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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  1. Nah, Tiote will be back after Palace no doubt. We'll not see him in the starting XI again. He will have to be put in the shop window again in time for the summer.
  2. Go on alan... give those palace fans a dream eh? Fucking tit!
  3. ScottishMagpie

    John Carver

    Fuck!!!! curse of joe kinnear is contagious!
  4. Feck.... completely forgot about him.
  5. Bear in mind this is the same kunt which lead wor Al down the garden path just after we got relegated. Cheapskate bastard. His love of money will see him burn in hell.
  6. aye...wonder if they will revise that once we are relegated with this clown in charge.
  7. ScottishMagpie

    John Carver

    What a fucking joke this is! Can't say I'm in the least bit surprised and was half expecting it but still feels like a kick in the knackers. The only circumstance that would make this one atom of acceptable would be if that they announced a manager has signed a pre-contract agreement and will be coming in in the summer. So we are gonna start this process all over again once the season finishes when other clubs will be looking for a new "head coach". What if McLaren gets Derby promoted? WTF is gonna tempt him to jump to our titanic? "So Frank, a few months ago we got a vibe you could be interested in the newcastle hotseat, I'm sure we just need to click our fingers and you'll swim across the channel to get to us because we've had so many applicants. Oh, just ignore the fact liverpool/everton/any club run with some ambition would like to talk to you. I'm sure you'll pick us...." I'd rather be rid of the fat cunt and watch us playing in the fizzy pop league for eternity that suffer this anymore. Still bet come the next home game SJP will be full of 'support the team not the regime' wankers.
  8. just watched it. Normally have very little time for that show but that segment is spot on. So depressed about what our club has become under ashley's stewardship.
  9. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/30961101 apologies if posted elsewhere. Get this man signed on a pre-contract now!
  10. WTF?!! "All three have looked after the team...and have worked with the players on the trainig field since pardew made the switch...." There's a fucking revolutionary idea... trainers on the training pitch! What next? Start training with footballs?
  11. C'mon....where's the NO spies? we need someone camped outside the training ground, at airports etc. I personally volunteer to keep an eye on the gentleman's clubs of the city just incase Remi wants some 'entertainment'.
  12. fucking hope not. Was it not rumoured that he was high on Carr's list? Would be ready to start straight away etc. Hope it happens after we appoint Garde. Can just picture his wee fat face crying.
  13. T'Dave Dave - you'll get yours ya bass! tbf - i am just jealous i dont have that kind of power,
  14. Which wan of you feckers is responsible for the thread title?!?!?! Went from utter dejection to being really optimistic in a matter of seconds from logging on. In Garde we (will) trust.
  15. Trying to give him benefit of the doubt (once again) by saying soton were very effective with their game plan in the middle of the park but i honestly just think he is pish.
  16. ScottishMagpie

    John Carver

    I feel more upbeat after reading about what he said. Judging by his relaxed attitude in the latter stages of the match i really thought he was getting the job (my thinking being if it was me and this was my 'last' chance to make a good impression on my interviewers i would be going off my nut).
  17. Here for my first match since the cardiff cup fucking horror show last year. Better not get a repeat performance. JC..you've been warned!!
  18. ScottishMagpie

    John Carver

    Just been reading all his quotes from the past couple of days.....wish I hadn't! Now thinking they are gonna announce at the start of next week that he has the job at least till the summer. This f***ing club.....arrrrrrggggghhhhh!!!!!
  19. Oh I pray not! I'm in a pickle emotionally.....coming down to see the match on Saturday and really want to see us win. Was hoping we would announce new heid bummer sometime this week at the latest and there would be an optimistic/party atmosphere where we could look forward to where we could go under Garde or whoever and a ass-whooping handed to the koeman and co. .... on the other hand if they do play well and beat Southampton it might strengthen Carver's chances. which is a big fucking nightmare. Just hoping no news is good news and they'll unveil/announce our new leader at half-time on saturday..... like queeny at the olympics...sky diving out of big mikes helicopter.
  20. ScottishMagpie

    John Carver

    So let me get this right...... he gives Cabella a dressing down in front of the entire squad about his 'deficiencies'. Wonder if he's done that with Willo then? F**king clown this bloke is!
  21. Relax lads. Did we not beat liverpool in his first match with us? He'll turn it to shit as soon as he puts his "stamp" on them.
  22. ScottishMagpie

    John Carver

    I know i have missed something but thought woodman was going with pardew?
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