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Everything posted by abcdefg

  1. your embarassing mate His embarrassing what?
  2. Thank God someone's more incoherent than me.
  3. Dreadful season, but compared to Souness he's a gent. Fucking useless, but still a gent.
  4. Totally agree, dignity and no compensation, I've nothing against him personally.
  5. I taker it someone's posted this alresdy, sorry if so, I'm too drunk to read http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/teams/n/newcastle_united/6630751.stm
  6. I dare say I'm not the only one glad this season's almost over. As a bloke behind me left early I said 'see you next season', he gave me the wobbly hand thing. He'll be back.
  7. Fuck 'em, it's Man U. I'll be happy to laugh at Liverpool if they lose as well. I don't care if this sounds unpatriotic.
  8. Shameful supporting your club like...
  9. True, they've been known to make me nervous.
  10. The word you're looking for is bored.
  11. I like Rod, but 65 quid and they can get fucked.
  12. AZ I suppose, in the league I'm not sure.
  13. I didn't hear it, but I heard a pin drop on the other side of the stadium. It was brief but noticeable from the Gallowgate. And yeah it was a bit quiet, I was up for making a racket simply as I was in a good mood, but it was hard to motivate anyone.
  14. I didn't imagine the anti-Roeder chant today did I?
  15. It so is, but there's no excuse for CAPITALS.
  16. I said yes and I'll be there for the home leg at least. It's white knuckle because it's important, games you remember no matter what happens.
  17. IT, this is the funniest thread I've read on this board, cheers.
  18. You just keep getting better and better, another classic from the internets most clueless c***. wouldn't be surprised if the point of the post eluded your intellectual abilities steve. Don't feel bad if you feel everyone else is ahead of you in the class, you can't help it tbh Oh dear you finished? I don't know about him, but I have, all over your dirty thread.
  19. Off-topic but it will interest some of you, 7:40 BBC2 The Culture Show On: BBC 2 North East (2) Date: Saturday 7th April 2007 (starting in 28 minutes) Time: 19:40 to 20:30 (50 minutes long) Arts and culture stories of the week, presented by Lauren Laverne. Frank Skinner celebrates 50 years of hell-raising with the Fall's irrepressible ringleader Mark E Smith.
  20. Or just extremely bored, but that applies to any age group.
  21. 6 or 7 I reckon. Fair enough take your kid to one younger, but they're unlikely to know what's going on, and might get a bit freaked out.
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