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Everything posted by Cristov

  1. It'll be at least £10m all up front seeing as it's City, I'd gauge them paying the 17m. Wow,they're going to buy one young player for a sixth of the price of the whole club..As an opposing chairman,I'd be putting that forward. You never pay cost price or actual value for a player. You're paying to buy the player + the cost of the inconvenience. We don't really want to sell Bassong regardless of how much of a strop he's in. Jack the price right up, I say. are you not buying out the players contract also? hense if a player is on a 4-5 year contract you have to pay a higher price.
  2. Cristov

    Keegan or Shearer

    with bobby passing, its occurred to me that we need guys like keegan. i know shearer is a local hero also but i grew up with keegan as manager and he is my hero. i would love it, love it, if keegan came back......soz. shearer will have his day, hopefully we are back in premiership.
  3. amazing, im sitting here with goose bumps all over, all the memories are flooding back. i was in morrocco his first game, but remember jumping all over the place when i heard the score. the Feyenoord game, what can i say, u guys said it all. the shola ameobi and carl cort mix up, lol. this guy is an utter legend, no other word can explain it. hope the club get some kind of dvd of his time at the club.
  4. worried about who we are gonna get sold to, i know anything is better than ashley but im shitting it that we'll end up with someone equally as bad.
  5. Cristov

    Pay cuts

    what about negotiating a salary cut with a view to increasing it above what it was if we gain promotion straight away
  6. kevin thompson at the gers would be a better buy, injured just now but is a quality player. might have to pay 6-7 mill though.
  7. think he is just playing it cute, imagine if he signed and by some disaster we were relegated. come near the end of the season and we are safe he will sign, oh yes he will sign.
  8. Cristov

    He's back?

    i want him back, want him back, want him back for good.
  9. was born in Walker but we moved to jockland when i was three.
  10. There are no categories or products in this category. this is all im getting for every single item i click on, think he has went bust.
  11. they only have fat sizes, or super small
  12. so glad, makes the media look stupid aswell. result.
  13. i'm not obsessed with a big guy, more about trying to get a coherent mix up front. for example none of these would really work long-term: Martins Saviola Owen Owen Saviola Martins Saviola so the only improvement he'd bring is more options in case of injuries or loss of form, we'd have, roughly, 3 of one type of forward and one of the other, and that one (Viduka) is really unreliable. on the other hand someone in the mould of Viduka with a bit more movement would massively increase our possibilities up front as they can do things that the rest of our forwards can't and complement, compensate and dovetail with another in a way two similar forwards rarely do. unless one of either martins or owen is on the way out?
  14. http://www.4sportsake.com/blog199h/index.php?entryid=1027 blah blah blah
  15. this deal best come off, or i'll be mighty pissed off. sick of seeing or transfer deals not going through. this one would be one too many. making us look like we cant see a deal through to the end.
  16. where's the 'were doomed' option, cause that is what i'm feeling right now. im shitting it incase hull do a double over us. REALLY!
  17. Cristov

    Budget Caps?

    how about a transfer budget based on where u finished in the league the previous season, for example the higher u finish the less money u have to spend on players.................. wait that sounds shit, just ignore me. soz
  18. we any idea when we might get comformation from the club and kick off times, wanna come down for the gers game.
  19. Well at least you can paint the house in it, or something. ahhh bollocks, i'll get some tart i pick up to put it on and post up some pics, might make it worth it.
  20. Just had a look was going to order too but why is it so cheap?? Anyone no?Hmm... free world wide delivery n'all. Looks like a VERY dodgy website that, it takes ages to load and they have the Newcastle long sleeved HOME shirt listed as the AWAY shirt! just ordered a portugal top, i'll let u know how i get on.
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