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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. 'With or withoot the ball'. GET TO FUCK.
  2. Not brave enough to personally account for a negative opinion. Chronicle are completely complicit in Ashleys NUFC. Arseholes.
  3. Plans to rename Sports Direct as 'Frasers Group'.
  4. Get this viewpoint all day long . This whole period of the club just feels completely fucking pointless iyam. Like the middle bit of the movie when you're ready for the end.
  5. Aye, saw him at Leeds the other week. He’s ridiculously talented, sounds weird but he’s a really smooth player. Looks like he's got the lot tbh. Would love to see him in a game where he doesn't get the time he's getting tonight. Deffo one to watch.
  6. Who was it that mentioned Eze at QPR? Disco[/member] ? He looks excellent tonight here against Fulham. First impression is that he's a superb talent.
  7. He's also a big FOB (Friend of Brucey). Caulkin was talking him up earlier this season saying 'If Harper says they're good coaches then that's good enough for me'. Next thing we know, he's on the payroll. Quelle Surprise.
  8. Again? How many times has he been employed by NUFC FFS?
  9. They're great value tbh. I've doubled up with Leicester at 2.8/1.
  10. Take off the league win and change it to 'top half' and it's still the dream tbh. From Rafa Benitez to Steve Pissing Bruce and the rest of the world keeps spinning like that's a totally normal and acceptable thing. FML.
  11. You'd think so. He's been very complimentary about his employers over there and that appears genuine imho. If he's not walking out on a duplicituous cunt like Ashley, I doubt he'd leave these guys in the lurch. History would indicate he'd honour his contract and then come back.
  12. Minhosa


    It's not just those buildings/facilities. 'The Don' effectively said if they default on the repayments, then FPP get control of the club - the deal is basically secured against 'The Club'. Yep- the shares in 'Sunderland Limited' (immediate parent of the operating company) are included in the package. If they fail to repay, the chancers are out and they won't get a bean. However in terms of structure of the security documents, that looks pretty standard secured lending. The club must still be bleeding cash even though Ellis Short has got his £40m in parachute payments so any remaining amount will be going to the club. I thought they'd said it was not a loan and therefore not repayable?
  13. I see Chris Waugh did a piece last week waxing lyrical about the strength in depth across our defence, particularly centre back, but didn't spot the irony that it's all down to Rafa. It seems like these journo's have been encouraged to remove Rafa from our history and lay all of the credit at Stevie's door. I find it fucking amazing how all of the press, and many fans, just move on, just get on with, just look at the situation likes it entirely normal. It's almost like we never had one of the best coaches in the world at our club........
  14. Minhosa


    That doesn't tie up with what he said when he took it over as, from memory, all bets were on an instant promotion.
  15. I'd have no problem with him being employed by a genuine owner as their MD but he's after equity. He wants a slice of the pie.
  16. Totally agree and, as I've said all along, the Kenyon deal is bad news. Bad bad news. Completely disagree, with the history of 'takeover' groups and NUFC, you'd surely have to assume this group don't have access to the funds/are in on the joke/will have the goalposts moved on them/will write Mike a thank you letter whilst not buying the club. Pick an option, but that's what people should assume. Not sure what point you're making tbh but Kenyon has nowhere near sufficient cash to make a compelling enough deal for Ashley therefore he'll get lubed up and firmly rogered by the fat prick and, as a consequence, so will we as fans. Not mention some of the characters that he's surrounded himself with during the bid process but, suffice to say, all D grade ex pro's and mostly cockheads, as I wrote on here before the very first Kenyon news broke.
  17. Totally agree and, as I've said all along, the Kenyon deal is bad news. Bad bad news. I don't want some ass like Kenyon coming in either; I don't want a re-tread name like his associated with our club. I want new and fresh ideas. It's either a group like Orlegi who you could see building a massive infrastructure like you see at well-run clubs or you get a billionaire name like Arthur Blank, Mark Cuban, a ME Sheikh or something who is going to just throw insane cash into the club to take it from point Z to A in a matter of years. None of this Kenyon crony bull shit. Bang on mate. Has to be either mega wealth or sensible, experienced management who can communicate effectively. My preference, perhaps not for the obvious reasons, is mega wealth as that would most likely mean a clean end to the Ashley reign. Anyone who has to leverage it in any way will be bent over to some degree by the conniving fat cunt. I'd rather a multi billionaire was prepared to pay an extra £30m now and have it clean, even if that meant we had to go a couple of transfer windows without investment.
  18. Totally agree and, as I've said all along, the Kenyon deal is bad news. Bad bad news.
  19. He wouldn't be paying up front, he wouldn't be using his own money presumably but that does seem a low nett worth for someone to be owning a premier league club these days.
  20. Although it was to the team’s benefit, I’ve never known a manager drop a system after 2 games, that he’d used consistently in his last couple of jobs like that before. It’s like he’s flying us on auto-pilot at the moment but there’ll be a point where he will have to steer us himself and that’s where it’ll go wrong. Totally agree and that's a great way of putting it.
  21. Was the same under pardew. Just wait until we go on a bad run with the current formation, then he won't have a clue. Objectively, based on results, Bruce hasn't done too badly so far. Give Rafa the same level of investment and, yeah, we'd probably be doing better. I can't do it, man. Losing Rafa and going to this semi inflated balloon of a man is indefensible. Spending £70m or whatever it was to give him players rather than let a manager of Rafa's calibre spend it as he likes is indefensible. I don't care how many wins he gets, how well we play, where we are in the league. Fuck Bruce. Fuck Ashley. Fuck NUFC until they're gone. Totally agree.
  22. :lol: Yeah - had a mare there! John Collins John. There you go - my final contribution to this discussion !
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