. Is the question not 'Can we afford to get rid of Roeder?' Not in monetary terms - he's probably on the smallest contract we've had a manager since Ozzie But more of a case of who's next? The fat man has managed to take us so far down in peoples eyes thatthe question is 'as poor as Glenn is, who better would take over?' In the summer we had 2 top drawer candidates in Ottmar and O'Neill with a bunch behind them consisting of Mancini, Ranieri and Sam. If we couldn't/wouldn't appoint them then, what's changed now? Who would we have now? Freds plan to get Shearer in can not happen this season, Southgate won't get permission from the premier league and neither would Al. Can you imagine Barnwells face if we tried to get another unqualified manager in (btw do Newcastle and Boro's starts vindicate the Pro License qualification?). Fred seems to love the trophey signing, until Souness this was evident in his Managerial choices. Souness was the watershed, no top managers wanted to work with Fred. We now seem to have managed to get a manager more clueless than Clueless himself. Unbeliveable as Kammy would say. So who would replace Roeder then?
  21. So this average league position is a bit like the UEFA rankings where we are in the top 10 right? I think I have a good compromise: When we are in the prsence of other clubs fans (particuarly Spuds) we use NE5s methods. amongst ourselves we agree that Macbeth/Gemmil or whoevers method is more accurate?
  22. Thing is though Macbeth that the title of Finance Director is just that, a title. I could pretty much guarantee that Shep has employed someone who performs the role of finance director and someone who performs the role of marketing direct. But they won't have director after their name to keep salary costs down. I would seriously doubt that Shep gets his hands dirty on financial or marketing activities apart from rubber stamping accounts or finalising details.
  23. what I am saying - is nobody forces anyone to go and spend money supporting the club. Long term supporters will tell you that when the club was shit, nobody did !!!!! [well not so many as now...] Also fairly obvious is that nobody has forced you to go, not even yourself. So - if you are not happy with spending money on a shit club, keep it in your pocket. Watch NUFC play in europe on the telly. Its true that nobody forces anyone to buy the shirt from the club shop, or anyone to attend the games there is a distinction between supporting the club and the board. I don't agree with a lot of Freddy's decisions or motives and truth be told would love him to be replaced. However, even if he were to be chairman until I die and we got relegated I would still buy the shirt because I support the club and am proud to show my colours so to speak. There is a clear distinction between supporting the club and the board, you can do one without the other
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