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Everything posted by Unbelievable

  1. Now, that would be good business. Believe it when I see it though.
  2. I don't think Emre has played 75 games for us and he's been here for 3 seasons. You´re right. It was 76. Another myth disspelled.. Aye, but he didn't play an average of 25 games a season and technically Parker scored more goals than him over the two seasons he was here, so it's swings and roundabouts I'm afraid. How does 76 appearances in 3 seasons not compute to `over 25 games a season on average`? Fair enough about the goals I guess, although it must be close. At least with Emre there was a chance of a central midfielder scoring, which is more than can be said of the likes of Smith. He played 59 games in 3 seasons. Heh? Since when is a sub not an appearance?
  3. I don't think Emre has played 75 games for us and he's been here for 3 seasons. You´re right. It was 76. Another myth disspelled.. Aye, but he didn't play an average of 25 games a season and technically Parker scored more goals than him over the two seasons he was here, so it's swings and roundabouts I'm afraid. How does 76 appearances in 3 seasons not compute to `over 25 games a season on average`? Fair enough about the goals I guess, although it must be close. At least with Emre there was a chance of a central midfielder scoring, which is more than can be said of the likes of Smith.
  4. Considering around 40%+ of those games will be him coming back from another injury, his assist and goal record isn't that bad. But then again that just proves what the majority know about Emre, good player, horrific injury record and better for the club that he's gone. Some people need to try supporting the club and look out for its interests instead of supporting certain players and looking out for them. See, I agree with much of that actually. I don´t see how people wanting us to keep our better players )and being a bit disheartened at losing one whilst holding on to our grafters) can be accused of not supporting the club though.
  5. I don't think Emre has played 75 games for us and he's been here for 3 seasons. You´re right. It was 76. Another myth disspelled..
  6. There wouldn´t be a point in keeping such a player, except your description doesn´t really apply to Emre. He has played over 25 games a season on average for us, scored and created more goals than any of our other central midfield players in his time here and played at his best when the pressure was on, scoring some important, matchwinning goals in the process..
  7. Just a shame he's took triple that off us in wages. You´re going on like he robbed us ffs. Do you expect players to come play for us for nothing? I can think of a dozen players in our squad who´ve done less to earn their wages. Oh shut up you little tart. You´re pathetic the way you´re going on. I´ve said this before in another context to somebody else, but you´re going on like the player bumped your girlfriend. I can´t personally see a reason for celebrating another talented player who has left this club after failing to offer us what we know he´s capable off. Edit, oh I see you removed that reply. Internet hardman turned bottler then.. No just think you are a little spastic and not worth it, just like Emre and his wages. Tosser. Hahaha
  8. What? We´ve been crying out for a midfielder with some quality on the ball for the entire season man! well he didn't play so we didn't miss him Right, that makes sense..
  9. What? We´ve been crying out for a midfielder with some quality on the ball for the entire season man!
  10. Just a shame he's took triple that off us in wages. You´re going on like he robbed us ffs. Do you expect players to come play for us for nothing? I can think of a dozen players in our squad who´ve done less to earn their wages. Oh shut up you little tart. You´re pathetic the way you´re going on. I´ve said this before in another context to somebody else, but you´re going on like the player bumped your girlfriend. I can´t personally see a reason for celebrating another talented player who has left this club after failing to offer us what we know he´s capable off. Edit, oh I see you removed that reply. Internet hardman turned bottler then..
  11. Just a shame he's took triple that off us in wages. You´re going on like he robbed us ffs. Do you expect players to come play for us for nothing? I can think of a dozen players in our squad who´ve done less to earn their wages.
  12. Terrible. That´s not so bad considering the idiots that we had managing the team at times felt players like Amdy Faye and Alan Smith would offer more in midfield.. How many starts has Owen got in that time?
  13. We´re not exactly hitting our targets yet, are we?
  14. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Lets hope those personal terms can be sorted out. A bit sad really. We sell Emre, a talented football player, for less than we paid for our two talentless midfield grafters last season and you feel it´s a reason to celebrate? I´ll reserve judgement until I see us replacing him with someone better. For now I feel we´ve just gone backwards another step, and our squad already was paper thin..
  15. The most used things in his locker are the injury excuse book and the sick note, if he goes and we get a fee then we've done well. Emre has turned out to have been a terrible signing. Was the same for Owen for the first two and a half season with us, yet he seems to have managed to turn a lot of people around in the past 6 months. No way of knowing whether Emre would have been able to do the same.. Emre has been here longer than Owen and still shows no sign of an apetite to get off the treatment table and play for the club. they've both been here for 3 seasons actually. emre's played over 80 games for us in that time, Owen's played less than 50. If those figures are correct he has almost figured 30 matches a season, which is not exactly bad going. Just goes to show how short people´s memories are. Which isn´t to say Emre isn´t injury prone, but let´s not pretend Owen is any different..
  16. The most used things in his locker are the injury excuse book and the sick note, if he goes and we get a fee then we've done well. Emre has turned out to have been a terrible signing. Was the same for Owen for the first two and a half season with us, yet he seems to have managed to turn a lot of people around in the past 6 months. No way of knowing whether Emre would have been able to do the same..
  17. One of my favourite current players leaves. Pity about his fitness. We better get some proper class in midfield, or we will have to look forward to Grafters in Midfield United.
  18. Regarding Larsson, yes please. Right age, Premiership experience, good potential, available at a good price and probably won't command excessive wages. I can see us replacing Emre with him, and even though he has less natural ability than the little Turk, it would still be a good swap simply because Larsson will offer us more in terms of reliability.
  19. Between the moment where he celebrated saving that Giggs shot with a header and the moment he missed the pen it looked like he had aged 10 years in one hour..
  20. Nope, as long as you don't stop your run altogether its allowed. He did stop though... That's the whole thing. You can stop now. They changed it a good couple of years ago already at least. Ridiculous if true.. Can you move backwards and make dummies until the goalkeeper either makes a move or falls asleep?
  21. Nope, as long as you don't stop your run altogether its allowed. How did he not stop though. He was just stood there for seconds..?
  22. Slightly off topic, but am I right in thinking a run in like Ronaldo's isn't actually allowed. Would have had to be retakan had it gone in surely?
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