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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Might just turn the TV off and follow the True Geordie's twitter updates.  Much more insightful.




    Can we just not watch/enjoy a game of football without "LOL Pardew would have Messi on the bench because he doesn't track back enough, ROFL!"?


    There are already plenty of threads discussion his shitness, I don't need to read it in every f***ing thread!


    Fair dos  :thup:



  2. I remember the lead up to our last game against Man City, and Pardew's comments about Silva and Nasri were "Can they go the other way?"  :lol:


    Embarrassing. I actually think he'd make this Barcelona team look worse than we do. He'd actually hoof to Messi.

  3. Isn't Wilkins supposed to be a decent coach?


    That guy always looks like he's just in it for getting the best seat in the house, whenever I see him on the bench :lol:





    Can I suggest that if you hate all things British this much you f*** off from this forum?


    Just seen this!  :mike:


    I've never cringed so much in my life. I've shriveled up into myself.


    Ray Wilkins? Sorry, but can't take that guy seriously. Never seen him say much that I found that impressive with his analysis, instead he was in the studio letting us know how matey he was with the lads on the teams he's been with.


  4. Someone was raving about him on the Sunday football thing on sky before Sunday supplement. Can't remember who now though.

    Glenn Hoddle?


    Yeah, was raving about his coaching I particular, it was an ex Newcastle man too. Can't believe I've forgotten now.


    The person was on the Sky Sunday morning football show , which was on before Sunday Supplement.

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