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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  1. use your non-dominant hand. It prolongs the pleasure....... or so I've been told/read somewhere......
  2. Don't give a flying f**k about all these journo's opinions, they haven't paid their £1 so irrelevant..... what is Alex, ahem, I mean the Trust saying about it?
  3. I understand what you're saying. Think I was just venting. People that go every game are getting pissed on from a great height and not only don't mind, seem to be opening their mouths (apologies for the imagery!) Just seems so illogical to me! Can't think of any other area of life where people part with their hard earned cash to get treated like dirt.
  4. So to sum up.... approximately 95% want bruce gone, don't trust the club and think we're going to get relegated but I bet the ground will be 95% full next home game. Fucking wallopers!
  5. Cancelled my membership a while ago but still receive their "member" emails and have received the survey email. Can't believe the uselessness of the questions. They'll just send an email/letter and get a Chronicle article with a headline of "99% of fans want steve bruce gone" and that will be their job done. What more can they do? Trust get a wee bit of publicity but haven't really ruffled any feathers so keep their contacts/relationships in place. Anyway..... how they need a fucking survey for that, c'mon Trust?! FFS!!
  6. Fact we finished 12 last season says more about the fucking state of this so called "best league in the world" than it does our wank stain of a manager.
  7. the man's just a little cuckold bitch.
  8. Howe by a country mile but to be honest I'd be somewhat disappointed in him if he did willingly work for big mike's version of NUFC.
  9. Even IF we give him that we were not "boring" against Leeds, therefore we were 'exciting' it's as if he's trying to claim it was by design "yeah, I meant for us to play like that!" I bet that if we got gubbed 5 or 6-1 he'd be in the presser giving it "at least we weren't boring eh? Are you watching Rafa? eh? Rafa? You there?"
  10. Bruce on chants for him to go: "I've had flak since I walked through the door. Unfortunately it's something we all (managers) have to deal with. You're judged on results & we haven't got enough at the moment. We're supposed to be 'boring Newcastle' but we weren't vs Leeds." Oh, you cabbage faced, snively, kunting bastard!!
  11. He'll be nicking that for his uber eats profile pic.
  12. Very sad to hear this. Wouldn't wish it on anybody. Hope he has the support around him he'll no doubt need.
  13. So much to to pick from in that dose of verbal diarrhoea but I've zoned in the above as really pissing me off.... it's the "so I have to accept" bit. Fuckin' hell! You can picture him saying to himself "Everyone is saying results have been garbage so I've got to reluctantly go along with that." It's as if its just our opinion that we're shite. No steve, we are factually shite! Google the word 'shite' and a picture of brucie's nufc appears. Bawbag!!!
  14. Oh, forgive me oh great one. We're shite cos we're not "balanced" enough!?!
  15. That bit in bold... I'm reading that two ways. 1) bruce is basically saying to Cashley "I haven't got the results, please hurry up and sack me". In no way am I saying he's in any manner "manning up". Just wants his pay off 2) or is he trying to play the victim again and imply that when a team doesn't get results it's 'unfairly' lumped on the Head Coach's shoulders. i.e. that 20 seconds against Southampton and not holding a lead against West Ham, well that's that all in the stars isn't it? Nothing that the person in charge of players and tactics can do about that surely? Fucking prick!!
  16. This 100%. Not saying the lad is premier league material but they way he's been shat on by bruce is unreal.
  17. Could there not be a "mutual parting". He doesn't resign and he's not sacked but a sum is agreed that will cover his mortgage on his villa in Portugal?
  18. Thick doesn't cover it. He could be worse manager in history but with a bit of savvy he could have controlled his narrative from the moment he got the job and had us, maybe not worshipping him, but would be on his side but nah. He chose his route and burnt the ships as well.
  19. Imagine being in Ferguson's dressing room for that many seasons and not picking up a single fucking idea on tactics
  20. Just watched that exchange. Like others have said he's rattled like. On the edge and just needs a gentle nudge. lovely!!
  21. The kunt hasn't quit yet cos this way he's guaranteed a seat at OT for the second coming. Bet he sits in the dugout wearing a ronaldo scarf as well. Fucking prick!!
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