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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Lampard does not belong in this game :lol:

    Nor does milner.



    At least Milner knows he has to graft. Lampard is playing like he still has the team built around him.

    Graft :anguish:


    I can't stand when a player is selected in an attacking position because he grafts.


    But yea Lampard is a good 3 years past it no idea why city picked him up


    Graft made me cringe too  :lol:


    It's not a dirty word or an undesirable quality. It's just become that way because it's all Pardew strives for the team to have.


    I know. It's definitely down to Pardew the word makes me shudder.

  2. Lampard does not belong in this game :lol:

    Nor does milner.



    At least Milner knows he has to graft. Lampard is playing like he still has the team built around him.

    Graft :anguish:


    I can't stand when a player is selected in an attacking position because he grafts.


    But yea Lampard is a good 3 years past it no idea why city picked him up


    Graft made me cringe too  :lol:

  3. Thinking back, I would say Welbeck does need to learn how to put his foot through the ball if he really wants to make it. He does actually go for the deft and the tidy too often, with flicks and s***, when sometimes some venom and power is required.


    Just needed to place it even, forget hammering it. Just something they need to stay on him about. He does like a bit of a flashy finish, as he does go for that dink a lot. Got the ability though, no doubt. Just keep it simple sometimes. That was a big chance.

  4. Yet he remains an influential figure in the Toon dressing room and led the calls for Hatem Ben Arfa to be moved on this summer, despite Pardew wanting to give the French playmaker one more chance.


    :lol: So Pardew is letting Coloccini run the team now, and overule him huh? Yeah, sure he is.


    Love the way they're trying to throw Coloccini under the bus over this Ben Arfa thing.


    Unadulterated horse dung. Pardew being a coward as always. Disgraceful stuff.


    Coloccini can get the hell out and all. Sick of this San Lorenzo nonsense.

  5. - He has lost as many Tyne-Wear derbies as the last 22 Newcastle United managers combined.


    :lol: Goddamn that's nuts.


    That is the most shocking stat ever! Nearly sent me to my grave, I chocked so hard on a chicken nugget I was eating.

  6. Sports reporters and outlets here in the US would f***ing slaughter Ashley and Pardew man. None of this s*** would fly here.


    No doubt about it. The media has no allegiances to anyone, be it managers, owners, commissioners or players.


    It's incredible what goes on in this country, regarding the media favourability for certain individuals.

  7. He has a massive ego and thinks he's special - simple as that imo. He's in an exclusive job that millions of people in this country alone would love to have yet would never be eligible for/considered, he's a multimillionaire in a position that (in theory, and in his presence anyway) inherently commands respect from some players, staff, media outlets, fans, etc, he's relatively famous and has a newspaper column, he almost certainly has some hot women throwing themselves at him and is probably the center of attention in his personal life  - of course he thinks he's good at what he does because his position in life reflects that of a highly successful individual in the greater scheme of things.


    I don't for a second think he's remotely aware of how s*** he is at this job, hence why he comes out with things like "if I was on the touchline I might have prevented that goal". Like Allardyce, the man is delusional as to his abilities as a coach, the type of football that his team plays, and his own importance, and no doubt writes off all of these criticisms aimed at him as coming from people who know far less than himself and who don't appreciate the constraints he's working under. Probably also blames the "system" that hasn't given them a fair crack of the whip (i.e. if they were coaching ManU or Barcelona they'd do alot better) and the foreign managers for taking all the top jobs. "If my name was Pardici....".


    He reminds me of the South Park episode "Fish Sticks" when Kenny says to Cartman that his ego is so big that it does whatever it can to protect itself, performing "mental gymnastics" to convince him that he's awesome. Just look at Pardew's attempts to re-write history with his recollection of Javier Mascherano being in the reserves under him (after initially starting games). All the PR stuff he comes out with in the media where he says "X/Y/Z wasn't good enough" followed by "I need to do better in this area", that's where he's lying imo - he probably thinks he did nothing wrong but is having to placate angry fans by accepting some of the responsibility of the failure caused by his players to not jump high enough and not run fast enough.


    Yes, a lot of what you say is very correct. He would have an ego indeed, but more out of his position and status. Certainly would delude him into thinking he was something special as a manager. He is absolutely disgusting.

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