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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Tottenham are apparently willing to pay Burnley 12m compensation to Burlney for Ings


    Wow ... great for Burnley.


    Completely forgot compensation was due.


    We're definitely in with no chance then.

  2. There is an article in the daily star saying the hierarchy apologised to Carver for not strengthening in January.


    Apparently Carver has also influenced the new transfer approach of more English players.


    Looks like it will be Carver.


    Article says we are after Bamford, Austin and Chester.

  3. if that guy is on here I'd like to tell him he's a f***ing idiot


    :lol: He was in the other kits thread showing of a Nike version last week. Imagine walking around with one of those patches on man.


    The mind truly boggles  :lol:

  4. And both Bird and Edwards said similar yesterday (alongside the other info they had clearly been briefed on)




    Similar regarding what?


    That the club are going back to square one on the shortlisting process and Carver is likely to be sidelined


    Praise God!



  5. Simon bird reckons carver wants an answer by tomorrow as he goes on holiday so maybe know more by then


    The cheek of this guy giving ultimatums, so he can go on holiday  :lol:


    I swear if this man gets the job, and he isn't run out of town by a ravenous mob, than forget this life!

  6. You'd think that even though Charnley and his dimwits are in charge of getting the new man, that if they did opt for Carver, that Ashley would have the sense to be like hell no!

  7. What player who are used to the league, could we get this summer for cheap? No idea.



    Mohammed Diame?



    Just can't see how it would work.



  8. we 'got rid' of Pardew after spending 4 years signing foreigners he didn't want to work with, the logical next step would be to sign a foreign manager and fill the squad with bog-standard british cloggers I suppose


    I mean what else could you do?




    The club is so stupid man. Just so stupid!

  9. Man ... this is terrifying. Actually feel a bit queasy.


    Can these idiots just get this appointment right please, and not hire John Carver!


    Can you just imagine it scrolling along the yellow banner on Sky Sports ... John Carver 8yr contract.


    The pain man.

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