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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  1. Big Mike's pulling the strings I tell you!!! It's all a ploy to get the word "football" replaced with "soccer". How many Sports Football shops does he have?
  2. Great news this. Surely though, some of the shit that is undoubtedly going to be flying must stick to the fat f**ker at the top. Bit like Andrew Coulson apparently "unware" of phone-hacking going on under his nose. Whole f**king lot them deserve to be burn on a stick.
  3. Might just mean that he wants to get on Grand Designs or something.
  4. ScottishMagpie

    John Carver

    Is that cos he's got Madrid hanging on the other phone waiting on his answer?
  5. ScottishMagpie

    John Carver

    so does anyone know if this "rumoured" meeting that was taking place this morning to confirm his appointment took place?
  6. I must have been living on another planet.....when the f**k did the play off winners get a trophy? that's not right! In my defence I've never actually watched one before! Complete sky-hyped bollocks.
  7. Would be funny if he did get the boot, for him to hop on his moped and head north thinking he can just walk in to SJP only for him to get two finger salute from Big Mike and see Garde getting unveiled as new toon boss. Other side of that his he rocks up and Charver is being knighted by Charnley for "saving" us!
  8. Oh....and one more thing..... a massive FUCK YOU!!!! to Sky TV. All fucking week they've been hammering the line that we were going down and hull would repeat their heroics. Camera's there to see the Geordies implode. Have a laugh at our expense.... Well it didn't happen (saving that for next season!).... so fuck right off!!
  9. Yup. This sort of thing is far far more important than football, relegation etc... Well said.
  10. He went on telly to save face, nothing more. This. His ass was just flapping over the possibility of big crowds taking part in the post match sit-in and it being seen on the tv.
  11. ScottishMagpie

    John Carver

    Thought he came across like he didn't have a clue if he'd be getting it or not. Wonder if Garde's interest will heat up again after it 'cooled' recently....
  12. we've won a "cup final".....woo-hoo!! Now Mike, you can fuck off!
  13. ScottishMagpie

    John Carver

    safe hands for a greggs pasty but not for managing a premiership football club.
  14. Some of that money he's supposedly going to invest in the summer HAS TO go towards paying off the current coaching staff.
  15. The rest should just fuck off and leave Jonas in the centre circle to receive the love.
  16. That man is an inspiration to us all. Should get a stand named after him!
  17. "it was carver who brought him back..." Just fuck right off!!
  18. On the bench, unsurprisingly So fucking annoying to think that we have the players who could have us easily top 10 team if only we had a half competent coach/manager.
  19. Who's that imposter in the Anita shirt? Fuck me....where has that player been hiding?!
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