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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. As opposed to.............we get beat, those fickle fan-boys whinge about being relegation candidates, a team full of grafters with a past it Manager and a shite new Owner and the pleasure of reading Sunday rags full of shite stories. Other fans don't even bother to mock us because we're not worth it? ------------------------------- Get over yourself Monkey. We're not going to be a top 5 team overnight. What exactly were your expectations at the start of the season? A top to bottom turnabout throughout the club with a first team everyone's suddenly raving about?
  2. Agreed. As he appears to be mad keen on the job I would have been inclined to offer him a decent basic (say £1m a year) and £10m for every major tournament he wins us. If he's that confident in his ability this will prove it.
  3. Dennis Bergkamp was signed by Bruce Rioch. See here if you don't believe me (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Bergkamp) Mort and Co are intelligent, well educated guys and they understand the club's situation more than any of us on here (they would have inherited all sorts of issues from Shepherds running of the club behind the scenes I'm sure). It's up to Mort and Co to deliver on our potential and I'd like to think they realise that means implementing long term, sustainable plans and not the sticky plaster mentality of the past regimes. That doesn't mean less emphasis on the short term, but it will mean chucking resource at those planning for and working towards the long term. I get the impression that some people are waiting with baited breath for him or Ashley to fuck up in order to use it as some sort of justification of the previous regime and their handling of club affairs? He's not put a foot wrong in my opinion and long may it continue. Continuity and stability may be buzzwords but they're exactly what we need and in Sam and Mort I'm confident that in the medium term we'll be a much better club for it. I, for one, thank him for his work so far.
  4. Disagree, thought Bellamy was much the better player. Given the choice of having either back (at their peak) and I'd take Bellamy every time. Even though he was a gobby little shite.
  5. Wouldn't surprise me to see Thaksin go for him whether Sven wants him or not. I would think Owen is a bit of a legend in Thailand and will be a marketing dream for shirt sales etc and for Thaksin's ego. May be wrong but if he was bought for £8m, he'd probably pay a fair whack of that back in year 1 from marketing sales etc.
  6. Hate having to listen to the odious, kerb-crawling, thick fucker. Nearly as bad as Motson. Agreed. There's a pecking order for annoyance and Motson tops it, closely followed by Pleat and then Garth Crooks, Jamie Redknapp and that Brummie cunt Chiles.
  7. Just what I was going to say. Surely someone at ITV has a duty to inform the thick fucker how to pronounce the name? He's a fucking liability is Pleat. Can't stand the old duffer.
  8. Quality goal in fairness.
  9. You do but my point in the original post suggested it was more around his services to football as a whole and specifically in the north east. He's not an ex-player but he dragged us from relegation 'likelies' to Champions League contenders. I do see your point though.
  10. Minhosa

