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Everything posted by Cristov

  1. sorry to revive a super old post but didn't want to start a new one, i've heard that old freddie is interested in buying glasgow rangers. dont shoot the messenger.
  2. what if we had at least one newcastle player in the squad, would that change your mind? think i would be more interested.
  3. GK Harper – 3 million Krul – 4 million Forster – 3 million Def R.Taylor – 2 million Simpson – 3 million Enrique – 6 million S Taylor – 8 Million Collocini – 8 million Williamson - 5 million Kadar –4 million Mid Barton – 5 million Smith – 2 million Guthrie – 6 million Jonas – 6 million Routledge – 4 million Nolan – 5 million Fwd Shola – 3 million Loven – 3 million Best – 1 million Carroll – 5 million just my thoughts
  4. think barton is worth a good 5M, think he might be instumental next season
  5. Again, this was not in any shape or form meant to be estimates on player value, it's about a threshold that we have to take the money, even if we want to keep the player, because the offer is silly money. For example I'm not saying for a second that Carroll is worth 20 mill or Jose 25 million, but if someone ponies up that amount, it's a no brainer to take it. absolutley, i'd take 15m for each of them.
  6. keeps the players chins nice and smooth, i agree
  7. good topic, think some of your estimations might be over the top though
  8. pinch of salt btw, so u dont think i was being serious.
  9. 75p on liverpool fulham, returns 12 quid odds
  10. £2.50 villa, lyon double in play returns £8.5
  11. Cristov

    Nicky Butt

    ahh soz, my bad. it is scholes.
  12. Cristov

    Nicky Butt

    thought he might have signed with oldham for a season, what with him being a fan and that.
  13. draw no bet. following on from this, if u put a £1 on a treble with a dnb and the result is a draw, would that £1 then go on as a double?
  14. Cristov


    forget these fukers for one night.
  15. Cristov


    i gotta feeling, that saturday nights gonna be a good night. soz, was on radio, couldn't resist.
  16. Cristov


    just wanna big up all the fans, i know we hear is loads but we deserve this. been a horrid few years but to do this so soon after going down is massive. enjoy it guys and girls. yeah im steaming but i really dont care. love u guys.
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