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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Opposing boss Tim Sherwood had set out to keep the St James’ faithful quiet.


    He said afterwards: “I impressed on the boys that we needed to press them high up the field and try to win the ball back and not let them pass the ball forward and get it to their players in advanced areas.


    “They moved it back to their goalie quite often and we nicked it back from them and when we got it back from them, I just felt we could keep it from them, and that’s what we did.


    “It gets very frustrating for any crowd to see that.”


    Out-thought by another rookie. What a f***ing embarrassment this clown is.


    Has Pardew ever delivered any kind of tactical rhetoric like that, explaining what he has set out to achieve, ever?!


    That really is a massive kick in the teeth. This is Tim Sherwood we're talking about, and he has already understood exactly how easy it is to completely break a Pardew team built over three years of stewardship.

    "We put a little pressure on them and they kind of fell apart." :lol: it's ridiculous tbh.


    I'm very happy TRon posted that actually, because it's a great example of players being given good instructions to follow.


    Tottenham did this over the whole game, and we never adjusted. Our players were clearly not given any instructions to counter this, not even at half time.


    Instead Pardew was in there screaming "life and limb, lads. Life and limb!". The French boys must have been baffled. Seeking out some kind of translation to make sense of his crazy ramblings.

    I wasn't having a swipe at TRon or Sherwood actually, just that the simplest of plans seems to completely unravel us.


    Oh yeah, I know. I was just emphasising both your points really.


    It was an effortless destruction of Pardew's top secret training plans, which he goes to so much effort to hide from the prying public, who hand out all his brilliant ideas and strategies to the press.


    He's a crazy person.

  2. He is a c***, mind. Not so long back he was saying how good it was to see Kinnear back and that we were 'flying' before he had his heart attack. As a fella I can't stand him.


    He's a suck up. Will use any angle to get himself favours. But can you blame him? It clearly works, as Pardew laps it up, because he's a pathetic man that needs his ego stroked.

  3. Powerful CM. He's not a defensive mid - he can't tackle very well at all. His best bet is to body and muscle someone off the ball by getting into the 1 v 1 duel and standing his opponent up. Any time he tries to go for a clean tackle he's usually beaten or, worse, putting in a U-14 slide tackle.


    So any midfielders that don't go to ground and just body people off the ball. Dembele for instance is great at it.


    I wonder if anyone has given him any pointers to try and do that more often, and put himself in position to do so.


    I wonder if anyone has told him anything remotely useful since he came in.

  4. Just cherish the wonderful things he did when he first came in. It was really awesome.


    Cherish them because they will never return. This guy is gone forever, and what is left behind isn't even remotely useful, not even a bit.

  5. "Gaffer, we're getting pressed high up the pitch and closed down aggressively, as we have no speed on the pitch. We're being dominated in possession too as Tottenham are playing three in midfield. What do we do?"


    "We put on Dummett for Santon. Dummett for Santon"

  6. Opposing boss Tim Sherwood had set out to keep the St James’ faithful quiet.


    He said afterwards: “I impressed on the boys that we needed to press them high up the field and try to win the ball back and not let them pass the ball forward and get it to their players in advanced areas.


    “They moved it back to their goalie quite often and we nicked it back from them and when we got it back from them, I just felt we could keep it from them, and that’s what we did.


    “It gets very frustrating for any crowd to see that.”


    Out-thought by another rookie. What a f***ing embarrassment this clown is.


    Has Pardew ever delivered any kind of tactical rhetoric like that, explaining what he has set out to achieve, ever?!


    That really is a massive kick in the teeth. This is Tim Sherwood we're talking about, and he has already understood exactly how easy it is to completely break a Pardew team built over three years of stewardship.

    "We put a little pressure on them and they kind of fell apart." :lol: it's ridiculous tbh.


    I'm very happy TRon posted that actually, because it's a great example of players being given good instructions to follow.


    Tottenham did this over the whole game, and we never adjusted. Our players were clearly not given any instructions to counter this, not even at half time.


    Instead Pardew was in there screaming "life and limb, lads. Life and limb!". The French boys must have been baffled. Seeking out some kind of translation to make sense of his crazy ramblings.



  7. Opposing boss Tim Sherwood had set out to keep the St James’ faithful quiet.


    He said afterwards: “I impressed on the boys that we needed to press them high up the field and try to win the ball back and not let them pass the ball forward and get it to their players in advanced areas.


    “They moved it back to their goalie quite often and we nicked it back from them and when we got it back from them, I just felt we could keep it from them, and that’s what we did.


    “It gets very frustrating for any crowd to see that.”


    Out-thought by another rookie. What a f***ing embarrassment this clown is.


    Has Pardew ever delivered any kind of tactical rhetoric like that, explaining what he has set out to achieve, ever?!


    That really is a massive kick in the teeth. This is Tim Sherwood we're talking about, and he has already understood exactly how easy it is to completely break a Pardew team built over three years of stewardship.




  8. You mean to tell me this guy is still in a job?


    He'll no doubt be in all of the papers begging for more time and stability.


    The man has no shame and no morals. Just wants to be in the job so he's in the spotlight, on TV every week, and he gets a paid wage.


    This guy will never thrive in anything other than say Big Brother, he belongs on a reality TV car crash of a programme.


    He's a horrid thing.

  9. The fact is the kind of managers that harp on about passion are usually the ones that don't know what they're doing.


    I didn't watch the game tonight and think those guys were just going through the motions. They just looked unprepared. They were running around for sure, but looked like a bunch of headless chickens.


    Must be incredibly infuriating to then go in the dressing room, and have this bush league manager yelling at you to give life and limb. It beggars belief.


    More passion, more investment, more English players. All this sort of rhetoric always makes me very wary.

  10. There was a time Sammy broke with the ball in the first half, and Cisse's run was so badly timed and so offside it was unreal.


    He was at least 6 feet offside, and then turned around surprised that he wasn't getting the ball, and just remained in said offside position.


    Psychologically shot.

  11. I think back to when Glen Roeder took over from Souness and it was like the dark grey clouds cleared and everyone suddenly got a huge boost. That first game against Portsmouth was like chalk and cheese compared with the games that came before it and was obviously topped off with Shearer getting the record.


    We need that now. Doesn't matter who it is anymore, we need a change because these players have given up. They are coming out, running around a bit, then losing and no one cares because that's the message the manager has sent out every time he opens his stupid face.


    :lol: :lol: :lol:

  12. He's a great athlete not a great footballer, he might as well do Judo or play for the New York Nicks.


    Mike, you going to take that?  :lol:




    :lol: I'd have Sissoko over Felton, tbh.



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