    Mohamed Sissoko

    Seen him have some very good games and some pretty bad ones too. I don't think he's gonna be the new Vieira - thats for sure. Probably not.
  11. Thats a strong liverpool side. I'd still play Finnan ahead of Riise though and shift Arbeloa to left back.
  12. Its not a bad idea but whether the old boy will be around to see it is another thing. Also, the reason I suggested the stand naming thing is that it's not just a one-off and 'we're in the Bobby Robson Stand' or 'I'll see you outside the SBR enclosure' or whatever will be there for the long term. His name will be used everyday as well as in Geordie folklore.
  13. Thats what I was thinking too. I can't imagine Capello bringing entertaining football. I would've thought Barwick would've had that down as a prerequisite given the poor showing lately. Entertaining football? We should be concerned about qualifying first before thinking about entertaining the crowd. Entertaining football isnt feasible with the current group of players imo - strong defenders, physical and clinical midfielders/attackers, but no quality on the ball for that level. Thats why Svenn's England team were so defensive. He tried playing to the strengths of his squad of players - strong defense, clinical finishing goal, etc. Maybe he had his team sit back too much, and he failed to correct the inbalance in the midfield, but even if he had corrected those two errors, there wouldnt be any entertaining football. The only alternative if the aim is to liven things up is to play with a more open and attacking mentality, and since we dont have the individual players capable of maintaining possession, that would result in a suicidal gameplan against a side that can keep the ball - itd be like giving them the ball then stepping aside and creating an opening down the middle for them to run in on the keeper. Capello, Mourinho or Lippi would be good choices because theyre capable of coaching teams that can primarily shut the opposition out, whilst still doing enough in games to score goals, installing a disciplined style of play without their teams going all out defense as with Svenn - and theyve done it at the highest levels, so theyre able to handle the pressure. We have the players suited to that type of style and mentality, so with the current group of players, that is our best bet. As an example, look at England under Keegan, arguably the most attack minded manager the Premiership has seen in the previous half decade before he took over. There was the odd friendly or qualifier where his team looked good and scored goals, but why did we not play entertaining football under him especially when it mattered, ie the finals? Quite clearly it was due to lacking the players to do so, and since he was never going to coach a structured, disciplined team, the inevitable result was mediocrity. I see what you're saying but in the current squad the following players are all capable of playing freeflowing and attractive football; Rio (footballing centre half) Ashley Cole (See Arsenal days when he was best in Europe) Micah Richards (looks comfortable with the ball at his feet) Joe Cole (good passer of the ball and quality link-up player) Gerrard (Engine room but can instigate things across the park - rarely loses possession) Lampard (Perhaps?) Rooney (Whilst he's very physical, he's also got a great footballing mind and can create as well as finish). With that core and others to come in over the next qualification term I believe we could and should be playing good football.
  14. Thats what I was thinking too. I can't imagine Capello bringing entertaining football. I would've thought Barwick would've had that down as a prerequisite given the poor showing lately. Entertaining football? We should be concerned about qualifying first before thinking about entertaining the crowd. I disagree. When you take the last qualifying campaign as an example we should have pissed qualification and done so by playing good football hence crowd entertainment. We're shit to watch which is another reason the crowd didn't take to McClaren. He got a decent response early doors (first few friendlies) when we played some decent stuff. When that stopped, the crowd's initial warmth deteriorated. Eventually it was icy cold but playing good, attractive football would've helped the last manager and the players confidence.
  15. Thats what I was thinking too. I can't imagine Capello bringing entertaining football. I would've thought Barwick would've had that down as a prerequisite given the poor showing lately.
  16. Minhosa

    Al Bangura

    That's spot on. It's crazy when you consider the likes of Abu Hamza who preaches hate against the UK has been here for god knows how long with the authorities bungling attempts to deport him and criminals with EU passports are allowed to come and go as they please. Immigration hearings should be based on the individual, why should Bangura who contributes a massive amount of tax to the country, is a family man and skilled professional have to leave but someone content to sit on the dole in a bedsit is allowed to stay because they have the right passport? I don't give a shit whether someone is from Sierra Leone or Lithuania as long as they contribute to the country. Funnily enough 1878 - that was my first thought too. When there are so many dossers and wasters in this country (both home grown and immigrants) it's absolutely ridiculous to deport this guy when he contributes to the UK in a law abiding and positive manner. I would say the same if he was a successful businessman or whatever too. I think they're making an example out of him because he's in the public eye. It might well backfire.
  17. Something not quite right about Aussies chanting football songs. Can't put my finger on it but it just doesn't sound right.
  18. The East Stand Yeah - thats what I was thinking TBH but didn't want to offend any 'East Stand Lifers' who may have had season tickets there for years! I'm not being funny, but after seeing him last night (which was bloody heartbreaking btw), it's clear he hasn't got long left and something like organising a match with many of his previous players may take too long to organise.
  19. I think it would be nice to have something that acts as a long lasting reminder of his contribution to NUFC and football in general. Not something as predictable as a Statue. Maybe a campaign to name a stand after him or something? Oh, and count me in for both.
  20. If so, I'd be inclined to let him go now. Pay the lazy, good for nothing twat up and pack his bags for him. He's cost us a fortune in wages and wasted medical resource. Lets make a statement and release the bastard.
  21. To add to that.............how long has he got left on his contract? With what he must be costing us in medical fee's and physio time it's almost got to be worth considering binning him completely. Does the Trade Descriptions Act apply to footballers?
  22. Sick of the tabloids looking for a 'Newcastle Sensation' every fucking sunday.
  23. They deserve loads of credit having played in midweek. Some of those lads must have been knackered considering Brum didn't play during the week. Good result...............well done boys.
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