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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  1. So that kunt is a good "good coach"..... fuck right off with that bollocks. Going down. Not even a decent home run will save us.
  2. I think we'll win. Basing it on nothing more than a gut feeling. Would be nice one day to view an upcoming match and look at our team and go "yeah, we've got this".
  3. Don't worry lads.....this is "only the beginning".......
  4. Does delighting so much in seeing this turd fall off his throne make me a bad man?
  5. Went for "pretty good". Quietly optimistic to see what we do in an attacking sense. Still got reservations about the defence though. Would have liked to have seen some recruitment done there......... Hopefully if they score 4 we'll score 5!
  6. 4 yrs...wow.... well done to everyone!!! Wonder how many pages pard-cunt will have by then.......
  7. Done. Many thanks Dave for all the work in keeping this going. Times I take this place for granted and just assume it's always going to be there. Best thing about being a toon fan in these times is this forum. Happy to chip in a little each month if feasible.
  8. This! Happy New Year y'all!
  9. Horrible news. RIP Pav. Thoughts and prayers with his family.
  10. Voted Yes. Only way I'd change it to be a No was if Steve has the balls (and the finance) to make his presence felt in the boardroom and shake things up big style in the January window.
  11. just ran round the living room...nearly brought the xmas tree down....do I care...do I feck!!! Get the fuck in!!!!!
  12. He's not injured..... Steve is playing mind games...... lull the scousers in to a false sense of security and deliver the killer blow when the team sheet is handed in and there is Williamson in the starting 11. Klopp will have to talk his players off the bus....they'll be shitting bricks!!!
  13. What was Charlie C saying about it?
  14. Rest in peace. thoughts and prayers with his family and friends.
  15. ScottishMagpie

    John Carver

    he's changed career path..... http://www.johncarverinn.com/
  16. It went very well? He enjoyed it? Pardew did a great job? It was fun? A pleasure?! Completely unacceptable. What he means is Pardew sucked his cock whilst he was guaranteed to start every match, be given the captains armband and have style/tactics determined around him so he looked proper mint. Still, canny player like.
  17. Christ man, how many people do you want on the board? Leeds & Portsmouth and that... Shirley we need someone of a financial nature on the board no?
  18. Im guessing Irving will be getting replaced and that person will be appointed to the board too.
  19. Surely this bodes well in that it hints at some cohesion when it comes to transfers. From what I read, Pardew and Carr 'clashed' or had different ideas. Can see Carr and McLaren collaborating a bit more on targets.
  20. It's a nice feeling having a manager that I don't absolutely detest. Steve seems like a 'good guy' in all interviews I've seen him in. Was impressed with his sky sports interview. Might all change come the start of the season and we've bought nobody and he starts bullshitting in interviews. Saying that though he can hardly come out and have a pop at the board for any decisions now that he's on the board himself!
  21. ScottishMagpie

    John Carver

    Feck! Just clicked on page 1 of this thread by accident but decided to have a read through..... where did it all go wrong?!! :'(
  22. So fucking "MEH" it's untrue! I was gonna say I'd give him benifit of the doubt etc. but fuck that..... not expecting results to suddenly turn around but I'm expecting less of a ashley bum-licker in pressers and more a defined playing style. Could see it would be him despite all these more exciting names "linked" to us..... the thing that really boils my piss in all this is that carver, stone and woodman are staying. Howay, only club that rewards consistant failure.
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