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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Agree with the concensus that says this won't get announced until the money has landed in the fat lads mitts.
  2. No negativity in this thread please? Ah yes, my apologies. Ha ha. Don't worry, I'm all aboard the positivity train other than that interview.
  3. That Lascelles interview was absolute dogshit. Who was the hopeless cunt asking the questions? Like someone from Arsenal TV. The way they completely avoided the takeover question and didn't even have the intelligence to indirectly hint or work around it. Complete waste of time.
  4. Watching Man City v Liverpool with the commentators tossing themselves off about how good Klopp and Pep are, knowing we are languishing at the bottom of the table with some fraud cunt like Steve flat beak Bruce in charge. The thought of how we have been ran into the ground makes me sick and having the carrot dangled in front of us, only for it to be snatched away would be sickening. Will delete my twitter as well, think if I seen Keys gloating I’d be tempted to get a flight out to Qatar and kick the cunt all over. This, all day long.
  5. Super post and me down to a tee also. I'd quit this place not long after the Bruce appointment and enjoyed a season of not giving a penny to the club in any way, shape or form. I'd be completely finished with all football if this deal dies.
  6. I've always thought the Kenyon stuff was made up and convenient for Ashley This is genuine, too many things line up for it to be, just need to hope it goes through asap The Kenyon interest/bid was 100% genuine. I've got no idea if he's still in the background, part of this other rumoured bid or completely finished with it all but I can tell you with 100% certainty it was a thing.
  7. I think that's a fair summary. It'd be a fucking ginormous call from the new PL CEO to reject the Saudi's. More so, knowing that Staveley is not to be fucked with from a legal perspective.
  8. Caulkins inside track is from Staveley. I'm not sure she can offer much reassurance at this stage as she cannot dictate the timeframes the PL are working to therefore, other than say the deal is where they'd expect it to be, I can't see what information he can get to offer us as reassurance. Can't wait for this to be over. I fucking hate our football club. I mean if the deal fell through then I’m pretty sure she would know about it. I honestly think we are in the last few days of this, ok so it could go until May 7th (possibly longer if you take into account bank holidays and the pandemic), however the Premier League I believe will want this to be over and done with as soon as possible. Once they announce the takeover they will have some heat to deal with from the press, however they will be in a perfect position to deflect this by discussing how they are working on getting games being played etc which will at least fill the back pages. Well obviously she would know if it had fallen through but nobody is suggesting that. We are working on the basis the PL checks are either failed or go on beyond the agreed exclusivity period which is why Caulkin has said the sum total of fuck all tonight. I'm not convinced the PL will rush this one through tbh. Gut feel is that the new CEO will have delayed matters whilst he takes advice and they look at every eventuality of pass/fail. I'd be surprised if their result was to be announced this week having thought it would be this week at the latest initially. I have a horrible feeling about this. Pray I'm wrong. The time period,for the tests has always been 2-4 weeks no one expected it this week. The Telegraph (Jason Burt) who has lead much of the exclusives on this deal reckoned the papers went in long before many others actually confirmed that they did hence my initial thinking of an earlier announcement.
  9. He is a complete cunt but he's only given a heads up for what is clearly going to be covering back pages tomorrow. Yeah, because there is nothing else to write about. I'd say he's done it more to demonstrate he's on the ball/has sources before the news breaks. FWIW, I think it is the case that there is more than one interested party. The pressure on the PL from the Staveley legal team should be fucking immense from Monday AM.
  10. Caulkins inside track is from Staveley. I'm not sure she can offer much reassurance at this stage as she cannot dictate the timeframes the PL are working to therefore, other than say the deal is where they'd expect it to be, I can't see what information he can get to offer us as reassurance. Can't wait for this to be over. I fucking hate our football club. I'm past caring. Get Ashley the fuck out. Replace him with ten Hitlers, and the family I queued with at North Shields Asda today who let their pre-teen son vape in plain sight. Don't fucking care, get him the fuck out. Sick of every fucking step of this shit. Aye agreed. If he fucks them about, I'd have no problem with the Saudi's inviting the cunt to an embassy of their choosing.
