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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I like it. Just getting more people wound up and irritable, and also getting the press pissed of too, and freeing them up to write the harsh truth. More pressure on Pardew. Hope he flops big time. I'm frothing at the mouth for tomorrow's game man. Can't wait.

  2. Louis Van Gaal ...


    “Football nowadays is not just a commercial business, but also to entertain the people.


    "When there are no fans any more, nobody shall come to the stadiums. Even the broadcasters won’t come any more, so it’s very important we please the fans.”



  3. http://www.theguardian.com/football/2014/sep/12/newcastle-united-mike-ashley-shares-rangers

    The Newcastle United owner Mike Ashley has said he will not buy any more shares to help fund Rangers, a statement likely to dampen speculation that he could take over the former Scottish champions.


    Ashley has a stake of more than 4.5% in Rangers who are trying to raise around £4m from the sale of new shares to investors as the club seeks financial stability.


    “I will not be participating in the open offer which closes at 11am today,” Ashley said in a one-line statement, referring to the fund-raising by Rangers.




  4. Van Gaal has a huge ego. To have an ego you actually have to be good at stuff, and then damned arrogant about that fact.


    Pardew sees the likes of Van Gaal and Mourinho, and then tries to mimic these types. He thinks you can just act that way, and it'll mean your awesome. He's an absolute embarrassment of a human, and has no real confidence or certainty in himself.


    Difference being though Van Gaal and Mourinho can back it up with trophies galore and medals not just the occaisonal manager of the month award


    Yeah, that's what I was getting at in my first sentence. They actually have ability, which is why I would term it an ego.


    In my eyes I guess, you can't be crap at something, and have an ego. Maybe my understanding is off. If you're great at something, and are arrogant about it that's an ego. If you're crap, and act arrogant anyway, that makes you delusional.



  5. To have an ego you actually have to be good at stuff, and then damned arrogant about that fact.


    nah, i meet useless, arrogant, full-of-themselves know nothings everyday and have done all my life tbh


    talent and ego are not linked in that way at all


    I know, I guess the point I was trying to make is that these types are just faking an ego. They can't back it up though, and in reality are just insecure people that are trying to big themselves up through these fake personas.

  6. Van Gaal has a huge ego. To have an ego you actually have to be good at stuff, and then damned arrogant about that fact.


    Pardew sees the likes of Van Gaal and Mourinho, and then tries to mimic these types. He thinks you can just act that way, and it'll mean your awesome. He's an absolute embarrassment of a human, and has no real confidence or certainty in himself.

  7. The guy can't take criticism, ultimately. Neither will he hear a word of advice that isn't in line with his thinking. He's an insecure, defensive type of character. The worst kind of person to ever put into any type of leadership position. We really have to get this guy out of the club.

  8. I was so upset when we went up against Palace man, I can't even tell you. Especially as our goals were all so crappy, bar Aaron's header, which was okay I guess, but certainly no result of knowing what we're doing going forward.


    Palace equalising was a huge relief. Can't stand the thought of Pardew getting a result at the minute, and then having him come out and run his mouth like it had anything to do with him.

  9. Imagine running up and down playing football in denim man. So utterly ridiculous.


    Guess what it isn't made out of.


    :lol: :lol:




    Yeah, obviously, but no one wants to be running around playing football dressed in denim though. Point stands! You smart arses.

  10. The guy can't take criticism, ultimately. Neither will he hear a word of advice that isn't in line with his thinking. He's an insecure, defensive type of character. The worst kind of person to ever put into any type of leadership position. We really have to get this guy out of the club.

  11. Wecant score goals, I know we scored 3 against Palace but this is very rare for us.  At the start of the season I was convinced NUFC would just chugg along this season, in no danger of going down and not enough to actually do anything.  Now I actually think we have serious problems.




    None of those goals were convincing against palace either. Under this manager, and with these current players, we're screwed.

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