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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Yeah agreed and if relegation is to stay how can it ever be equitable if, for example, Troy Deeney comes down with Corona and is unavailable for two weeks and even then not fully fit and yet Villa all stay fully fit?
  2. I'm certainly not saying it won't happen but trying to offer some insight into the potential issues from the sellers perspective as someone who has sold businesses in the past and understands the process. I've got a reasonable idea where Ashley will seek to use any potential delay to his advantage and getting back to the original point, I agree with the '7 days' comment of Luke Edwards (again, urgh). From a sellers perspective, I think there's lots about this deal that Mike Ashley doesn't like. What none of us know is his exact financial position which I assume determines his necessity to sell nor his ambitions/plans when he receives the cash. Presumably, that will determine 'value' for him. Every deal of this value (and much smaller too) is about compromise. Buyer gives a bit, seller gives it bit, buyer does DD, renegotiation etc etc. In every single scenario there is compromise. If this gets close to exclusivity deadline then Ashley's hand gets stronger imho. That's the point I guess I was getting at. I'd imagine he'd hate it being played out the way it is too fwiw.
  3. Yes of course but Ashley would want assurances that it was inches away. He'd probably also try to eek some more out of it in some way but he obviously would prefer 'a' deal to go through. If not, we wouldn't be where we are. That was never in question.
  4. You're right. Nobody knows. It was widely reported when news of the deal broke that exclusivity had been granted to mid May. That's what people are working off. May be right, may be wrong.
  5. You the Boss here now like? Also, can you point out where I've said anything about asking people for proof of anything? I've merely stated that people are justified in feeling anxious given the character involved in selling the club. I've not claimed the period of exclusivity ends on a specific time, but said that reports from both ends indicate thats the case. Wind your neck in daft lad. I'm absolutely sick of the negativity mate. We've had it for a few weeks on here, not just from you, today is just the tip of the iceberg. We are on the verge of becoming the richest club in the world, and more above that we are on the verge of having a club with ambition again, and having hope. We have had 13 years of negativity, and that's just under Ashley. People just need to calm down, all signs point towards this being completed soon, be that within the next week, or the next 3. I just don't understand why people are going around in circles to argue why it won't happen or to argue negatives. Fucking hell, once this is completed we are going to have carry the onslaught of negative press regarding our owners, and that's not just for a few weeks, that's going to be forever now. We have already had fans infighting on how to get rid of Ashley etc. People on this forum have tried so hard to get a Newcastle with ambition back, we have all had to suffer the fans infighting. Right now we don';t need it. Right now we rightly should be discussing what sort of cans we are having when it's announced and how they want to see the club move forward. We shouldn't be discussing how there is <0.05 value of it happening, and how so. Right, so you can't validate the claims you made. Cheers. Good rant. You haven't validated any of yours to be honest. You have just given an opinion piece. All I have done is asked as I have asked others to stop with the the relentless negative posting when after multiple people have explained how we shouldn't be worried, the negative posts still keep coming. Additionally, sending me PM's instructing me to take down my previous posts whilst attempting to belittle me aren't going to work. If I was trying to belittle you, I'd call you a daft prick who's not allowed to use an oven but I didn't. Feel free to provide evidence of the shite you posted though .
  6. You the Boss here now like? Also, can you point out where I've said anything about asking people for proof of anything? I've merely stated that people are justified in feeling anxious given the character involved in selling the club. I've not claimed the period of exclusivity ends on a specific time, but said that reports from both ends indicate thats the case. Wind your neck in daft lad. I'm absolutely sick of the negativity mate. We've had it for a few weeks on here, not just from you, today is just the tip of the iceberg. We are on the verge of becoming the richest club in the world, and more above that we are on the verge of having a club with ambition again, and having hope. We have had 13 years of negativity, and that's just under Ashley. People just need to calm down, all signs point towards this being completed soon, be that within the next week, or the next 3. I just don't understand why people are going around in circles to argue why it won't happen or to argue negatives. Fucking hell, once this is completed we are going to have carry the onslaught of negative press regarding our owners, and that's not just for a few weeks, that's going to be forever now. We have already had fans infighting on how to get rid of Ashley etc. People on this forum have tried so hard to get a Newcastle with ambition back, we have all had to suffer the fans infighting. Right now we don';t need it. Right now we rightly should be discussing what sort of cans we are having when it's announced and how they want to see the club move forward. We shouldn't be discussing how there is <0.05 value of it happening, and how so. Right, so you can't validate the claims you made. Cheers. Good rant.
