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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  1. Watching this just now... good listen so far:
  2. Getting automatically promoted to make it fair on the rest of league 1.
  3. https://youtu.be/C2cMG33mWVY
  4. I hope the fans that are down in Brighton on Saturday have a chant like "we've got that fella from bournemouth' just as a dig to bruce.
  5. I want a wor flags banner made with that on it for when he wins us something.
  6. same age as myself. What the fuck have I done with my life.
  7. Hot take: this squad with no more additions, fitness improved and players played in their right positions and we would be safe.
  8. They say that now but if we are still in the shit come January they will pump money in. Not saying it solves everything but it will help.
  9. But how many teams in that kinda position a) get taken over and b) become richest club in the world in the process? Most teams just get fat sam in and pray. Its not going to be easy but if we can't turn around 6 point deficit then we deserve it.
  10. I agree to an extent. Everyone is entitled to an opinion on if Howe is right choice but for some to start on "oh, he'll play Ritchie" etc. is bollocks. Id happily trail through previous pages for examples but on my phone just now so feck that. If you thought NUFC getting taken over would stop us being battered you're mistaken. Not going in to conspiracy pish but folk are, and should be, worried about what we could do.
  11. My faith has been restored. So many well balanced posts this morning. Understand some have concerns but some of the shite getting typed has been fucking embarrassing. Get him in pronto and get moving up this lifting league!!
  12. just trying to reassure myself....I think our squad, as it currently stands, would respond better to Howe than Dick. Get Howe in 18 month contract. Give it till the summer, he does well and easily keeps us up, his stock rises, Rafa has a 'middling' season and the scouse mackems turn on him big style. Then we swap managers. simples.
  13. hope you didn't even bother to open the window before you threw him....
  14. so has Emery actually turned down an offer from us or withdrawn from wanting to be 'under consideration'?
  15. before I wet the bed... what evidence do we have that it's now Howe? just that tweet?
  16. This. The timing of the takeover has completely caught them out. Fuck.... just go to Everton with open cheque book (are they still a thing?) and get them to sack/release Rafa. This whole thing of manager/director of football chicken before the egg kinda thing. Just hand Rafa the keys to whole kit and caboodle from a football side of things for a few years. He had a plan/vision for the club, might need a wee bit editing since it was last viewed but not much I would imagine. If he wants a DoF let him source one. Giving it to Rafa get's the football side off your desk somewhat and means you can get in about the infrastructure of the club etc. knowing the most important part is in safe hands.
  17. Someone is telling porkies! No communication but Hope says it's getting agreed tonight?
  18. So we have interviewed him (according to reports) without asking club first? Can we do that?
  19. Hope he signs before meeting the players.
  20. I hadn't heard of him until he landed at the arse and that didn't end well, so it's coloured my view. I want to be excited about this....Any one got any links to any articles/videos about him?
  21. Q1) Is it plant, animal or mineral?
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