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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Minhosa

    Miguel Almirón

    Agree - this woud be my starting trio when all fit with Muto pushing for a place right behind them.
  2. Minhosa

    Isaac Hayden

    Agreed, he comes away from this season with immense credit imho.
  3. If he was called Longstaffio and we'd signed him on loan from Napoli last month, we'd all be desperate to sign him permanently. He's been outstanding. This guy would benefit hugely from another couple of years under Rafa's tutelage to fully blossom. He'd probably be shite under a PFM but under Rafa it's like his role has been completely drilled into him and he's sticking to it. Love how calm on the ball he is. He nevers looks flusterered.
  4. Fucking garbage in the final third. Just a sprinter.
  5. I'd like to see this; Rondon Perez Almiron Muto Longstaff Diame BA Baracus Yedlin Lejeune Schar Dubravka
  6. Minhosa

    Lee Charnley

    This cunt and the other Ashley Cronies should get it every time they leave their houses. They're toxic and should be fucking hounded for the blatent disregard they have for the fanbase. This is another good way to get at Ashley; make all of his NUFC Senior Employees too afraid to do their jobs.
  7. Thought exactly the same when he appeared on my screen.
  8. Absolutely. The thing is it’s looked even better because of the intelligence and ball playing of Lejeune and ball playing of Schar. IMO you need a both for this to work at its best. Agree and I think them two are the reason for the change in system as both can spray balls out to higher/wider positions and also offer plenty of cover when the full backs are exposed/out of position up the pitch. I noticed yesterday that both of them effectively become inside fullbacks when the two widemen go up the pitch and then return to a compact/solid three in the middle when the FB's recover.
  9. Helps that the centre backs are probably the strongest area of our squad, Fernandez hasn't even played last few games and he's a favourite. Lascelles was class today mind. Agreed on all counts TRon.
  10. He's got plenty of credit in the bank imho.
  11. They looked safe before Christmas, at one point they were 9pts clear of us, but I would fancy us to overhaul them now. They could well be the team that traditionally drops like a stone in the second half of the season. They're too solid defensively to drop imho. I reckon they'll be comfortably safe.
  12. I'd not drop him for Shelvey, Diame or Ki at the moment tbh.
  13. Really like this new system. Bring in Almiron and BA Baracus and we'll be much more dangerous on the break too. Hope he sticks with the 3 CB's.
  14. He’d had such a good game up to that point too. Bugger.
  15. Minhosa

    Antonio Barreca

    Was impressed with Carvahal last night on SSN.
  16. They've got leverage now as WBA really want Murphy. They won't have that in the summer.....
  17. Agreed. Would much prefer City to win it.
  18. Funny as fuck if Rafa get's him to break the record and then resigns on Feb 1st.
  19. I think he could be a great appointment for Leicester. Would be a very good fit. Sadly. Ashley staying and Rafa leaving is the worst case scenario we all feared. Add to that the fact that a certain Alan Pardew is still umemployed means we are one single play off doomsday.
  20. Minhosa

    Jordan Lukaku

    More like we used the medical as an excuse to move the goalposts and got told to fuck off and send him back.
  21. He's clearly said to Rafa 'sign a longer contract, on these terms, and I'll give you a budget for the window' to which Rafa has probably told him to put his money where his mouth is first. There's been a mexican stand off and the result is that we will only get players in on loan. I'd say this is to try to ensure safety and also in the knowledge that Rafa will walk in the summer. In Ashley's view, there would be no point in spending money on players the next guy won't want. Personally feel that Ashley will be very very happy to see the back of Rafa as he'll hate the political comments/games that Rafa plays. There's no way a Pardew, Kinnear or McClaren would have done what Rafa has done and certainly not as acutely. We'll be back to a yes man in the summer who he'll probably give a budget to, albeit small. The money is there but the fat lad won't release it because of the Rafa contract situation imho. The reason he wants Rafa to extend his stay is because he knows that the name and calibre makes us more attractive to potential buyers.
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