  7. You the Boss here now like? Also, can you point out where I've said anything about asking people for proof of anything? I've merely stated that people are justified in feeling anxious given the character involved in selling the club. I've not claimed the period of exclusivity ends on a specific time, but said that reports from both ends indicate thats the case. Wind your neck in daft lad.
  8. The passage of time without good news, and our own unmatched ability to repeatedly snatch defeat from the jaws of victory? Aye. Or rather Mike Ashley's.
  9. Obviously because if they did they'd be bound by the NDA. Kanji[/member] and myself are talking from first hand experience of other deals and taking a read on the specifics of this deal. Nobody can be sure of anything here.
  10. Incorrect. Exclusivity enables the buyer to proceed for a given period, agreed between the parties, which forbids the seller from entering into discussions with any other parties (or progressing with previous talks from third parties who were interested). After exclusivity expires there is no restriction for Ashley to go back to the wider market/previously interested parties who PCP pipped to the post. It isn't incorrect. Your first para just repeats mine. The point you're missing is that they have already exchanged contracts, conditional on PL approval. If the original exclusivity expired tomorrow, it would make no difference. Buyer has a contract. As soon as PL approval comes through, they buy it. If PL approval was refused, then all bets are off of course - they can proceed with whoever they like, because the contract they have signed can be terminated. Again incorrect. If the PL tests take longer than the period of exclusivity then MA is free to agree a deal elsewhere.
  11. Free transfer move for Jean Paul the Frenchman, 23 years old, upside potential.
  12. Exactly my view. 'Ok, I'm taking £40m less than the asking price, in exchange for you not fucking about. You've got five weeks. Get it done.'
  13. Incorrect. Exclusivity enables the buyer to proceed for a given period, agreed between the parties, which forbids the seller from entering into discussions with any other parties (or progressing with previous talks from third parties who were interested). After exclusivity expires there is no restriction for Ashley to go back to the wider market/previously interested parties who PCP pipped to the post.
  14. Aye - could see that all day long. My main fear also as it enables the fat lad to move the goalposts. You really think there’s any chance of Mike Ashley having the balls to move the goalposts against MBS? ? Yes. In this circumstance, with this profile, why not?
  15. Gut feel says yes and that it's vital they get it done before exclusivity expires imho.
  16. Hence why the ' next 7 days is important/vital' comment from Edwards which I agree with. No exposure for the PL for as long as they are undertaking the test. It takes what it takes from their perspective. Their legal exposure would come from turning the buyers down. Good luck justifying that given the ease of the tests.
  17. It could. Both sides have probably agreed to a period of 4 weeks given they both know it never normally takes longer.
  18. Aye - could see that all day long. My main fear also as it enables the fat lad to move the goalposts.
  19. Aye - predict it'll get majorly political between the buyer/seller this week tbh.
  20. No but widely reported from journos representing both sides iirc.
  21. Makes no difference. There isn't anyone else waiting in the wings. No validity to the second bidder claims? They've come from fairly reliable sources, no?
  22. When has anything ever been straight forward with this fat cunt? People have a legitimate right to be nervous. Especially with what could be at stake.
  23. I think the argument being made for next 7 days being crucial is that by that point we are only 5/6 days from exclusivity being over. That's a huge milestone imho. Ashley, as it stands, is pretty much locked in. Nowhere to go. Unable to play any significant games. After exclusivity expires then boom! Everything is back on the table. Price can go up, lower offers could potentially be made(!), terms can be completely thrown up in the air etc etc. I can see why Edwards, the cock, is making the point and I agree with him (urgh). If we hear no news of major progress by this time next week it will not be far off panic stations and with good reason imho.
  24. :lol: . Going from dogshit all over the place to just casually demanding over £250m worth of talent arrives as a foursome :lol: .
  25. Sorry - next option was 10 and I thought that might overload it a bit. Have to say the results are really interesting and slightly surpising imho. 10 still wouldn't have been enough. I ticked the first 5 without even realising I'd used up my quota. Problem I had was that I could make an argument for over 25 of them that fucked me off personally :lol: .
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