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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Hope the Guv gave him a heads up before writing that. Pretty much fucked him over, however much we might disagree with what he has allegedly had to say. If there's any accuracy to what he's said then he deserves every bit of stick he'll inevitably get. A NUFC player not understanding the historical importance of KK is fucking sacrilege. He wouldn't be here now for one. In saying that, I always felt KK had a bit of blind spot in choosing Keepers but even he wouldn't have employed the Blob.
  2. He's gonna get battered on twitter now.
  3. It's to be expected that from Elliott. When the message from the very top is that mediocrity is to be considered 'mission accomplished' then what does anyone expect from the players? The very message we continue to broadcast is that of an ambitionless small time club. It's funny but when I type 'ambitionless' the spell check doesn't recognise it. Perhaps we should write to the Oxford English Dictionary and enclose a picture of our owner, along with some pritt stick. They wouldn't need to bother with a written definition. Might save them some time. The new MD's address was one of the most limited, insipid pieces of communication I've ever seen from a leader in business. I mean, how the fuck do you get on board with the tag line of 'bang average is just fine. Pound for pound'. What exactly does that address inspire? How on earth does that garner a positive reaction? Even if you were desperate to point to one, where do you look? Well..................er......................errrr.............at least we're not aiming to be in the bottom 3. Our club is toxic from the top down. Pardew, Lee Whatshisface and most of the players are complicit in that now. I fear for us. I can see how this story will play out and there's certainly going to be 'relegations' involved. Ashley is demolishing us brick by brick. Only he's leaving the ones on the outside of the stadium to last. Inside it's just a hollow shell and with a fair wind, it'll all come crumbling in, leaving him standing there with his spade wearing just a hard hat, nasty SD high vis and stupid grin. 'That'll teach them to take Big Mike on'. That fair wind will be relegation next season imho. I've been anti-pardew from day 1 but no matter who does the job, given the ridiculous limitations placed upon him, it's virtually impossible to sustain a competitive football team when you're constantly expected to sell players when they're at peak value, have low cost, out of contract or just plain defects thrown in your general direction and also be the face of everything from a PR perspective. Pardew is actually doing a General Manager or MD's role imho. He's certainly not doing a traditional managers job. It's no wonder he's fucking it right up. The bubble has as good as burst and we're all standing underneath with our hands over our heads, our eyes closed in anticipation. The question is whether we get showered with glitter or week old spunk. And knowing how well Ashley handles recruitment (and everything else, thinking about it)...........I know which one I'd be expecting.
  4. Minhosa


    Aye - for all they've got some obvious & historic issues, he's certainly not covered himself in glory this last 6 weeks. Even if just for the press/fans I would've thought he'd be keen to project a positive image. His negative vibes can't help.
  5. I, for one, will feel honoured to be royally humped 7-0 off them on the final day. I'll also welcome the endless 'Stevie G' Tylergasms from here until eternity, the cocksure scousers constantly referring back to the 'Class of 14' and the inevitable 'Rodgers is our God' banners. The Scousers I've met are for the most part, the most self-appreciating, attention seeking and arrogant set of fans going.......closely followed by Spurs Fans. I've got everything crossed that they fuck it up. Can't see it now though.
  6. Fucking Martin Tyler..............Did anyone else notice the total delay in any form of response for the Citeh goals? Seconds of silence. Compare that to Coutinho goal...............the manky bellcheese near enough called it before it'd crossed the 6 yd line. Wished it in. Sickening the Liverpool bias.
  7. I dunno about you but all these players seem a bit recent, don't they? Like they were all signed this season or something............. Weird.
  8. Absolutely. Negative bloke = negative football.
  9. Minhosa


    Bang on. Fucking shameful that their relegation enables our shitehawk of a manager to avoid the pressure of a performance/result in the derbies.
  10. Minhosa

    Lee Charnley

    Pound for Pound? What are we a fucking football club or a boxing academy? There was absolutely nothing in that statement to garner hope, enthusiasm or positivity. Translating it in google gets: We won't spend fuck all, we won't tell anyone fuck all and we'll not charge you any more for the privilege of watching this shite. Fuck off you pack of cunts. Seriously can't wait until Ashley goes and this is from someone who fully recognises the risk that we could get a Tan or Venkyesque new owner. There's nothing worse than floating around in the sea of nothingness. No meaning, no ambition, just no fucking point.
  11. Minhosa

    Lee Charnley

    Weyhey. Lets remain the premier league.
  12. If you're consistently operating in the top third of the pitch you have to weigh in with more than 1 league goal in 20 games. He's getting no service what so ever to be fair, look at the difference in Graham's record between Swansea and the mackems. Well.........yeah..............that and he's shit.
  13. If you're consistently operating in the top third of the pitch you have to weigh in with more than 1 league goal in 20 games.
  14. Some harsh shouts in there. Admittedly I struggled for a Keeper. Capoue I think has looked poor and Altidore is a fair inclusion in anyone's book, surely?
  15. Looking at the table, it's three from: - Mackems - Cardiff - Fulham - Norwich - WBA - Swansea Are there any players you would immediately consider worth picking up either to add bodies to the squad or capable of first team football?
  16. I'll go with: Stekelenburg Rat Demichelis Roger Johnson Alonso Zaha Fellaini Capoue RVW Cornelius Altidore Coach: Di Canio Special mentions for Dwight Gayle (£8m), Dani Osvaldo (£15m) and Lamela (£30m).
  17. - Players must have been signed in either the last summer window or January. - You've got to present them in a 4-4-2 or a 4-3-3. - You've got to select a 'Worst Manager' to manage them.
  18. Fancy the mackems tonight quite strongly. 0-1 is 16/1. Sunderland DNB is 7/2.
  19. Minhosa

    Lee Charnley

    Why make progress when the status quo is just fine.
  20. We'll go down next season unless we spend £30m+ on the first team.
  21. What's this cunt got to do to get sacked?
  22. Thats printing money tbh Yup - I've got it (though only at at 5/2) too.
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