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Everything posted by abcdefg

  1. Frankie Fraser would soon motivate some of them it's true.
  2. It seems there were loads of free tickets went to schools. Cheers to the bloke who saved me 3 quid with one. Loads of kids of course, so a bit of a pantomime atmosphere, and I'm sure I heard a load of 7 and 8 year olds chanting 'fuck the reds', which was funny. As has been mentioned, poor defence, and frankly the Liverpool youth look far more like a team. Far from terrible though, just beaten by a better team.
  3. Apologies if there's already a topic. Come on, if you live in Tyneside there's no excuse, 3 quid in
  4. The flags looked nice, good luck to you.
  5. Well, in tribute to the late John Inman I thought it appropriate duckie.
  6. A bit camp, but I've been known to call it Sarah Jessica Park, I pretty sure that's just me though.
  7. abcdefg

    NUFC tats

    A nephew has the crest just above one of his arse cheeks, it's quite well done, but he's still an idiot.
  8. abcdefg

    Famous Fans

    I dunno, bloody KBJ's. Definitely shows a lack of commitment, tbh. He should be ashamed of himself, blaming people at the game when he isn't even part of the mortal Toon world.
  9. abcdefg

    Famous Fans

    Katy Hill, yer would, well you would if you were as desparate as me.
  10. He's not coming back, that's the only relevant point, it's not a plausible idea, and as for "I know more about the club than you", hillarious that this seems to come from the more "mature" posters. "Disgusting!", "Disgrace" etc.... Both Souness and Bellamy are gone, rowing about it now is totally pointless except to try to score points off each other on a messageboard......neeeeerrrrr, I told you Souness was shite...... If you're going to be childish at least try to be amusing with it.
  11. Oh fair enough, I'm just thinking say in terms of my extended family, most would claim to support Newcastle, and they vary between a nephew, whose knowledge is frightening, and others who are just vaguely pleased if we win. I'm happy to go to a game with any of them.
  12. Too right, everyone who starts to follow a team should know everything within 5 seconds. No, none of this bothers me as much up-themselves footy types looking down their noses at casual supporters. At least some of you realise it's pretty sad.
  13. abcdefg

    Liverpool fans

    Ideally you should never leave the street you were born in, eventually the effects of inbreeding will halt your genetic line. Not 'one' you understand, just you.
  14. A lovely if stoopid film, quite sad in places, but mainly funny.
  15. abcdefg


    It's not just recently, but it doesn't bother me at all, and I'm sure I wouldn,'t be bothered if I supported Brum that their other team are called City.
  16. You make a decent point, but watching Newcastle can get a bit depressing. Talking of manure fans, there was a load of them in Shearer's taking the piss before the game. I was quite impressed nobody disgraced us by breaking the cunts, as they were asking for it.
  17. abcdefg

    poor jose!

    Too pissed to read other threads now. Loads of you fucked off when the game wasn't on in pubs? Apart from you lot who went to Bolton obviously.
  18. abcdefg

    poor jose!

    I won't do it again. "Dear Jesus......"
  19. abcdefg

    poor jose!

    Are we not allowed to be sarcastic on boxing day or something. Jesus.
  20. abcdefg

    poor jose!

    This thread is just another example of everyone being out to get Chelsea.
  21. I'd never call someone a tit in a pub. If I meant it it would be a motherfuckerpissarsewank or nothing.
  22. Heh, I'm quite amused by people talking shit at games, not racist shit, I'd have a word, just funny wannabe manager shite, it's good craic.
  23. I don't think we claim to be Protestants from Northern Ireland. Yes, I'm picking on your spelling as I'm bored, generally I agree with you.
  24. We weren't bad at all, it could have gone the other way. Too drunk to say more.
  25. You maybe, not most of us though. Still bothered I correctly identified you as a rabid racist?
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