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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. It's usually limited to someone hilariously putting the manager up for sale on ebay for 1p. This looks to be about 100 levels higher than that in every way.


    :lol: Yup, that's typically the level of effort you see.


    This one is so good man. Would be fantastic if all these efforts the website, the banners etc all paid off in the end. We all deserve it to. Gone on for long enough with this silly man now.

  2. Wilshere would look better on the left of that diamond than he did at the base, certainly. Delph was good and would serve as a good backup in that position. Carrick's time is up man, time to give Huddlestone a go in that slot.

  3. Yeah, Delph was really good. I think England are at a point where they need to just start afresh and give guys that are playing every week and doing a decent job a chance tbh, and then see who performs at that level. Sometimes you just never know. The likes of Huddlestone and Livermore should be involved for example. Curtis Davies too!

  4. This is all absolutely terrific stuff. Now we just need him to suffer some big losses, as that will be the clincher. There can't be any fluke wins the next couple of weeks. Absolutely vital that doesn't happen now. It's all building up to his dismissal nicely. The standard rubbish performances and losses will seal his fate at this point.

  5. Taken directly from fb...


    "I don't have any faith in anyone at the club. People who think a new manager would make a difference either don't understand how the club is run or are deluding themselves that some miracle manager is out there"


    Yeah I suppose, I mean we already have a s*** incompetant owner we might as well settle for a s*** manager and football to boot....





  6. She's lucky she goes flying onto the platform below, otherwise she would have missed the pool completely, and actually landed back on the concrete beside the pool. Mental.


    Looks like it might have been the guy that goes flying past her that spooked her  :lol: what a jerk.

  7. http://i.imgur.com/1mSIiB1.gif


    I could watch this for hours  :lol:


    Pinching her nose before diving  :anguish:


    Horrific run up to the dive :anguish:


    Horrific body control and co-ordination on the change of decision :anguish:


    Lack of arm strength to hold onto the rail :anguish:


    Legs apart on the somersaults :anguish:


    Terrible splash entry into the pool :anguish:



  8. Love the formation and selections. Delph and Henderson are perfect for each side of the diamond, as they have loads of energy, and are mobile enough to cover lots of space, as well as get forward and get back also. Wilshere at the base is not a bad shout, as he is comfortable on the ball, and will play it forward on the ground.


    Raheem finally gets to play in that position behind a front two that have good movement.


    I think England will look really good tonight. I'll be surprised if they don't. They'll play much better football I think, at the very least.

    Wow ... Delph is out of control. Are you kidding me? Yeah, this isn't going to work.




    :lol: I love him for that role, but such an early yellow is a disaster. The guy already got let off for diving in the first time, and then proceeded to do that. Going to be a huge risk the rest of the way now. which is a shame. I like the setup though.

  9. Love the formation and selections. Delph and Henderson are perfect for each side of the diamond, as they have loads of energy, and are mobile enough to cover lots of space, as well as get forward and get back also. Wilshere at the base is not a bad shout, as he is comfortable on the ball, and will play it forward on the ground.


    Raheem finally gets to play in that position behind a front two that have good movement.


    I think England will look really good tonight. I'll be surprised if they don't. They'll play much better football I think, at the very least.

  10. I'm sure Everton's plays replays cos they celebrate the goal and then the replay too. May be West Aaam.


    They both do. Giroud was shown watching himself be crap a few weeks ago against Everton and last year at West Ham vs Liverpool, the referee got something completely wrong but refused to look at the screen which was replaying the incident on loop the fact that'll he'll bring some females to the event the fact that'll he'll bring some females to the event the fact that'll he'll bring some females to the event the fact that'll he'll bring some females to the event.



  11. Huddlestone can best provide the passing needed from that position though. Similar to how Gerrard distributes from there for Liverpool. He will need dynamic hardworking types alongside him though. Was actually going to put Delph on the left of him and Henderson on his right, but think Wilshire could pull it off, and provide more going forward.

  12. That screen is going to be a big problem for Pardew man  :lol:


    Imagine the pleasure of having to see every inept effort of ours replayed again in slow motion. People will be baying for his blood.


    I've never been at a football match in the UK where a screen has been used in this way. Do they actually play live replays? Usually they don't so as not to embarrass the referee etc.


    Think they mostly show goals, or close chances etc Actually now I'm thinking about it maybe I am thinking of games I've seen abroad! Pretty sure it will be the same here though.


    Showing highlights of the other team roasting us, while we keep messing up, will go down very well I'm sure  :lol:

  13. Don't you guys have a game today?  :lol:


    How about mimicking Liverpool with a diamond formation when everyone's available?


    ----- Rooney ---------- Sturridge ---------


    --------------- Sterling ------------------


    Wilshire --- Huddlestone --- Henderson

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