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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  1. Maybe they are filming another one of those emirates airline commercials.
  2. Just finished reading that article. Fucking hell!
  3. Every time I see this thread bumped I'm always hoping it's someone confirming he's quit/sacked/chased out and is on his way back to SJP. I know we should never 'go back' but big part of me keeps thinking "what if......"
  4. Awh. That's sad. Wasn't a fan of a scottish club till my teens but growing up always had a soft spot for his team during his first spell at castle greyskull. Thoughts and prayers go out to his family.
  5. In the name of all that is holy WTF is that?!!!
  6. Missing the point of sportwashing no?
  7. Aye, me too even though I hadn't heard the name until 2-3 days ago.
  8. Was out walking the dogs and listening to a nufc podcast (back on them since the takeover) and was thinking about the press coverage. Was imagining what it would be like if Rafa and bawbag bruce swapped places. I mean, what if was 'local boy' bruce that had left due to lack of trust etc and it was Rafa that had replaced him and said and acted word for word they way bruce has he wouldn't have lasted 1 season before the press would have been slaughtering him and wanting him gone. The hypocrisy/agendas these kunts have is unreal!
  9. Yeah, completely agree. If I was some kinda of Bond villain I'd hack sky sports satellites and get that played on a loop (bar the lampard pish obvs).
  10. playing the victim every fucking time man. Does my heid in! He's not our manager anymore and still getting to me.
  11. Arrghhh....Sky sports laying it on thick with the sympathy.
  12. Mind's been blown! What is this witchcraft that they speak of? Would love to see one of them videos covering bruce.
  13. VHS? steady, this isn't "Tomorrow's World"!!!
  14. Praying that whoever it is makes a full recovery. Looked liked the physio was running across with a defib. Is that the only one in the ground? No others dotted about?
  15. Could I politely request you stop leaving the f**kin room?!
  16. 100% correct decision but by heck, VAR is bollocks.
  17. 8 pages for a pre match thread before squad is announced? When was the last time? The good times back?
  18. I Think that's just bruce's arse licker starting the jungle drums beating to get his mate good press for future jobs. Both of them know he's away.
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