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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  1. Was barely hanging on by my finger nails over the summer, the Euros briefly made me think there might be something left but nah, that's me done with the club in its current form and done with the PL and pretty much all football. MAY watch the odd Champions League match solely because I signed up to BT Sports for the american sports coverage. Can't even rouse myself with the thought that Bruce might get it tight once crowds are allowed back in. We'll roll wor sleeves up.........
  2. Just watched a clip of her interview. Well done lass! Makes the NUST "response" all the more embarrassing.... to be outdone on something so important to fans (i.e. it's members) by a 16 year old. They can consider themselves 1 member down.
  3. to understate it somewhat that's bad patter from the trust like. what the fuck?
  4. Oh Christian, just fucking say it man!!! Enough of this "I'll tell my story sometime down the line, when I've got a book to sell" pish. Just cough up the dirt and hang the kunt out to dry!
  5. Better looking than terry christian i'm sure but dani behr? Think not.?
  6. Rio defending southgate for being conservative. Two faced kunt.
  7. What's the deal with them taking their.medals off straight away? Is that a "done" thing with losing finalists? Being a nufc fan i dont see many medal ceremonies.
  8. Genuinely feel kinda sorry. At halftime i thought it was yours to lose.
  9. Mine too! Hey honey, if you're reading this I love you so much, thank you for making me the man I am today. Never knew I could appreciate home furnishing and HGTV so much. Oh, and that other 'stuff' in my browsing history.... that must be some kinda of virus.
  10. Turned on the telly.... wish to God I hadn't.... see the shite has started already on every fucking channel!!.
  11. Yes is true Rafa.... I stormed in to to see Gullit, took the door of it's hinges and nutted the bastard.
  12. It's coming home my fucking arse! Forza Azzurri!!!
  13. Was just about to post something similar. Proper
  14. Not I really give a flying fuck unless a takeover happens but was thinking earlier about first Rafa v bruce game. Everton fans still unsure about Rafa, toon fans singing Rafa song constantly for 90mins and bruce crying in to his bacon roll that no one loves him.
  15. Hopefully he wants bruce to join him and run the burger van at the training ground.
  16. wonder if the press will still be so against him now. not that Everton are media darlings but they ain't us.
  17. That's gonna cut like a knife that is. Could handle him being at another club abroad but not at another premiership club.
  18. oh joy.... can't wait for the commentary on the next game, all pre match chat, all post match chat to be all about "it's coming home". Think I'll watch the rest of the tournament with the sound off. Germany have stunk this tournament out. Deservedly booted out tonight.
  19. 70 mins gone.... nil nil.... still in the game... a certain S Bruce would be happy.
  20. Having a no too bad work day for a change in a long while. Sun is shining, been for a run. Got Rush live in concert blasting out the tv..... good day so far.... hope you lot don't fuck it up by going and winning the match.
  21. Well bollocks to that..... See you all in another 23 years.
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