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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Shola ffs :lol:




    "Mummy, I'm out of jollof rice, could you please make another pot and fast track it over to my address, and not to the club, as that really made me look silly in front of the lads last time ... "

  2. Depends what you mean by 'fix the issue'. Would sacking Pardew transform the ambitions of NUFC, of course not. But it might make each individual 90 minutes a bit more watchable.


    The issue is that we are willing to be a mid-table, nothing side with no relevance or desire to be relevant. We don't want glory and we do want balance sheets to look healthy.


    If we won the league through 38 victories of 1-0 where the goal had been pumped up root 1 and we won 1-0 I wouldn't give a flying f*** as a Newcastle United fan.


    Well fair enough then, we'll never win the league under Ashley obviously.


    As a short-term measure though, I'd be quite happy to get another manager and get the most out of the players we have. It's not like Ashley is going to instruct the manager to start losing once we look like finishing too high in the league.


    Aye, and I agree we should get rid of him. However, what decent manager would want to come here and work under Ashley's conditions?


    Let's keep on doing what we are doing and find out.

  3. It's all so confusing really. Until we get a half decent manager that isn't a buffoon, we'll never really know what our potential is as a team. We have to cross that road first, and then go from there. We are on the right track I think.

  4. I see where you're coming from, but at the same time Pardew is only a small part of the problem.


    Your point has validity but Freddy Shepherd being s**** didn't stop me enjoying Bobby Robson's team. It's extraordinary to say that Pardew is a "small part" of the problem.



    Poor and lazy comparison. Freddy Shephard always invested in the club. Not with his own money but he made sure we spent and wanted us to compete. If he landed god managers - we would be brilliant and that only happened once under him. But he tried.


    Your ambition is your limit. FS wanted us to be among Europe's elite - we never consolidated that position but that was his aim. Ashley's ambitions involve SD and midtable finishes. We'll never do better than that with him in charge. He'll sell the star players that got him there every season he can. We could hire Klopp and he would just take the £££ from all the players until the well ran-out.


    Well, let's push for a better manager first, and then see if that is indeed the case. It's the most sensible first step. Not convinced it would be as straight forward as you say.

  5. Hmmm ... Lee Ryder pushing some Hatem excuses that have no doubt come from Pardew's people. Desperate stuff. Love how Colo is being thrown under the bus too. I wonder why Colo was allowed so much say, given that he was trying to force his way to Argentina not long before. All nonsense.

  6. "He has a family"  :lol:


    Yeah, and they're living pretty damned well I would imagine. Are you kidding me!!! How about the families with far less having to fork out money to attend games and watch him do nonsense. Man, oust that fraud pronto!

  7. The fact is the club will never be what we want it to be as long as Ashley owns it but getting rid of Pardew will at least give us some chance of starting to enjoy watching our team again and regaining some pride. That's enough for me.........for now anyway.


    Yeah, we need to start somewhere. The first priority is at least trying to get rid of this manager who is incapable of using the players that are brought in, which is particularly frustrating because some of them are of a decent pedigree.


    If we got a competent manager in, things would be so much better. I mean it's just so awful at the moment not even being able to watch the matches.

  8. I know of Poles and Italians who get food sent over here from home. Not everything, but just a few ingredients and what-not.


    A polish mate of mine went back to Warsaw for the weekend and came back with about 5 kilos of Polish sausage in his suitcase.

    Apparently the stuff you get here just isn't the same.


    That's a bit different than having cooked meals sent over, which appears to be what the big man is doing  :lol:

  9. So people having food made and sent over by plane is a pretty standard thing then?! I never knew  :lol:


    Seems really wussy to me. How old is Shola? So the guy calls up his parents and tells them what to make and send over by plane. Come on now ... needs to man up. It's embarrassing.


    Get out to the shops and find ingredients for the foods you like, and get to cooking.

  10. My boss was telling me, last week that he's been talking to Shola's dad (as he knows him very well, through the church) Says Shola is settling in well, but is having to get English food flown out to him, as he can't getaway with the local grub. :)


    Food flown out to him?!  :lol:


    Can't he at least learn to cook what he likes himself. Shola is so embarrassing man.

  11. This is really a valuable lesson learned. Putting the facts out there on that website has been huge, as journalists have read through them, and seemingly, finally realised that there is sense behind the cries for his dismissal.

  12. Arnautovic is quality. If there was any point to our footballing existence, I'd have him here in a flash.


    He started off so poorly when he joined last season, and still has his ups and downs. He still looks shocking at times. But guess what, the manager sticks by him, because he produces moments of brilliance, and is a genuinely talented player, who is great when he gets into a rhythm. Our manager is a disgrace.

  13. Lets see what happens when we ge thrashed off Southampton.


    As I said earlier, all this work is great, because it's at least being discussed. However, we need to lose the next three games for it to really then have the desired impact, as people will then really take note.

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