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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  1. Just signed up to the Athletic for 1/2 price for a year. Only been on their site for 30mins but worth the £30 already. Why i didn't sign up sooner I'll never know. This is what sports journalism should be!
  2. Not that I've been thinking about this constantly... ha! Can someone tell me if the PL has said anything publicly about the tests or indeed if they are actually taking place? I'm not going down the route of it's all completely bollocks a la BZG last summer but more along the lines of have the PL stated openly that they are undertaking new owners test in relation to the sale of NUFC? If so, has that occurred at any point in the past? Must admit my knowledge of other club takeovers is limited to say the least but it's starting to feel like we've applied for planning permission to build an extension to the council and its in that period where if anyone has comment/objection please send them to the planning department by such a date. Has any other takeover been publicly known and open to everyone to object? Maybe i'm just being a bit of a snowflake and thinking NUFC are being treated differently to others.
  3. So on what part of the current owners test are the PL going to "reject the proposal"? Sounds like you are implying that they are going to be rejected under current test as it is but will be allowed to basically 'reapply ' at a later date under a "modified" test?!?!?! If they fail it today how can they pass it in 3 months time unless it's made easier which makes no fucking sense.
  4. From tomorrow when can go out 'exercising' as many times as we want and as far from home as we like so then seems as good a time as any. Just got to keep 2 metres apart whilst we circle the ground. Lol! After lockdown we'll look like that human chain thing (without the hand-holding!) from that movie 'Us'. Not hands across America, more Geordies across Northumberland!
  5. Did I tell you the time I was shagging a scummer from Prudhoe? I was mid-stride when her boxer dog came and licked me in the gooch. It was minging and mint all at the same time. Nice one HTT.
  6. He’s not saying there *is* an issue. Just presenting a few different options for what could be causing a delay. I think people are not reading that tweet with the context of what he was replying to. He quite clearly says there is an issue which wasn't anticipated at the start of last week (when he first said it could be done by Wednesday). Like I said I'm not shitting I the bed, still expect it to go through, but aye... That quote made me think it wasn't going as smoothly as they expected. This. Staveley thought it would be done last week, she was wrong. What if she's wrong about passing? She also led Caulkin to believe she was going to be our new owner 2 1/2 years ago. Hopefully its only a week or so delay, not years this time. She was lead to believe that she might hear decision last week but didn't. Could be myriad of possible reasons. Big jump to go from that to "wrong about passing". What if you volunteered to become NHS volunteer during this crisis and had to have a disclosure check done and were told it would take a week. After a week you here nothing, do you think there's been a delay or do you go straight to not passing it? Aye, but so BZG thought they were going to be our owners last summer. So what? They and Amanda the last time hadn't had signed contracts from the selling party and had submitted paperwork to the PL. Chill my friend. It's happening. Keep the faith!!
  7. Aye. Parting gift from a S Bruce. Thanks Steve! Now fuck off and take that prick with you.
  8. Trying to break it down rationally.... why are the next 7 days crucial? Could of said last Saturday that the next 7 days are crucial. We could be at same 'stage' next Saturday and say the next 7 are crucial. Is this because of 4 weeks from the 9th April? Do we know for a fact when the PL checks started? And like many have said, the current circumstances will no doubt have some kind of impact on timescales. 'Some sort of response'? From Ashley? At this stage what response can he give apart from telling the PL to pull their finger out? He can't call Amanda & co tyrekickers because they've fulfilled all obligations on the buyers side. Is there a period of exclusivity in the current sale agreement? i.e. after a certain period of time can he speak to other would-be buyers? Even if there is PL checks going on?..... Is he gonna come out like wee brat from the willy Wonka film and stamp his feet in his XXXXL jeans? Phew! Glad Luke remains confident. That's a big weight of my mind. Prick! There has to be progress? Oh, really. why's that? Don't get me wrong, I'm sure we all want this completed and signed off by all parties asap but just because a twat journo and some keyboard jockeys on Twitwank 'demand' for progress..... fuck off!! This is a mega deal involved big sums and numerous parties involved. Things will just take time. Stay calm? Again, the wise old owl has spoken. Telling folk to stay calm but in the same breath basically telling fans to be anxious for the next 7 days. Oh, and keep coming back to check my timeline for updates cos even though it's so fucking obvious that I know fuck all stevie wonder could see it. Oh, but he remains convinced it will be sold so just ignore everything he's said. If you've got nothing useful to say son, just shut the fuck up.
  9. Thanks to Ashley I've sometimes struggled to have an interest in my own team let alone follow paths of other managers....has Poch built a club up from bare bones previously? Or was acadamy, training facilities already in place? I'm sure he would produce on the pitch but can he make us heartbeat of the community like Rafa could?
  10. Benítez in that photo I noticed too and was all then done an image search for nufc team and it's one of the first results.
  11. Seriously! I had to watch that to see who that was. Was like, oh yeah, he plays for us doesn't he.
  12. So he'd still be our manager then? Fuck me! One of the biggest signs that we really do (hopefully 'did' soon!) have the most incompetent fucking morons running us. Who the fuck gets an 8 year contract in football?
  13. Not sure if this is a joke or note so I'll bite.... please expand?
  14. Personally find their stuff a bit hit and miss but enjoyed this one.
  15. Of all people being left in limbo by this whole thing, Steve fucking Bruce is the last fucker who's feelings I give the slightest shit about. This all day long!!
  16. Which cunt keeps bumping this up the forum??
  17. Apologies if it's been mentioned earlier but Gallowgate Shots have a cracking wee podcast with that Geordie dentist bloke explaining where the BeIn objections have come from. Didn't know that BeIn Sport used to be Aljazeera Sports and is owned by Qatar government and they're having massive ding-dong with Saudi Arabia plus shit scared they have competition in the region for showing games. Hee-haw to do with piracy etc. just pure looking after their own slice of the cake. Felt much more relaxed about it after listening to it.
  18. Did someone somewhere not say yesterday that poch had had a 2hr phone meeting with new owners? Now he's willing to talk??
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