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Everything posted by abcdefg

  1. abcdefg

    The FA Cup Final

    The BBC had a bloke at the first one as well. Same bloke possibly?
  2. abcdefg

    The FA Cup Final

    I'm still in bed, where I plan to stay, unless it looks really exciting then I'll go to my local. Rock'n'Roll.
  3. Uhu. Soccer Night's on next, I'm sure it'll be as exciting as ever.
  4. Bit of a weird guilt trip thing, I'm surely not the only one who finds that a bit, no very tasteless.
  5. abcdefg


    Anyway I use this place and Toontastic as someone else has always seen the interesting news before me. I'm lazy like that.
  6. abcdefg


    It's an informative site (well it tells you which games are on foreign TV), and often match reports are a decent read, you just have to accept it's the opinions of two blokes which you're not always going to agree with.
  7. I hope Charlie stays myself, with someone competent in charge I think he'll be one of our best players.
  8. Mindless optimism is what we do best, it'll pass
  9. Bit daft to get in a huff with a management team who have managed their first and last game.
  10. Is it mean to say that although I appreciate our loyal away fan-base, there's quite a lot of twats go?
  11. abcdefg

    'Big' Sam?

    Fat Sam's grand slam, speakeasy.... I know a bloke called The Head, well he used to employ a couple of my nephews, I assumed it was just as he was the boss, eventually I was told "no, it's as he has a massive fucking heed"
  12. Somebody send him details of the local golfing greens.
  13. Everyone likes a drink. Well apart from my mam, and diabetics, Muslims etc (well less strict ones do it). Is this pointless discussion still going on?
  14. People will moan about anything and everything This seems to be the case...
  15. Being worried about unattractive football is just one of the many things worrying. But I suppose all you need is a collective group of idiots, most of whom dont go to the games, telling eachother that they dont play particularly bad football and its nowt compared to what we've served up recently. Any evidence offered to the contrary makes the person an apologist for whomever and all salient points must be ignored and scorn will be piss poorly attempted All I saw there was white noise. I've barely missed a home game for years not that it's relevant.
  16. To worry about unattractive football is pretty rich considering what we've seen recently, for several years in fact, I think SA knows what he's doing.
  17. http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=39486.msg810076#msg810076 Merc'd! I'm always late to the party...
  18. Just so I'm the first SAM OUT!
  19. He was just shit at it, do you really think he did it deliberately?
  20. Money on one of the conditions of his contract being 'Terry Mac can fuck right off'.
  21. The Chronicle is basically the propaganda wing of Newcastle United, and they're reporting it as fact.
  22. Glenn for the Spartans, it's his level.
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