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Everything posted by Unbelievable

  1. Yep, and they loan out players like it's going out of fashion. I can't see Uefa stepping in to stop Ashley doing owt.
  2. It will be 90 minutes of SD ads and you know it
  3. As a majority shareholder and director in NUFC I'm sure he could pay out dividends if he wanted to, and spend that cash any way he likes, so yes.
  4. ‘We’ve had to have the patience of a saint with Sammy and he’ll admit that,’ said Pardew, who warned the younger brother of former United striker Shola that his days at the club were numbered. ‘Now we need to see him deliver. The threat to him is still there – this is a big season for him. ‘He did particularly well when he came on at Swansea. He’s someone I’ve spoken about so many times over the past few seasons, talking about his potential. ‘He’s been a young player in the shadow of his brother for a long time. But this is a guy who is quick and has fantastic technical ability – he should be ripping this division up really, but he hasn’t been. Dat man management
  5. This is exactly it. Ashley called Keegan to London for crunch talks when Kevin dared to suggest the top four might be out of reach for Newcastle United. A month later, he replaced Mort with that sewage rat Llambias, who clashed with Keegan so badly and so quickly that it begs the question if it was not intentional rather than gross incompetence. What I would like to know is what happened in the summer of 2008 between Ashley appearing to give a fuck in May to pushing the self destruct button in September?
  6. Wow! Excellent research/article. Hope that serves as an eye opener to some of the idiots who still support Pardew.
  7. Get in! Five high profile televised Pardew bummings
  8. More quotes from the little weazel: http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/newcastle-united-owner-mike-ashley-7889661
  9. That article misses the point completely. He's not here despite his best wishes, he's here because it benefits him massively to be here.
  10. Excellent point. Ashley did not buy a debt, he bought players, a stadium, training facilities, a huge brand and a massive, loyal customer base, which was partly financed by debt, as would be the case for most other companies this size.
  11. Exactly, what good is it that our yearly losses (which was a problem tbf) have been turned around to yearly profits when it does not benefit anyone but the owner? Also, this turnaround is almost entirely a result of TV revenue growing exponentially, something that the old owner(s) or indeed anyone else could also have achieved.
  12. Who is ignoring it though Ian? If anything, Wise in his defence of Ashley is ignoring, or even downright dismissing the existence of the massive debt we still owe to paint his mate in a better light. Mike Ashley bought the club because Sir John Hall wanted out. He was not forced to buy us, nor was he the only party interested. This suggestion that Ashley has come in and done us a huge favour by taking us over and "wiping out the debt" is simply bollocks on so many levels. I just mean, it is much better to owe this debt to Mike Ashley than to Barclays bank, particularly in the recent financial climate. And also it's no longer growing like it was before. These are positives. I agree that Ashley didn't have to buy us. I don't consider it a 'huge favour' I just think it's an improvement in our financial situation. But it's not Ian. See below the development of our commercial income in Ashley's tenure compared to our rivals. The debt (which stood at around 70M if I remember correctly when Ashley took over) could easily have been swept away just by developing our commercial revenue as per PL average: http://www.themag.co.uk/assets/Commercial.jpg As it is, we still owe the debt, which has nearly doubled, and we have SD plastered all over SJP with absolutely no benefit to the club.
  13. Who is ignoring it though Ian? If anything, Wise in his defence of Ashley is ignoring, or even downright dismissing the existence of the massive debt we still owe to paint his mate in a better light. Mike Ashley bought the club because Sir John Hall wanted out. He was not forced to buy us, nor was he the only party interested. This suggestion that Ashley has come in and done us a huge favour by taking us over and "wiping out the debt" is simply bollocks on so many levels.
  14. Dennis Wise coming out to defend Mike Ashley http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/revealed-what-mike-ashley-thinks-7887570 Two things about this that really bug me: 1) nobody asked Mike Ashley to buy the club. They can f*** right off with their victimising of themselves. 2) those constant "no debt" jibes. We are still in debt, bigger than ever before. The club pays no interest on it, but this is more than offset by the lack of commercial revenue by plastering SD all over the place with zero compensation. All in all, we have only gone backwards in Ashley's time. Sick of his mates coming out all the time claiming differently, and the media lapping it up without question.
  15. Unbelievable

    Papiss Cissé

    The man is utterly confused.
  16. Need a Sun+ account to read the story, like. What the fuck
  17. Yeah, missed the clean sheet points by 1 minute. 64 points makes it a pretty solid week still.
  18. What's stopping him owning both clubs? Nothing, I believe, unless both NUFC and Rangers entered the same UEFA competition.
  19. What's stopping him owning both clubs?
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