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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. I'm totally serious. Can't stand Rose or the cunt that signed him.
  2. Totally agree. Rose was such a Bruceosaurus signing. Completely on the way down and looking for one last move. Would rather play Dummett than Rose.
  3. This has Ashley games written all over it. He's a fucking scumbag. I'd prefer the Saudi's over some pony American Investment Fund/Kenyon every day of the week. Can't wait to be rid of this fat prick and his propaganda.
  4. Wonder if this is being communicated to benefit the sale of NUFC? To demonstrate that governmental decisions/funding are seperate from investment decisions? Is that too far fetched?
  5. Same people who, back in January, said it would be completed in the next 72 hours. I'd not give any credence to anything coming off those cunts.
  6. Or they might turn out to be useful contributors when they have more talented players around them. Both were on their way out of the club under Rafa. Mainly because he knew what the fuck he was doing. Truth is you achieve fuck all with people like Shelvey and Ritchie in your teams at PL level. Survival at best. Shelvey would be one of the first I'd ship out tbh. My thoughts exactly. Had we retained Rafa I think we'd have certainly looked to replace Shelvey last summer. I reckon he appreciated Ritchie's commitment and versatility though. He's an asset in that sense and that sense alone. He should not be starting games for us in 2020. He was onto Shelvey in a big way. I think the baldy cunt has even said he'd have left the club under Rafa in one of his puff pieces in the Comical this season, probably alongside 'training is great now', 'steve is a great guy' and 'the steve's are the best coaches there's ever been in my time at NUFC'. Ritchie was rumoured to be away a lot during the Rafa era too. I don't think it's a coincidence that those links stopped pretty much overnight when Rafa left. He was touting him about imho.
  7. Or they might turn out to be useful contributors when they have more talented players around them. Both were on their way out of the club under Rafa. Mainly because he knew what the fuck he was doing. Truth is you achieve fuck all with people like Shelvey and Ritchie in your teams at PL level. Survival at best. Shelvey would be one of the first I'd ship out tbh.
  8. I'd hazard a guess that he's used every trick in the book to cream cash away and all off the books.
  9. Christ! 'Well, y'know, in an ideal world I like playin 4-4-2 with a big man n a little man, av hurd it's tha future. Some might say, y'know, revolutionary. I wanna see the club move heaven n earth for a lad at Aston Villa. He's one of your lot is Elmo, a great lad, y'know and will fit in just right here providing the service for Big Joe, Big Andy and Big Little Dwighty. My last demand is aroond the staff canteen, changes are needed, wu need to be striving to be betta than, y'know, the neighbours doon the road where, av got to be honest, they dee the best bacon sarnies in football. For me, theyre' the proper club of the north. Other than that, y'know, I think we're set to achieve the dream next year'.
  10. what? he can't take money out of the club like that man very roughly it'll be 130m he paid initially paid back 130m loan to himself repaid 300m sale price rumoured so 50-60m profit all told plus the years of free advertising he's done pretty fucking well tbf And also the unquantifiable amounts he's creamed off the top from agents fee's etc plus the land sale, plus the free advertising. He's certainly cleared well over £120m imho one way or the other.
  11. He’s from Shire originally.
  12. Might sound stupid but I have a feeling that Spurs would still be due some compo for Poch hence why they're paying his salary - he's technically under contract, no? Unless they just stop paying him maybe?
  13. Minhosa


    Ripe for Ashley to be their hero tbh. If he's not already.
  14. Shelvey and Ritchie might as well not bother coming back tbh. Fucking turncoats.
  15. One year left in China after this summer, based on his original deal, on huge money and has been a heavy influence on their planning and infrastructure investments. Would cost a huge amount, in manager terms, to get him I'd think.
  16. He's still a guarantee of goals and that might be a huge advantage in respect of getting to the big money of the PL. I'd imagine there'd still be some ambitious owners/gamblers prepared to take that chance imho.
  17. I'd sell/release the following: *All valuations are for a post-corona market/allowing for reduced transfer budgets so may look on the low side for both sale and purchases. - Shelvey £8m - Ritchie £6m - Colback free - Rob Elliot free - Darlow £1m - Gayle £8m - Krafth £1m - Atsu £4m - Carroll free That gives me £28m income, reduction in wages and an overall budget of £128m. For me;- Max Aarons - £18m Merino - £22m (think him and Longstaff under Rafa would be immense). Rondon - £12m (teacher for Joelinton who stays for me for the time being at least) Martinez - £18m (Replacement for Carroll/Gayle) N'Soki - £15m Grealish - £40m That spend brings me to £125m and I'll use the £3m leftover on potatoes to throw at anyone in the stands who sung a pro-Bruce song at any point.
  18. Or option 5, keep the relentless failure who currently occupies the role because he's a nice bloke and puts on great training sessions according to new contract holders Matty and Jonjo.
  19. Come on then, going off Amanda's first bid numbers, we've got £100m to spend over the first two windows. You can add what you generate to the budget. Who do you buy and sell?
  20. Chronicle on the ball as ever. I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if this completes and then two weeks later Ryder tweets about 'nearing the end of the Ashley era according to our sources'. Also, whenever I've listened to him Douglas regularly gives it the big'un about Ryder being on the ball and having great sources and yet this has had breaking news journos from the Wall Street Journal, Telegraph and Eurosport. Not exactly local competitors. The NCJ rags are now basically news recepticles/recyclers for clicks. Nothing original, barely any informed opinion and they contributed fuck all in ridding us of Ashley. I hope they go under and Ryder can get on with what he should be doing. Serving tea and pasties to old ladies down the royal quays.
  21. Not sure I agree with you guys (LFEE/Yimentov) - for context, I'm 40 this year and was ardent then. Those people older than me who would still want to go to games have also experienced how good it can be. Also, there's a huge momentum factor. Just remember how good it was in the Spurs game when we were down, fucked and had the best atmosphere of the season to get Rafa to stay. When we are truly united, all on the same page, I'd say you'd be surprised just how close it could be in terms of positivity and momentum.
  22. There's not a safer bet to leave you £xxxxxxxxx investment with than Rafa. As a minimum, he'd guarantee safety even with this squad. As a maximum, he's a cup trophy and potentially top 5. Not only that though, the value of our squad must've plummeted since he left. Sean Longstaff alone must be worth £35m less than before. We got £30m for Ayoze BECAUSE of Rafa. Before Rafa, I doubt we'd have got £8m for him. He'd pay for his own buy out fee with one player moving out. One. Compare that to the current shithouse of an incumbent....... Has to be Rafa.
  23. Honestly mate there will be no place better to be in the entire UK if they get this right.
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