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Everything posted by Unbelievable

  1. Because I think you're wrong, as I said time will tell though. Just so I understand, in what scenario will you be proven right? That they don't take over the club as a result of this loan. If they wanted to own the club they would be in charge already. Simple really, But that is not really up to the Americans surely? If Donald doesn't cough up his interest or repayments they take over by default unless they're happy to write off their 10m investment when they have the club, the ground and the training ground as collateral, which seems rather unlikely to me I must say.
  2. Because I think you're wrong, as I said time will tell though. Just so I understand, in what scenario will you be proven right?
  3. They will do whatever gives them the highest return on their investment, I've never argued otherwise. It's just why would you invest 50m when you can get the asset for a fraction of that price a few months down the line? They may never get the club and only receive some interest until the loan is repaid, they may get control of the club and invest in its future, they may take control and asset strip the hell out of it, who knows, but the only thing I can't condone is the oft repeated "if they wanted the club they would be owners right now". It's the same as saying if someone wanted NUFC they would be owners right now. There are plenty of people who have shown a firm interest in buying the club but who have been put off by Ashley's asking price, his negotiation tactics or something they found during due dilligence. These Americans may want the club (for whatever motive), but that doesn't mean they are prepared to pay anything to get it; that's just not how smart investors and business men operate. I don't understand why that's so hard to understand?
  4. That's IF the yank who gave them the finance see it as a football club as opposed to development land. The big million dollar question. If they were really that interested in the football club then they would have taken over already. but isn't that dickhead wanting £30-40m for it, if you're the yanks why not lend them £10m and if they fail to pay take the lot for a fraction of the asking price? I’m with mojo on this. If you can get an asset now for 30, 40 or even 50m the Don thinks it’s worth, or provide a loan you get interest on and probably allows to take control for only the 10 million loan value then waiting a few months to save paying over the odds is a no brainer for a business man. As for their future plans for the club if they get it, I don’t think anybody outside of them and a few trusted advisors really knows. The Don alluded to them seeming trustworthy, but he was desperate for an input of cash and hardly the best judge of character going of his record in appointing key people so far. I enjoy seeing them falter to a certain extent, but I hope they survive and get their day in the sun again. As fans of a club owned by a clueless t*** and knowing what their club means to their fans like ours to us, I wouldn’t wish administration on them or any fan of any other football club. Because if they went up he would be asking at least double that price. If they really wanted ownership of the club they would be the owners now; and not waiting on the off chance that SD will fail his agreed payments. You're also not taking into account the reports that they looked at the club inside out in the due diligence stage and walked away. I'd claim the opposite. They clearly did their due dillgence and concluded from it that the club was not worth the asking price, so went for the loan option with a shot at getting it for peanuts later down the line. Hence I don't really understand why people suggest "if they really wanted ownership of the club they would be the owners now". Obviously they didn't want it badly to be paying over the odds. You say they may have to pay double next year if they go up, but that may well be worth it to them, or even not in which case they wouldn't be interested anymore. Still doesn't mean they should have bought the club at the over the odds asking price The Don was clearly angling for. Makes me wonder where I've heard that before by the way.
  5. That's IF the yank who gave them the finance see it as a football club as opposed to development land. The big million dollar question. If they were really that interested in the football club then they would have taken over already. but isn't that dickhead wanting £30-40m for it, if you're the yanks why not lend them £10m and if they fail to pay take the lot for a fraction of the asking price? I’m with mojo on this. If you can get an asset now for 30, 40 or even 50m the Don thinks it’s worth, or provide a loan you get interest on and probably allows to take control for only the 10 million loan value then waiting a few months to save paying over the odds is a no brainer for a business man. As for their future plans for the club if they get it, I don’t think anybody outside of them and a few trusted advisors really knows. The Don alluded to them seeming trustworthy, but he was desperate for an input of cash and hardly the best judge of character going of his record in appointing key people so far. I enjoy seeing them falter to a certain extent, but I hope they survive and get their day in the sun again. As fans of a club owned by a clueless twat and knowing what their club means to their fans like ours to us, I wouldn’t wish administration on them or any fan of any other football club.
  6. Sunderland in for Feyenoord reject and former Reading player Liam Kelly apparently.
  7. The Americans dont want it if they did they'd have bought outright. They want cheap assets they can lease back st a healthy profit That’s the fear. Nobody knows their true intentions I suppose, but if they were serious about financing Sunderland’s return to the top flight any time soon I doubt they would have gone down the loan route.
  8. https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/sunderland-v-blackpool-match-thread.1497777/page-18#post-30910891
  9. Fan meeting minutes: https://static.wixstatic.com/ugd/6fecdb_97e80104a63d414f9948bad215a0c7cd.pdf
  10. What even are these teams?
  11. Proud of your son HTT, wish him all the best. I'm not sure if I could have stomached sending him to my club's arch rivals, but I understand why you wouldn't want him to be part of NUFC at this time. It's also a matter of taking an opportunity when one comes by of course, and this way he can develop in a top class academy close to home, so everybody wins. Hopefully one day when your son will be a world beater Ashley will no longer be here and you will be able to convince him to switch allegiance.
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