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Everything posted by SUPERTOON

  1. First game I’m going to in about ten years, can’t really make an argument for us to win.
  2. On the plus side I’m certain this will only accelerate the boards efforts to get players in.
  3. I completely understand that, but they still should have been able to win today regardless
  4. I mean how ? Yeah the players are shit but no excuse for us losing at home to league 1 Cambridge
  5. The manager absolutely takes the blame when you lose at home to league 1 opposition.
  6. Next few weeks are massive for him.
  7. Lost to a league one team at home ?
  8. They and we may have been shit for years but absolutely no excuse for losing against Cambridge.
  9. One of the most overrated players we have had.
  10. Liverpool say they aren’t selling him
  11. I’m struggling to think of many realistic strikers we could go for that would get us the goals required. Maybe Martial on loan ?
  12. Still expect us to get a couple in the second half, but we really need to go all out for a striker next week.
  13. We always manage to ruin any feel good factor as soon as we play a game.
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