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Dr. TC

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Everything posted by Dr. TC

  1. Laurent Robert... Erm, I like Martins too.
  2. Miles better than Bates to be fair. £30 for a child's ticket at Leeds today ffs
  3. I thought it was nice that Viduka got Sky Sports' goal of the day, and the other goal from the same match got BBC GOTM. All those whining mancs going on about Nani can go stuff it.
  4. hangon.... I've just realised that Optomystyc Nyt is different to Optomystyc Nut So confused
  5. Chops surely makes it on current form?
  6. "Good job you put them gloves on innit?"
  7. Both Robert's from that Spurs game were in the same comp once, maybe we had another goal that month aswell. They were both in the goal of the season competition that year as well. The volley won it.
  8. Just because a fee is undisclosed doesn't mean it was free. Malouda transfer is thought to be around £13.5m, and at least £2m for Beletti. Unless you mean that they were neutral given their sales, in which case
  9. lol at the thread title change
  10. You tit. I just saw this thread, and with it being transfer deadline day, I thought we'd resigned him. Read through the I can't believe it posts at the start and had similar reaction.
  11. Ban this f*** tard. Demanding a ban is bannable offence! Take it you're purely stating that as a fact, and not asking for him to be banned? Subtle attempt to get BooBoo banned? It'll be worth the ban just to see the look on your face when you go down for this. You trying to get me banned? Bannable offence?
  12. An anneurysm is much less likely than hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. In neither case would he be dead before he hit the ground, that simply wouldn't happen without some direct damage to brain or spinal cord. He may have lost consciousness though.
  13. I honestly can't believe this. I didn't think there was an NUFC fan in existence who didn't love the local hero. When they don't play it I don't feel like I'm at a proper match. I live away from the toon now, but whenever I hear it I feel like I'm home again. I'd be absolutely gutted if they got rid of it, I feel that strongly about it.
  14. she doesn't hold a candle to moira stuart
  15. Who is the smoking hot girl in your sig? Hold on, I'll just change it so nobody else has to ask. Who's that smoking hot bald man in your sig? No wonder he caught pneumonia
  16. maybe he's just trying to make 100% sure he gets a spot in the first team
  17. Doesn't the end of his article admit it was all just a dream? Can't believe i wasted 5 minutes of my life reading that.
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