  11. He is a complete cunt but he's only given a heads up for what is clearly going to be covering back pages tomorrow.
  12. Caulkins inside track is from Staveley. I'm not sure she can offer much reassurance at this stage as she cannot dictate the timeframes the PL are working to therefore, other than say the deal is where they'd expect it to be, I can't see what information he can get to offer us as reassurance. Can't wait for this to be over. I fucking hate our football club. I mean if the deal fell through then I’m pretty sure she would know about it. I honestly think we are in the last few days of this, ok so it could go until May 7th (possibly longer if you take into account bank holidays and the pandemic), however the Premier League I believe will want this to be over and done with as soon as possible. Once they announce the takeover they will have some heat to deal with from the press, however they will be in a perfect position to deflect this by discussing how they are working on getting games being played etc which will at least fill the back pages. Well obviously she would know if it had fallen through but nobody is suggesting that. We are working on the basis the PL checks are either failed or go on beyond the agreed exclusivity period which is why Caulkin has said the sum total of fuck all tonight. I'm not convinced the PL will rush this one through tbh. Gut feel is that the new CEO will have delayed matters whilst he takes advice and they look at every eventuality of pass/fail. I'd be surprised if their result was to be announced this week having thought it would be this week at the latest initially. I have a horrible feeling about this. Pray I'm wrong.
  13. This is so Ashley's Newcastle. When's the fat cunt gonna sell or die FFS?
  14. Caulkins inside track is from Staveley. I'm not sure she can offer much reassurance at this stage as she cannot dictate the timeframes the PL are working to therefore, other than say the deal is where they'd expect it to be, I can't see what information he can get to offer us as reassurance. Can't wait for this to be over. I fucking hate our football club.
  15. Yeah. Although hairy hands has talked up this other bidder as being a big positive for ages and he clearly wasn't referring to his middle eastern rivals. The fucking wanker that he is.
  16. Aye mate, be fucking great if Ashley was replaced by some American consortium who took money out of the club instead and didn’t bother to invest in the city. An American consortium would be Ashley’s version of Newcastle with a different name above the door. The target would still be 17th, the cups would still be ignored, Bruce and others like him would still be our manager, and European football would be a tale to tell the grandkids and something they would dare to dream of. Yep. I was the one who broke the Kenyon/US bid on here ages ago. I don't know if this is the second bid being reported but, if it is, he'd be a fucking disaster. I got wind of some of the advisors to the deal and his initial plans and it couldn't be more small time tbh. He wanted to line up Aitor Karanka as the next manager then and was taking advice off some absolute muppets.
  17. Aye that's my feeling too....... If it's legally binding he can't though. If there is a clause for a non refundable deposit that suggests to me it is. In my experience, it will be upto and inclusive of x date. After that, all bets are off and exclusivity is reneged leaving the fat lad open to discuss a new deal with whomever he wants. Also means the Saudi bid would need to be renegotiated if he wanted to. All in all, we need the PL to get off their arses and make a decision ASAP. Surely though the exclusivity period would be inclusive of the Premier League tests as well preparing of the legal documents. All rumours about an exclusivity period have said that it goes to at least May 7th, which is the final day of expected time frame of the Premier League tests. In saying that if we got to May 7th and the Premier League said they needed a couple more days or so, that would surely be taken into consideration rather than scrapping a deal people are happy with and starting the whole process all over again. Would depend on the wording of the SPA mate. It wouldn't be surprising if they'd allowed deal completion, non-refundable deposit payment + x days/weeks for PL approval/completion. In the event that this date is missed, all power shifts back over to Ashley and he can either wait, renegotiate with the Staveley consortium or keep the deposit and find a new buyer. It's been widely reported that there were more than one consortium going through the DD process and clearly the PIF bid got to the end sooner. If these other guys are only two weeks behind, for example, Ashley could sell to them if he felt they would breeze the PL tests. He then gets his money, gets to embarrass Staveley and gets to leave us with a less wealthy owner which won't make him look as bad. Would appear a big win for the fat cretin imho. FWIW, I completely believe that there is other interest and a second bid and in fairness to the hairy handed prick Keys, he's reported that since last December.
  18. I think he’s finished and offers fuck all. Also, I hate pretty much everyone associated with this version of Nufc so my hatred is not exclusive to him tbf.
  19. Aye that's my feeling too....... If it's legally binding he can't though. If there is a clause for a non refundable deposit that suggests to me it is. In my experience, it will be upto and inclusive of x date. After that, all bets are off and exclusivity is reneged leaving the fat lad open to discuss a new deal with whomever he wants. Also means the Saudi bid would need to be renegotiated if he wanted to. All in all, we need the PL to get off their arses and make a decision ASAP.
  20. This does demonstrate (again....) the sheer disdain Ashley has for the fans of the club. That they throw around our hope/emotions on one of the things we all love most like it's a game. I hope the cunt gets covid the day he recieves the cash. Heinous prick.
  21. Agreed. If there's a way for him to fuck this up for us, he'll find it. That's a certainty.
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