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Everything posted by Unbelievable

  1. As opposed to the first half at Everton, where everybody was wanking themselves silly over our starting lineup?
  2. Rise and shine Mr Foluwashola, your day has come again.
  3. Reading RTG's match predictions has made me strangely confident. For all their pre match bravado the past few weeks they're absolutely bricking it..
  4. Let's see you stand and take the majority of them calling you a pedophile in amongst chants about Jimmy Saville. Then after your keeper is punched and has a plastic chair thrown at him they move on to abusing him. He's right. They're scum. The Leeds fans as a whole - not every single one, mind, got some good mates who support them - are a f***ing disgrace to English football and have been for far too long. What does he expect? Obviously some fans will mock him. He shouldn't be managing if that stuff bothers him. It wasn't a punch either, he pushed him in the face. I'm not condoning it, but it definitely wasn't a punch. That guy was a faggot and I'm sure plenty of the over fans were, but I think Jones was over reacting when he said they shouldn't clap any of the fans.
  5. Lens puts Holland 1 up vs Romania with a header from well outside of the penalty area.
  6. Much too highly rated/hyped over here to be a serious option for our bench.
  7. RTG-esque Pretty sure it's an ironic post about the fact that Otter always says not worthy of a thread whenever a new one is started which could be put elsewhere but could also deserve it's own thread Aye. Got no love though . Also not sure whether unbelievable's post was aimed at me or the OP. OP of course.. It's pretty embarrassing..
  8. Unbelievable


    Especially as they're in the Europa League. Weren't when he was there though, were they? But I'm sure you knew that. This poor mackem lad has completely lost the plot - he genuinely seems to think Ba and Cabaye are our only two players who would get in a combined first XI. He must have had shit in his eyes when Ben Arfa tore them a new one a couple of months ago.
  9. Unbelievable


    I'm sure so would Lyon and Marseille.
  10. Unbelievable


    Ben Arfa "wouldnt get a game for any champions league club" apparently.. Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=735922&page=15#ixzz29J4a2vMr
  11. Unbelievable


    I love how their player comparisons are only based on a handful of games this season, like last season never happened. Cisse is completely shit apparently.
  12. Unbelievable


    Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=735922&page=13#ixzz29IwfuNbO
  13. Some articles about this deal claim our current VM deal was only worth 3 million a year? In short, who the fuck knows. I trust the club to have made a better deal than the one they ended on their own initiative with VM.
  14. That's very populist of you, but if their aim is for the club to be self sufficient it's not irrelevant at all. The same goes for the extra TV money coming in next season. I will give them the benefit of the doubt on this count until proven wrong, although I am well aware they've lied to us before.
  15. Agreed. Wonga is an unknown company over here and the mockup of the shirt some pages back looked a damn sight better than the current one with VM as far as I am concerned. On the other hand I can see why fans living in the UK wouldn't be thrilled about walking around with a replica shirt advertising such a dubious company to be fair. Edit: was on about this: http://i49.tinypic.com/33vyyw3.jpg
  16. The finances of this deal will determine if it's a good deal or a bad deal. I've read figures of 24 million total for the 4 years and 15 million per year. Considering Virgin Money was apparently worth 10 million per year I would find it hard to believe we would have agreed to anything under that amount, especially as we are also changing back the stadium name to SJP as part of the deal, which directly affects Ashley/SD's exposure.
  17. Now that would be good. Also, for those asking what benefit SD brings us financially a few pages back I would imagine not having to pay interest on a 200+ million loan saves us quite a bit of wonga year on year.
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